IntroducedOct 18, 2023
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
An Act modernizing firearm laws
Last Action See all actions
House • Oct 18, 2023: Published as amended, see H4139
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on H 4135
Whip Lists
- House Committee on Ways and Meansprimary
- Oct 18, 2023 | House
- Reported from the committee on House Ways and Means
- Reported on a part of H4090
- Bill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on House Steering, Policy and Scheduling
- Committee reported that the matter be placed in the Orders of the Day for the next sitting
- Point of order pending
- Point of order NOT well taken
- Decision of the Chair sustained on appeal - 132 YEAS to 27 NAYS (See YEA and NAY No. 59 )
- Rules suspended
- Read second, ordered to a third reading, rules suspended and read third
- Amendment 8 rejected
- Amendment 14 rejected
- Amendment 20 rejected
- Amendment 21 rejected
- Amendment 32 rejected
- Amendment 33 rejected
- Amendment 44 rejected
- Amendment 47 rejected
- Amendment 12 adopted, as changed - 158 YEAS to 0 NAYS (See YEA and NAY No. 60 )
- Amendment 6 adopted
- Amendment 19 rejected
- Amendment 31 adopted
- Amendment 46 adopted
- Amendment 38 rejected
- Amendment 28 rejected
- Amendment 34 adopted, as amended
- Further amendment 34.1 adopted, precluding vote
- Amendment 42 rejected - 26 YEAS to 133 NAYS (See YEA and NAY No. 61 )
- Amendment 30 adopted, as changed
- Amendment 40 rejected
- Amendment 45 rejected
- Amendment 15 rejected
- Amendment 16 rejected
- Amendment 17 rejected
- Published as amended, see H4139
Bill Texts
- Bill TextPDF
- House Amendment 1 (Withdrawn) -- Muradian, Jr., David K.; Title: Additional Reporting RequirementsHTML
- House Amendment 2 (Withdrawn) -- Soter, Michael J.; Title: Shooting into a DwellingHTML
- House Amendment 3 (Withdrawn) -- Soter, Michael J.; Title: Private DwellingHTML
- House Amendment 4 (Withdrawn) -- Soter, Michael J.; Title: Ghost GunsHTML
- House Amendment 5 (Withdrawn) -- LeBoeuf, David Henry Argosky; Title: Violent Crime Victims Compensation FundHTML
- House Amendment 6 (Adopted) -- Cahill, Daniel; Title: MassHealth AmendmentHTML
- House Amendment 7 (Withdrawn) -- Scanlon, Adam J.; Title: Military ExemptionsHTML
- House Amendment 8 (Rejected) -- Kearney, Patrick Joseph; Title: Exempting active and reserve military services membersHTML
- House Amendment 9 (Withdrawn) -- Muradian, Jr., David K.; Title: Additional Reporting RequirementsHTML
- House Amendment 10 (Withdrawn) -- Doherty, Carol A.; Title: Allowing off-duty police and security guards to carry firearms into otherwise prohibited placesHTML
- House Amendment 11 (Withdrawn) -- Linsky, David Paul; Title: Firearm Liability Insurance StudyHTML
- House Amendment 12 (Adopted, as Changed (Roll Call #60)) -- Cusack, Mark J.; Title: Off Duty PoliceHTML
- House Amendment 13 (Withdrawn) -- Cutler, Josh S.; Title: Police Safety CertificationsHTML
- House Amendment 14 (Rejected) -- Kearney, Patrick Joseph; Title: Requiring an emergency dangerousness hearingHTML
- House Amendment 15 (Rejected) -- Gentile, Carmine Lawrence; Title: Requiring a Safety Course Certificate with First License/Permit ApplicationHTML
- House Amendment 16 (Rejected) -- Gentile, Carmine Lawrence; Title: Removing Redundant Gun Registration RequirementsHTML
- House Amendment 17 (Rejected) -- Gentile, Carmine Lawrence; Title: Exempting Law Enforcement from the Safety Course Certificate RequirementHTML
- House Amendment 18 (Withdrawn) -- Gentile, Carmine Lawrence; Title: Exempting Off Duty Law Enforcement from Prohibited AreasHTML
- House Amendment 19 (Rejected) -- Gentile, Carmine Lawrence; Title: MCOPA Appointments to the Firearms Control Advisory BoardHTML
- House Amendment 20 (Rejected) -- Kearney, Patrick Joseph; Title: Military servicesHTML
- House Amendment 21 (Rejected) -- Kearney, Patrick Joseph; Title: Military exemptionsHTML
- House Amendment 22 (Withdrawn) -- Kushmerek, Michael P.; Title: Illicit Firearms TraffickingHTML
- House Amendment 23 (Withdrawn) -- Cutler, Josh S.; Title: Off-duty officers in vehiclesHTML
- House Amendment 24 (Withdrawn) -- Decker, Marjorie C.; Title: Demonstrations as a Prohibited SpaceHTML
- House Amendment 25 (Withdrawn) -- Ramos, Orlando; Title: Gun Court / Springfield, MAHTML