IntroducedNov 04, 2024
Passed HouseNov 14, 2024
Passed SenateNov 22, 2024
Signed into LawDec 04, 2024
TAX: Provides for the rate of the state sales and use tax and for exemptions, exclusions, credits, and rebates claimed against sales and use taxes; and provides for a flat rate of income tax for individuals, estates, and trusts, increases the standard deduction, and modifies or repeals certain income tax deductions and credits (Items #5, 6, and 8) (EN SEE FISC NOTE RV See Note)
Last Action See all actions
House • Dec 04, 2024: Effective date: 12/04/2024.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Senate Calendar: House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
Position: 9
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 10
Whip Lists
YES: 30
- Adams
- Hilferty
- Lyons
- Bayham
- Hughes
- Marcelle
- Boyd
- Jackson
- Miller
- Brass
- Johnson, T.
- Newell
- Carpenter
- Jordan
- Phelps
- Carrier
- Knox
- Selders
- Carter, W.
- LaCombe
- Stagni
- Chassion
- LaFleur
- Taylor
- Fisher
- Landry, M.
- Walters
- Green
- Larvadain
- Willard
NO: 65
- Mr. Speaker
- Edmonston
- Melerine
- Amedee
- Egan
- Muscarello
- Bacala
- Emerson
- Myers
- Bagley
- Farnum
- Orgeron
- Bamburg
- Firment
- Owen
- Beaullieu
- Fontenot
- Riser
- Berault
- Freiberg
- Romero
- Billings
- Galle
- Schamerhorn
- Bourriaque
- Geymann
- Schlegel
- Boyer
- Glorioso
- St. Blanc
- Braud
- Hebert
- Tarver
- Butler
- Henry
- Thomas
- Carlson
- Horton
- Thompson
- Carver
- Illg
- Turner
- Chenevert
- Johnson, M.
- Ventrella
- Coates
- Kerner
- Villio
- Crews
- Landry, J.
- Wilder
- Deshotel
- Mack
- Wiley
- Dewitt
- McCormick
- Wright
- Dickerson
- McFarland
- Wyble
- Domangue
- McMahen
- Zeringue
- Echols
- McMakin
YES: 58
- Adams
- Fontenot
- McFarland
- Bacala
- Gadberry
- McMahen
- Bagley
- Galle
- McMakin
- Bamburg
- Glorioso
- Miller
- Bayham
- Hebert
- Newell
- Berault
- Hilferty
- Phelps
- Boyd
- Horton
- Riser
- Boyer
- Hughes
- Schamerhorn
- Brass
- Jackson
- Selders
- Braud
- Johnson, T.
- Tarver
- Butler
- Jordan
- Taylor
- Carpenter
- Kerner
- Villio
- Carter, W.
- Knox
- Walters
- Carver
- LaCombe
- Wiley
- Chenevert
- LaFleur
- Willard
- Coates
- Landry, M.
- Wyble
- Dewitt
- Larvadain
- Young
- Domangue
- Lyons
- Zeringue
- Firment
- Mack
- Fisher
- Marcelle
NO: 40
YES: 60
- Adams
- Dickerson
- Lyons
- Bacala
- Domangue
- Marcelle
- Bayham
- Egan
- McFarland
- Berault
- Emerson
- McMakin
- Billings
- Fisher
- Miller
- Boyd
- Freiberg
- Myers
- Brass
- Glorioso
- Newell
- Braud
- Green
- Orgeron
- Bryant
- Hebert
- Phelps
- Butler
- Hilferty
- Schlegel
- Carlson
- Hughes
- Selders
- Carpenter
- Jackson
- Stagni
- Carter, W.
- Johnson, T.
- Taylor
- Carver
- Jordan
- Thompson
- Chassion
- Kerner
- Villio
- Chenevert
- Knox
- Walters
- Coates
- LaCombe
- Willard
- Cox
- LaFleur
- Wyble
- Davis
- Landry, M.
- Young
- Deshotel
- Larvadain
- Zeringue
NO: 40
YES: 71
- Mr. Speaker
- Edmonston
- McMakin
- Bacala
- Egan
- Melerine
- Bagley
- Emerson
- Miller
- Bamburg
- Farnum
- Muscarello
- Bayham
- Firment
- Myers
- Beaullieu
- Fisher
- Orgeron
- Berault
- Fontenot
- Owen
- Billings
- Freiberg
- Riser
- Bourriaque
- Gadberry
- Romero
- Boyer
- Galle
- Schamerhorn
- Brass
- Geymann
- Schlegel
- Braud
- Glorioso
- St. Blanc
- Butler
- Hebert
- Tarver
- Carlson
- Henry
- Thomas
- Carrier
- Horton
- Thompson
- Carver
- Illg
- Turner
- Chenevert
- Johnson, M.
- Ventrella
- Coates
- Johnson, T.
- Villio
- Cox
- Kerner
- Wilder
- Crews
- LaCombe
- Wiley
- Deshotel
- Landry, J.
- Wright
- Dewitt
- Mack
- Wyble
- Domangue
- McFarland
- Zeringue
- Echols
- McMahen
NO: 23
YES: 25
- Adams
- Hughes
- Miller
- Boyd
- Jackson
- Newell
- Brass
- Jordan
- Phelps
- Bryant
- Knox
- Selders
- Carpenter
- LaFleur
- Taylor
- Carter, W.
- Landry, M.
- Walters
- Chassion
- Larvadain
- Willard
- Fisher
- Lyons
- Green
- Marcelle
NO: 72
- Mr. Speaker
- Domangue
- McMahen
- Amedee
- Echols
- McMakin
- Bacala
- Edmonston
- Melerine
- Bagley
- Egan
- Muscarello
- Bamburg
- Emerson
- Myers
- Bayham
- Farnum
- Orgeron
- Beaullieu
- Firment
- Owen
- Berault
- Fontenot
- Riser
- Billings
- Freiberg
- Romero
- Bourriaque
- Gadberry
- Schamerhorn
- Boyer
- Galle
- Schlegel
- Braud
- Glorioso
- St. Blanc
- Butler
- Hebert
- Stagni
- Carlson
- Henry
- Tarver
- Carrier
- Hilferty
- Thomas
- Carver
- Horton
- Thompson
- Chenevert
- Illg
- Turner
- Coates
- Johnson, M.
- Ventrella
- Cox
- Kerner
- Villio
- Crews
- LaCombe
- Wilder
- Davis
- Landry, J.
- Wiley
- Deshotel
- Mack
- Wright
- Dewitt
- McCormick
- Wyble
- Dickerson
- McFarland
- Zeringue
YES: 80
- Mr. Speaker
- Dickerson
- McMahen
- Adams
- Domangue
- McMakin
- Bacala
- Echols
- Melerine
- Bagley
- Edmonston
- Miller
- Bamburg
- Egan
- Muscarello
- Bayham
- Emerson
- Myers
- Beaullieu
- Farnum
- Orgeron
- Berault
- Firment
- Owen
- Billings
- Fisher
- Riser
- Bourriaque
- Fontenot
- Romero
- Boyer
- Freiberg
- Schamerhorn
- Brass
- Gadberry
- Schlegel
- Braud
- Galle
- Selders
- Brown
- Geymann
- St. Blanc
- Bryant
- Glorioso
- Tarver
- Butler
- Hebert
- Thomas
- Carlson
- Henry
- Thompson
- Carrier
- Horton
- Turner
- Carver
- Illg
- Ventrella
- Chassion
- Jackson
- Villio
- Chenevert
- Johnson, M.
- Wilder
- Coates
- Johnson, T.
- Wiley
- Cox
- Kerner
- Wright
- Crews
- LaCombe
- Wyble
- Davis
- Landry, J.
- Young
- Deshotel
- Mack
- Zeringue
- Dewitt
- McFarland
NO: 19
- Dec 04, 2024 | House
- Signed by the Governor. Becomes Act No. 11.
- Effective date: 12/04/2024.
- Nov 25, 2024 | House
- Sent to the Governor for executive approval.
- Nov 22, 2024 | Senate
- Signed by the President of the Senate.
- Nov 22, 2024 | House
- Received from the Senate with amendments.
- Rules suspended.
- Read by title, roll called, yeas 80, nays 19. The Senate amendments, having received two-thirds vote of the elected members, were concurred in.
- Enrolled and signed by the Speaker of the House.
- Nov 22, 2024 | Senate
- Rules suspended. Senate floor amendments read and adopted. Read by title, passed by a vote of 38 yeas and 1 nays, and ordered returned to the House. Motion to reconsider tabled.
- Nov 20, 2024 | Senate
- Reported without Legislative Bureau amendments. Read by title and passed to third reading and final passage.
- Nov 19, 2024 | Senate
- Reported with amendments. Rules suspended. Committee amendments read and adopted. Read by title and referred to the Legislative Bureau.
- Nov 14, 2024 | Senate
- Received in the Senate; read by title Rules suspended. Read second time by title and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs.
- Nov 14, 2024 | House
- Read by title, returned to the calendar.
- Called from the calendar.
- Read third time by title, amended, roll called on final passage, yeas 71, nays 23. The bill, having received two-thirds vote of the elected members, was finally passed, title adopted, ordered to the Senate.
- Nov 13, 2024 | House
- Reported with amendments (16-2). To be recommitted to the Committee on Appropriations.
- Rules suspended.
- Read by title, amended, ordered engrossed, recommitted to the Committee on Appropriations.
- Reported favorably (18-4).
- Rules suspended.
- Read by title, passed to 3rd reading.
- Scheduled for floor debate on 11/14/2024.
- Nov 06, 2024 | House
- Read by title, rules suspended, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
- Nov 04, 2024 | House
- Prefiled.
- Under the rules, provisionally referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Bill Texts
- HB10 OriginalPDF
- HB10 EngrossedPDF
- HB10 ReengrossedPDF
- HB10 EnrolledPDF
- HB10 Act 11PDF
- House Committee Amendment, #99, W&M, DraftPDF
- House Committee Amendment, #123, W&M, AdoptedPDF
- House Floor Amendment, #133, Landry, Mandie, AdoptedPDF
- House Floor Amendment, #134, Bayham, WithdrawnPDF
- House Floor Amendment, #146, Phelps, WithdrawnPDF
- House Floor Amendment, #147, Willard, RejectedPDF
- House Floor Amendment, #149, Emerson, AdoptedPDF
- House Floor Amendment, #159, Wright, AdoptedPDF
- House Floor Amendment, #161, Bamburg, AdoptedPDF
- House Floor Amendment, #164, Lyons, RejectedPDF
- Senate Committee Amendment, #141, R&F, DraftPDF
- Senate Committee Amendment, #147, R&F, AdoptedPDF
- Senate Committee Amendment, #99, R&F, DraftPDF
- Senate Floor Amendment, #196, Reese, AdoptedPDF
- Senate Floor Amendment, #198, Reese, AdoptedPDF
- Senate Floor Amendment, #199, Foil, AdoptedPDF
- Digest of HB10 OriginalPDF
- Digest of HB10 EngrossedPDF
- Digest of HB10 ReengrossedPDF
- Senate Green Sheet Digest for HB10PDF
- Summary of Senate Amendments to HB10PDF
- Fiscal Note - HB10 OriginalPDF
- Fiscal Note - HB10 EngrossedPDF
- Fiscal Note - HB10 ReEngrossedPDF
- Fiscal Note - HB10 ReEngrossed With Senate Cmte AmendmentsPDF
- Fiscal Note - HB10 ReEngrossed With Senate Floor AmendmentsPDF
- Fiscal Note - HB10 EnrolledPDF