IntroducedJan 16, 2025
Passed HouseFeb 06, 2025
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Requiring a quarterly report from the director of the division of vehicles listing the names and addresses of certain noncitizens who have been issued a driver's license during such month.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Feb 07, 2025: Referred to Committee on Federal and State Affairs
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 2020
Whip Lists
- Committee on ElectionsOriginal Sponsor
YES: 29
- Alcala
- Amyx
- Ballard
- Carlin
- Carr
- Curtis
- Featherston
- Haskins
- Hoye
- Martinez
- McDonald
- Melton
- Meyer
- Miller
- Mosley
- Neighbor
- Oropeza
- Osman
- Ousley
- Poskin
- S.
- Sawyer
- Stogsdill
- Vaughn
- Weigel
- Wikle
- Woodard
- Xu
NO: 86
- Anderson
- Awerkamp
- Barrett
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blex
- Bloom
- Bohi
- Borjon
- Brantley
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- Carmichael
- B.
- W.
- Chauncey
- Collins
- Corbet
- Croft
- Delperdang
- Droge
- Ellis
- Esau
- Essex
- Estes
- Fairchild
- Francis
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Hawkins
- Helwig
- Hoffman
- Hoheisel
- Howe
- Howell
- Howerton
- Humphries
- James
- Johnson
- Kessler
- King
- Lewis
- Long
- McNorton
- Minnix
- Moser
- Neelly
- Penn
- Pickert
- Pishny
- Poetter
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Reavis
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Roeser
- Roth
- Sanders
- Schmoe
- Schreiber
- Seiwert
- A.
- C.
- Steele
- Stiens
- Sutton
- Sweely
- Tarwater
- Thompson
- Turk
- Turner
- VanHouden
- Waggoner
- Ward
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- White
- Wilborn
- Willcott
- K.
- L.
- Wolf
YES: 31
- Alcala
- Amyx
- Ballard
- Carlin
- Carmichael
- Carr
- Curtis
- Featherston
- Haskins
- Helgerson
- Hoye
- Martinez
- McDonald
- Melton
- Meyer
- Miller
- Mosley
- Neighbor
- Oropeza
- Osman
- Ousley
- Poskin
- S.
- Sawyer
- Stogsdill
- Vaughn
- Weigel
- Wikle
- Woodard
- Xu
NO: 85
- Anderson
- Awerkamp
- Barrett
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blex
- Bloom
- Bohi
- Borjon
- Brantley
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- B.
- W.
- Chauncey
- Collins
- Corbet
- Croft
- Delperdang
- Droge
- Ellis
- Esau
- Essex
- Estes
- Fairchild
- Francis
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Hawkins
- Helwig
- Hoffman
- Hoheisel
- Howe
- Howell
- Howerton
- Humphries
- James
- Johnson
- Kessler
- King
- Lewis
- Long
- McNorton
- Minnix
- Moser
- Neelly
- Penn
- Pickert
- Pishny
- Poetter
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Reavis
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Roeser
- Roth
- Sanders
- Schmoe
- Schreiber
- Schwertfeger
- Seiwert
- A.
- C.
- Steele
- Stiens
- Sutton
- Sweely
- Tarwater
- Thompson
- Turk
- Turner
- VanHouden
- Waggoner
- Ward
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- White
- Wilborn
- Willcott
- L.
- Wolf
YES: 30
- Alcala
- Amyx
- Ballard
- Carlin
- Carmichael
- Carr
- Curtis
- Featherston
- Haskins
- Helgerson
- Hoye
- Martinez
- McDonald
- Melton
- Meyer
- Miller
- Mosley
- Oropeza
- Osman
- Ousley
- Poskin
- S.
- Sawyer
- Stogsdill
- Vaughn
- Weigel
- Wikle
- Woodard
- Xu
NO: 85
- Anderson
- Awerkamp
- Barrett
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blex
- Bloom
- Bohi
- Borjon
- Brantley
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- B.
- W.
- Chauncey
- Collins
- Corbet
- Croft
- Delperdang
- Droge
- Ellis
- Esau
- Essex
- Estes
- Fairchild
- Francis
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Hawkins
- Helwig
- Hill
- Hoffman
- Hoheisel
- Howe
- Howell
- Howerton
- Humphries
- James
- Johnson
- Kessler
- King
- Lewis
- Long
- McNorton
- Minnix
- Moser
- Neelly
- Penn
- Pickert
- Pishny
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Reavis
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Roeser
- Roth
- Sanders
- Schmoe
- Schreiber
- Schwertfeger
- Seiwert
- A.
- C.
- Steele
- Stiens
- Sweely
- Tarwater
- Thompson
- Turk
- Turner
- VanHouden
- Waggoner
- Ward
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- White
- Wilborn
- Willcott
- K.
- L.
- Wolf
YES: 31
- Alcala
- Amyx
- Ballard
- Carlin
- Carmichael
- Carr
- Curtis
- Featherston
- Haskins
- Helgerson
- Hoye
- Martinez
- McDonald
- Melton
- Meyer
- Miller
- Mosley
- Neighbor
- Oropeza
- Osman
- Ousley
- Poskin
- S.
- Sawyer
- Stogsdill
- Vaughn
- Weigel
- Wikle
- Woodard
- Xu
NO: 86
- Anderson
- Awerkamp
- Barrett
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blex
- Bloom
- Bohi
- Borjon
- Brantley
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- B.
- W.
- Chauncey
- Collins
- Corbet
- Croft
- Delperdang
- Droge
- Ellis
- Esau
- Essex
- Estes
- Fairchild
- Francis
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Hawkins
- Helwig
- Hoffman
- Hoheisel
- Howe
- Howell
- Howerton
- Humphries
- James
- Johnson
- Kessler
- King
- Lewis
- Long
- McNorton
- Minnix
- Moser
- Neelly
- Penn
- Pickert
- Pishny
- Poetter
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Reavis
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Roeser
- Roth
- Sanders
- Schmoe
- Schreiber
- Schwertfeger
- Seiwert
- A.
- C.
- Steele
- Stiens
- Sutton
- Sweely
- Tarwater
- Thompson
- Turk
- Turner
- VanHouden
- Waggoner
- Ward
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- White
- Wilborn
- Willcott
- K.
- L.
- Wolf
YES: 83
- Anderson
- Awerkamp
- Barrett
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blex
- Bloom
- Bohi
- Borjon
- Brantley
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- B.
- W.
- Chauncey
- Collins
- Croft
- Delperdang
- Droge
- Ellis
- Esau
- Essex
- Estes
- Fairchild
- Francis
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Hawkins
- Helwig
- Hill
- Hoffman
- Hoheisel
- Howe
- Howell
- Howerton
- Humphries
- James
- Johnson
- Kessler
- King
- Lewis
- Long
- McNorton
- Minnix
- Moser
- Neelly
- Penn
- Pickert
- Pishny
- Poetter
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Reavis
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Roeser
- Roth
- Sanders
- Schmoe
- Schreiber
- Schwertfeger
- A.
- C.
- Steele
- Stiens
- Sutton
- Tarwater
- Thompson
- Turk
- Turner
- VanHouden
- Waggoner
- Ward
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- White
- Wilborn
- K.
- L.
- Wolf
NO: 34
- Feb 07, 2025 | Senate
- Referred to Committee on Federal and State Affairs
- Feb 06, 2025 | Senate
- Received and Introduced
- Feb 06, 2025 | House
- Final Action - Passed as amended; Yea: 83 Nay: 34
- Engrossed on Thursday, February 6, 2025
- Feb 05, 2025 | House
- Committee of the Whole - Committee Report be adopted
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Oropeza
- Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Oropeza was rejected Yea: 31 Nay: 85
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Oropeza
- Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Oropeza was rejected Yea: 31 Nay: 86
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Oropeza
- Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Oropeza was rejected Yea: 29 Nay: 86
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Poetter Parshall
- Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Poetter Parshall was rejected
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Poetter Parshall
- Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Poetter Parshall was rejected
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Haskins
- Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Haskins was rejected Yea: 30 Nay: 85
- Committee of the Whole - Be passed as amended
- Feb 04, 2025 | House
- Committee of the Whole - Passed over and retain a place on the calendar
- Jan 28, 2025 | House
- Committee Report recommending bill be passed as amended by Committee on Elections
- Jan 21, 2025 | House
- Hearing: Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 3:30 PM Room 218-N
- Jan 17, 2025 | House
- Withdrawn from Committee on Transportation; Referred to Committee on Elections
- Jan 16, 2025 | House
- Introduced
- Referred to Committee on Transportation
Bill Texts
- As introducedPDF
- As Amended by House CommitteePDF
- House Amendment -- Offered by Representative Haskins, 02/05/2025PDF
- House Amendment -- Offered by Representative Poetter Parshall, 02/05/2025PDF
- House Amendment -- Offered by Representative Poetter Parshall, 02/05/2025PDF
- House Amendment -- Offered by Representative Oropeza, 02/05/2025PDF
- House Amendment -- Offered by Representative Oropeza, 02/05/2025PDF
- House Amendment -- Offered by Representative Oropeza, 02/05/2025PDF
- As introduced - Fiscal Note
- As Amended by House Committee - Supplementary Note
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Minutes
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Mike Heim, Revisor of Statutes Office (Summary HB2020)
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Davis Hammet, Loud Light Civic Action (Opponent)
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Becky Arps, Director of Research for Americans for Citizen Voting (Proponent)
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Rashane Hamby, ACLU (Opponent)
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Dale Enyart, Kansas Citizen (Proponent-written only)
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Clay Barker, Deputy Secretary of State, General Counsel (Proponent-oral)
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Kari Sue Vosburgh, Sedgwick County Precinct Committeewoman (Neutral-written only)
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Brett Anderson, Republican Precinct Committeeman (Neutral-written only)
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Audrey Perry Martin, Opportunity Solutions Project (Proponent-WebEx)
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Catherine Gunsalus, State Advocacy Director- Heritage Action for America (Proponent-written only)
- House Committee on Elections, Tue, Jan 21, 2025: Testimony by Missy Leavitt, Kansas Citizen (Neutral-written only)
- Committee Report recommending bill be passed as amended by Committee on Elections