IntroducedMar 16, 2023
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
Permitting a prosecution for childhood sexual abuse to be commenced at any time, extending the time to file civil actions for recovery of damages caused by childhood sexual abuse and providing exceptions in the Kansas tort claims act for claims arising from such abuse.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Apr 30, 2024: Died in Committee
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 317
Whip Lists
- Committee on Federal and State Affairssponsor
Earl McIntosh | Client: Private Citizen | SB 317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
History of Abuse | Client: Private Citizen | SB 317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Susan Leighnor | Client: Private Citizen | SB 317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Cecelia Simon | Client: Private Citizen | SB 317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Tess Ramirez | Client: Private Citizen | SB 317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Usha Reddi | Client: Legislature | SB 317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Cecelia Simon | Client: private citizen | Statutes of Repose | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Cecelia Simon | Client: private citizen | Adult Manifestations | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Cecelia Simon | Client: private citizen | Relative success | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Cecelia Simon | Client: private citizen | Suicide among youth | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Cecelia Simon | Client: Private Citizen | SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Scott Schultz, Executive Director | Client: Kansas Sentencing Commission | Prision Bed Assessment, SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Updated Cecelia Simon | Client: Private Citizen | SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Susan Leighnor | Client: Private Citizen | SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Julie Backmen | Client: Private Citizen | SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Cecelia Simon | Client: private citizen | SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Julie Donalson | Client: MOSCA | proponent hb317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
John Goodyear | Client: General Counsel, League of Kansas Municipalities | SB317 neutral written | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Isidro Marion | Client: private citizen | sb3717 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Aubry Booser | Client: private citizen | written sb317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Tess Ramirez | Client: private citizen | sb317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Jessa Farmer, | Client: KCSDV | SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Jason Thompson, Revisor's Office | Client: State of Kansas | SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Fiscal note | Client: state of kansas | sb317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Gisele Shore | Client: private citizen | sb317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Terin Humphrey | Client: private citizen | sb317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Susan Leighnor | Client: private citizen | sb317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Joesph Molina | Client: Kansas Bar Association | neutral | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Marlee Caarpender | Client: KAPCIC | Neutral | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Earl McIntosh | Client: Private Citizen | proponent 317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Whitney Pritchard | Client: Private Citizen | proponent SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Kathyrn Robb | Client: Child USAdvocacy | SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Lesa Patterson-Kinsey | Client: Private Citizen | SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Kari Crump | Client: Private Citizen | proponent Sb317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Dr Briana Goff | Client: Private Citizen | Proponent SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Katie Pratt | Client: Private Citizen | proponent SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Kim Bergman | Client: Private Citizen | Proponent BS317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Joe Cheray | Client: Private Citizen | Proponent SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Usha Reddi, Senator District 22 | Client: State of Kansas | proponent SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
Cindy Holsher, Senator District 8 | Client: State of Kansas | Proponent SB317 | Start date: 03/23/2023 | End date: 03/23/2023 |
- Apr 30, 2024 | Senate
- Died in Committee
- Mar 23, 2023 | Senate
- Hearing: Thursday, March 23, 2023, 10:30 AM Room 346-S
- Mar 17, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Committee on Judiciary
- Mar 16, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced
Bill Texts
- As introduced - Supplementary Note
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Minutes
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Earl McIntosh, Private Citizen (SB 317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by History of Abuse, Private Citizen (SB 317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Susan Leighnor, Private Citizen (SB 317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Cecelia Simon, Private Citizen (SB 317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Tess Ramirez, Private Citizen (SB 317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Usha Reddi, Legislature (SB 317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Cecelia Simon, private citizen (Statutes of Repose)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Cecelia Simon, private citizen (Adult Manifestations)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Cecelia Simon, private citizen (Relative success)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Cecelia Simon, private citizen (Suicide among youth)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Cecelia Simon, Private Citizen (SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Scott Schultz, Executive Director, Kansas Sentencing Commission (Prision Bed Assessment, SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Updated Cecelia Simon, Private Citizen (SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Susan Leighnor, Private Citizen (SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Julie Backmen, Private Citizen (SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Cecelia Simon, private citizen (SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Julie Donalson, MOSCA (proponent hb317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by John Goodyear, General Counsel, League of Kansas Municipalities (SB317 neutral written)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Isidro Marion, private citizen (sb3717)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Aubry Booser, private citizen (written sb317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Tess Ramirez, private citizen (sb317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Jessa Farmer,, KCSDV (SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Jason Thompson, Revisor's Office, State of Kansas (SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Fiscal note, state of kansas (sb317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Gisele Shore, private citizen (sb317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Terin Humphrey, private citizen (sb317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Susan Leighnor, private citizen (sb317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Joesph Molina, Kansas Bar Association (neutral)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Marlee Caarpender, KAPCIC (Neutral)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Earl McIntosh, Private Citizen (proponent 317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Whitney Pritchard, Private Citizen (proponent SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Kathyrn Robb, Child USAdvocacy (SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Lesa Patterson-Kinsey, Private Citizen (SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Kari Crump, Private Citizen (proponent Sb317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Dr Briana Goff, Private Citizen (Proponent SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Katie Pratt, Private Citizen (proponent SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Kim Bergman, Private Citizen (Proponent BS317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Joe Cheray, Private Citizen (Proponent SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Usha Reddi, Senator District 22, State of Kansas (proponent SB317)
- Senate Committee on Judiciary, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by Cindy Holsher, Senator District 8, State of Kansas (Proponent SB317)