IntroducedFeb 07, 2023
Passed SenateFeb 23, 2023
Passed HouseMar 29, 2023
Signed into LawApr 28, 2023
Increasing the criminal penalties for battery of a healthcare provider, adding the placing of controlled substances into pills into the definition of manufacture, increasing the criminal penalties for manufacturing fentanyl and for manufacturing or distributing any controlled substances that are likely to be attractive to minors because of their appearance or packaging, creating a special sentencing rule to make sentences for distributing fentanyl presumptive imprisonment, excluding materials used to detect the presence of fentanyl, ketamine or gamma hydroxybutyric acid from the definition of drug paraphernalia, adding domestic battery and violation of a protection order to the crimes that a person can have the intent to commit when committing burglary or aggravated burglary, increasing criminal penalties for the crime of interference with law enforcement when the violation involves fleeing from a law enforcement officer and authorizing the attorney general to prosecute certain crimes that are part of an alleged course of criminal conduct that occurred in two or more counties.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Apr 28, 2023: Approved by Governor on Thursday, May 11, 2023
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 174
Whip Lists
- Committee on Judiciarysponsor
- Ed Klumpp on behalf of Kansas Peace Officers Association, Kansas Sheriffs' Association and Kansas Association of Chiefs of PoliceRequester
YES: 84
- Anderson
- Awerkamp
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blew
- Blex
- Bloom
- Borjon
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- B.
- W.
- Clifford
- Collins
- Concannon
- Corbet
- Croft
- Delperdang
- Dodson
- Donohoe
- Droge
- Ellis
- Eplee
- Essex
- Estes
- Fairchild
- Francis
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Hawkins
- Hill
- Hoffman
- Hoheisel
- Howe
- Howell
- Howerton
- Humphries
- Johnson
- Kessler
- Landwehr
- Lewis
- Martinez
- Mason
- Maughan
- Melton
- Minnix
- Moser
- Murphy
- Neelly
- Owens
- Patton
- Penn
- Pickert
- Probst
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Robinson
- Roth
- Sanders
- Schreiber
- Seiwert
- A.
- C.
- E.
- Sutton
- Tarwater
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Titus
- Turk
- Turner
- Underhill
- Waggoner
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- Weigel
- White
- K.
- L.
NO: 40
YES: 113
- Amyx
- Anderson
- Awerkamp
- Ballard
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blew
- Blex
- Bloom
- Borjon
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- Carmichael
- B.
- W.
- Clifford
- Collins
- Concannon
- Corbet
- Croft
- Curtis
- Delperdang
- Dodson
- Donohoe
- Droge
- Ellis
- Eplee
- Essex
- Estes
- Fairchild
- Featherston
- Francis
- Garber
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Haskins
- Haswood
- Hawkins
- Helgerson
- Highberger
- Hill
- Hoffman
- Hoheisel
- Houser
- Howe
- Howell
- Howerton
- Hoye
- Humphries
- Jacobs
- Johnson
- Kessler
- Landwehr
- Lewis
- Martinez
- Mason
- Maughan
- Melton
- Meyer
- D.
- S.
- V.
- Minnix
- Moser
- Murphy
- Neelly
- Neighbor
- Osman
- Owens
- Patton
- Penn
- Pickert
- Poskin
- Probst
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Robinson
- Roth
- Sanders
- Sawyer
- Schlingensiepen
- Schmoe
- Schreiber
- Seiwert
- A.
- C.
- E.
- Stogsdill
- Sutton
- Tarwater
- Thompson
- Titus
- Turk
- Turner
- Underhill
- Vaughn
- Waggoner
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- Weigel
- White
- K.
- L.
- Woodard
- Xu
- Younger
- Apr 28, 2023 | Senate
- Enrolled and presented to Governor on Friday, May 5, 2023
- Approved by Governor on Thursday, May 11, 2023
- Apr 27, 2023 | Senate
- Motion to suspend Joint Rule 4 (k) to allow consideration adopted;
- Conference Committee Report was adopted; Yea: 31 Nay: 7
- Apr 27, 2023 | House
- Conference committee report now available
- Motion to suspend Joint Rule 4 (k) to allow consideration adopted;
- Conference Committee Report was adopted; Yea: 113 Nay: 9
- Apr 03, 2023 | House
- Motion to accede adopted; Representative Owens, Representative Smith, E. and Representative Highberger appointed as conferees
- Apr 03, 2023 | Senate
- Nonconcurred with amendments; Conference Committee requested; appointed Senator Warren , Senator Wilborn and Senator Corson as conferees
- Mar 29, 2023 | House
- Final Action - Passed as amended; Yea: 84 Nay: 40
- Mar 28, 2023 | House
- Committee of the Whole - Committee Report be adopted
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Curtis
- Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Curtis was rejected
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Carmichael
- Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Carmichael was rejected
- Committee of the Whole - Be passed as amended
- Mar 27, 2023 | House
- Committee Report recommending bill be passed as amended by Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice
- Mar 08, 2023 | House
- Hearing: Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 1:30 PM Room 546-S
- Mar 01, 2023 | House
- Received and Introduced
- Referred to Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice
- Feb 23, 2023 | Senate
- Final Action - Passed as amended; Yea: 32 Nay: 6
- Feb 22, 2023 | Senate
- Committee of the Whole - Committee Report be adopted
- Committee of the Whole - Be passed as amended
- Feb 20, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Report recommending bill be passed as amended by Committee on Judiciary
- Feb 14, 2023 | Senate
- Hearing: Tuesday, February 14, 2023, 10:30 AM Room 346-S
- Feb 08, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Committee on Judiciary
- Feb 07, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced
- Summary of Legislation
- As introduced - Fiscal Note
- As Amended by Senate Committee - Supplementary Note
- As Amended by House Committee - Supplementary Note
- Conference Committee Report - Thu, Apr 27, 2023
- Conference Committee Report Brief - Thu, Apr 27, 2023
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Minutes
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Thu, Mar 23, 2023: Testimony by John Carmichael, Representative (SB 174 Amendment)
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Wed, Mar 8, 2023: Minutes
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Wed, Mar 8, 2023: Testimony by David Haley, Kansas Senator (SB174 Opponent)
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Wed, Mar 8, 2023: Testimony by Natalie Scott, Office of Revisor (SB174 Bill brief)
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Wed, Mar 8, 2023: Testimony by Laura Stratton, BIDS (SB174 Opponent)
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Wed, Mar 8, 2023: Testimony by Ed Klumpp, KS Sheriffs Assoc, KS Assoc of Chiefs of Police, KS Peace Officers Assoc (SB174 Proponent)
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Tue, Feb 14, 2023: Minutes
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Tue, Feb 14, 2023: Testimony by Ed Klumpp, Ks Assoc of Chiefs of Police, Ks Sheriffs Assoc,Ks Peace Officers (SB174)
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Tue, Feb 14, 2023: Testimony by Jason Thompson, State of Kansas (SB174)
- House Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Tue, Feb 14, 2023: Testimony by Jason Thompson, Revisors Office, State of Kansas (SB174)
- Committee Report recommending bill be passed as amended by Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice
- Committee Report recommending bill be passed as amended by Committee on Judiciary