IntroducedJan 23, 2023
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Establishing an income, privilege and premium tax credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations operating pregnancy centers or residential maternity facilities.
Last Action See all actions
House • Apr 30, 2024: Died on Calendar
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 2135
Whip Lists
- Committee on Taxationsponsor
Sapphire Garcia-Lies | Client: Kansas Birth Justice Society | Opponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Katie Baylie | Client: Planned Parenthood of Great Plains | Opponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Aileen Berquist | Client: ACLU Kansas | Opponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Nate Bruns | Client: Lifeline Children's Services | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Leah Conner | Client: Wyandotte Pregnancy Clinic | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Stacie | Client: Former client of Advice and Aid | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Angela Johnson | Client: Pregnancy & Family Center of SE Kansas | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Jeanne Gawdun | Client: Kansas for Life | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Alice Thompson | Client: Heart Choices Pregnancy & Parenting Resource Center | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Lucrecia Nold | Client: Kansas Catholic Conference | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Brittany Jones | Client: Kansas Family Voice | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Bridgit Smith | Client: Insight Women's Center | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Korbe Bohac | Client: Client of Insight Women's Center, Lawrence, KS. | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Donna Kelsey | Client: KC Pregnancy Clinic | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Ruth Tisdale | Client: Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Tim Quiggle | Client: Embrace | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Samuel H. Lee | Client: Campaign Life, Missouri | Proponent HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
Adam Siebers | Client: Assistant Revisor | Overview HB2135 | Start date: 02/02/2023 | End date: 02/02/2023 |
- Apr 30, 2024 | House
- Died on Calendar
- Feb 16, 2023 | House
- Committee Report recommending bill be passed by Committee on Taxation
- Feb 02, 2023 | House
- Hearing: Thursday, February 2, 2023, 3:30 PM Room 346-S
- Jan 23, 2023 | House
- Introduced
- Referred to Committee on Taxation
Bill Texts
- As introduced - Supplementary Note
- As introduced - Fiscal Note
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Minutes
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Sapphire Garcia-Lies, Kansas Birth Justice Society (Opponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Katie Baylie, Planned Parenthood of Great Plains (Opponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Aileen Berquist, ACLU Kansas (Opponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Nate Bruns, Lifeline Children's Services (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Leah Conner, Wyandotte Pregnancy Clinic (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Stacie, Former client of Advice and Aid (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Angela Johnson, Pregnancy & Family Center of SE Kansas (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Jeanne Gawdun, Kansas for Life (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Alice Thompson, Heart Choices Pregnancy & Parenting Resource Center (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Lucrecia Nold, Kansas Catholic Conference (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Brittany Jones, Kansas Family Voice (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Bridgit Smith, Insight Women's Center (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Korbe Bohac, Client of Insight Women's Center, Lawrence, KS. (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Donna Kelsey, KC Pregnancy Clinic (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Ruth Tisdale, Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Tim Quiggle, Embrace (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Samuel H. Lee, Campaign Life, Missouri (Proponent HB2135)
- House Committee on Taxation, Thu, Feb 2, 2023: Testimony by Adam Siebers, Assistant Revisor (Overview HB2135)
- Committee Report recommending bill be passed by Committee on Taxation