IntroducedJan 30, 2025
Passed HouseJan 30, 2025
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Professional Fire Fighters Union of Indiana.
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House • Jan 30, 2025: First reading: adopted voice vote
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Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HR 11
Whip Lists
- Rep. Beau Bairdcoauthor
- Rep. Brad Barrettcoauthor
- Rep. Steve Bartelscoauthor
- Rep. John Bartlettcoauthor
- Rep. Garrett Bascomcoauthor
- Rep. Maureen Bauercoauthor
- Rep. Pat Boycoauthor
- Rep. Alex Burtoncoauthor
- Rep. Chris Campbellcoauthor
- Rep. Martin Carbaughcoauthor
- Rep. Edward Clerecoauthor
- Rep. Matt Commonscoauthor
- Rep. Cory Criswellcoauthor
- Rep. Kendell Culpcoauthor
- Rep. Wendy Dant Chessercoauthor
- Rep. Michelle Daviscoauthor
- Rep. Edward DeLaneycoauthor
- Rep. Dale DeVoncoauthor
- Rep. Ryan Dvorakcoauthor
- Rep. Sue Erringtoncoauthor
- Rep. Victoria Garcia Wilburncoauthor
- Rep. Philip GiaQuintacoauthor
- Rep. Lori Goss-Reavescoauthor
- Rep. Robb Greenecoauthor
- Rep. Craig Haggardcoauthor
- Rep. Dave Hallcoauthor
- Rep. Carey Hamiltoncoauthor
- Rep. Earl Harriscoauthor
- Rep. Ragen Hatchercoauthor
- Rep. Dave Heinecoauthor
- Rep. Tony Isacoauthor
- Rep. Carolyn Jacksoncoauthor
- Rep. Chris Jetercoauthor
- Rep. Blake Johnsoncoauthor
- Rep. Chris Judycoauthor
- Rep. Michael Karickhoffcoauthor
- Rep. Joanna Kingcoauthor
- Rep. Sheila Klinkercoauthor
- Rep. Ryan Lauercoauthor
- Rep. Ethan Lawsoncoauthor
- Rep. Cindy Ledbettercoauthor
- Rep. Matt Lehmancoauthor
- Rep. Danny Lopezcoauthor
- Rep. Jim Lucascoauthor
- Rep. Ethan Manningcoauthor
- Rep. Peggy Mayfieldcoauthor
- Rep. Julie McGuirecoauthor
- Rep. Wendy McNamaracoauthor
- Rep. Doug Millercoauthor
- Rep. Kyle Millercoauthor
- Rep. Justin Moedcoauthor
- Rep. Robert Morriscoauthor
- Rep. Chuck Moseleycoauthor
- Rep. Timothy O'Briencoauthor
- Rep. Julie Olthoffcoauthor
- Rep. Renee Packcoauthor
- Rep. Lindsay Pattersoncoauthor
- Rep. Zach Paynecoauthor
- Rep. Tonya Pfaffcoauthor
- Rep. Kyle Piercecoauthor
- Rep. Matt Piercecoauthor
- Rep. Gregory Portercoauthor
- Rep. J.D. Prescottcoauthor
- Rep. Jim Presselcoauthor
- Rep. Cherrish Pryorcoauthor
- Rep. Elizabeth Rowraycoauthor
- Rep. Robin Shacklefordcoauthor
- Rep. Alaina Shonkwilercoauthor
- Rep. Ben Smaltzcoauthor
- Rep. Vernon Smithcoauthor
- Rep. Gregory Steuerwaldcoauthor
- Rep. Vanessa Summerscoauthor
- Rep. Jake Teshkacoauthor
- Rep. Heath VanNattercoauthor
- Rep. Timothy Wescocoauthor
- Rep. Tim Yocumcoauthor
- Rep. Alex Zimmermancoauthor
- Jan 30, 2025 | House
- Authored by Representative Gore
- Coauthored by Representatives Andrade, Aylesworth, Baird, Barrett, Bartels, Bartlett, Bascom, Bauer, Boy, Burton, Campbell, Carbaugh, Clere, Commons, Criswell, Culp, Dant Chesser, Davis, DeLaney, DeVon, Dvorak, Errington, Garcia Wilburn, GiaQuinta, Goss-Reaves, Greene, Haggard, Hall, Hamilton, Harris, Hatcher, Heine, Isa, Jackson, Jeter, Johnson B, Judy, Karickhoff, King, Klinker, Lauer, Lawson, Ledbetter, Lehman, Lopez, Lucas, Manning, Mayfield, McGuire, McNamara, Miller D, Miller K, Moed, Morris, Moseley, O'Brien, Olthoff, Pack, Patterson, Payne, Pfaff, Pierce K, Pierce M, Porter, Prescott, Pressel, Pryor, Rowray, Shackleford, Shonkwiler, Smaltz, Smith V, Steuerwald, Summers, Teshka, VanNatter, Wesco, Yocum, Zimmerman
- First reading: adopted voice vote
Bill Texts