IntroducedFeb 05, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Last Action See all actions
House • Mar 04, 2025: Assigned to Appropriations-Pensions & Personnel
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Mar 19, 2025 08:00am
115 and Virtual Room 4 Capitol Building Springfield, IL
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 2779
Whip Lists
Aaron Woodruff | Client: Illinois State University Police | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
David L Goodwin | Client: SIUE PD | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
David Quintavalle | Client: Local2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Derek Watts | Client: Western Illinois University Office of Public Safety | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Marc Maton | Client: Lemont Police Department (Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Margaret Vaughn | Client: Margaret Vaughn Consulting (IL Professional Firefighters Association) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Curt Barrett | Client: Village of Winfield (Village of Winfield) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Frank Trilla | Client: Village of Willowbrook (Residents of Willowbrook) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Gregory Lungmus | Client: Village of Northfield (Village of Northfield) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
John Coultas | Client: Illinois Municipal League (Illinois Municipal League) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Larry Bury | Client: Northwest Municipal Conference (Northwest Municipal Conference) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Lawrence Schroth | Client: Village of Palatine | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Maggie Bosley | Client: Village of Glenview | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Mark Fowler | Client: Northwest Municipal Conference (Northwest Municipal Conference) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Nick Wyatt | Client: Village of Skokie (Resident of Skokie) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Patricia Mielcarski | Client: Village of Westmont (Westmont) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Reid Ottesen | Client: Village of Palatine (Village of Palatine) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Richard Veenstra | Client: Village of Addison (Residents of Addison) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Scott Levin | Client: City of Elmhurst (City of Elmhurst) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Sharon Caddigan | Client: Village of Streamwood (Village of Streamwood) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Suzette Quintell | Client: DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference (DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
William McLeod | Client: Village of Hoffman Estates (Village of Hoffman Estates) | Opponent | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
Kristen Houch | Client: State Universities Retirement System (State Universities Retirement System) | No Position | Start date: Approp-Pensions&Personnel(H)3/12/20258:00AM | End date: |
- Mar 04, 2025 | House
- Assigned to Appropriations-Pensions & Personnel
- Feb 06, 2025 | House
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Feb 05, 2025 | House
- Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Stephanie A. Kifowit
Bill Texts