IntroducedJan 24, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Last Action See all actions
House • Feb 18, 2025: Assigned to Ethics & Elections
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1708
Whip Lists
Art Osten Jr | Client: City Management | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lisa Dahl | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Matthew Slade | Client: Myself (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Nicholas Haile | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Nik Hunder | Client: Individual | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Scott Presslak | Client: Individual | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Stephen Benchik | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tilman Ritter | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Matthew Slade | Client: Myself (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/4/20252:00PM | End date: |
Orion Miller | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/4/20252:00PM | End date: |
Orion Miller | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/4/20252:00PM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)2/25/20252:00PM | End date: |
Matthew Slade | Client: Myself (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)2/25/20252:00PM | End date: |
AARON JUN | Client: SELF | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Abbey Fish | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Adrian J Wright | Client: Great Lakes Illinois Republican Women Organization (Great Lakes Illinois Republican Women Organization) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Alan Dorfmeyer | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Alexandra Brewer | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Alexandria Kairis | Client: Alexandria Kairis Art | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Allen Wolsing | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Alvin Alexander | Client: On behalf of self (Illinois Voter) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Alyssa Sonnenburg | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Amber Bogle | Client: Self (Illinois Voter) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Amy Christensen | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Amy Elizabeth Ritter | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Amy loesch | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ana Aybar | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Anamaria O'Donnell | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Andrea Denner | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Andrew Hayes | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Andrew J Urbanec | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ann Iwatsuki | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ann Ritter | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ann Stark | Client: citizen | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Anna Muccianti | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Anne Lapp | Client: Iphone | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Anne Uhrina | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Annette Smith | Client: na | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Anthony Muccianti | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Barb Kepner | Client: taxpayer | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Barbara Pahl | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Barbara Stein | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
becki peterson | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ben Hagenbuch | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Benita Turner | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Benjamin Sonnenburg | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Beth Dill | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Beth Inugay | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Betsy Drew | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Betty Nelson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Beverley Dawn Houseworth | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bill Beckman | Client: Illinois Family Life Coalition (Illinois Family Life Coalition) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bill Bulthuis | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bill Kramer | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
BILLIE BINGENHEIMER | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bonnie Baker | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bonnie Millikan | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bradley and Patricia Cole | Client: None (none) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bradley Evans | Client: my family | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bradley Recker | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bret Hemmer | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Brian Pettlon | Client: On behalf of self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Brian Pohlman | Client: Slef | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Britani Lax | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Brooklyn Mays | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bruce J Watt | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bruce Peters | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Bryan LaForge | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Burdette Rosendale | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Byron R Sever | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Caleb Johnson | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Caren Kirwan | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carla K Midgett | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carlan Duwayne Bounds | Client: First Evangelical Free Church Moline | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carmen Mccue | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carol A Moritz | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carol G Skasick | Client: Myself (Myself) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carol Howard | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carol L Mosses | Client: ON BEHALF OF SELF (ON BEHALF OF SELF) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
carole zylius | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carolyn M Hollar | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carolyn Sharpe | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carolyn Voegtlin | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Carrie Savino | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Cassaundra Herzog | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Catherine DeMent | Client: Voter | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Catherine Hansen | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
CATHY F TOWNSEND | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Cathy Jenkins | Client: Vermilioncounty | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
chad McGinnis | Client: US Army Retired | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Charlene Oh | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
charles backhaus | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Charles E Lewis | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Charles E McFarlin | Client: Self (Personal) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Charles Schramm | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Charles zylius | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Charlotte Drozdowski | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Charmaine Fair | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Cheryl Mathews | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Cheryl Whitten | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Chris Vonderhaar | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Christine Andersen | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Christine Martha | Client: Self (IL Federation of Republican Women) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Christopher Janicki | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Cindy Alvis | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Cindy Heslinga | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Cindy Recker | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Claire Sullivan | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Clark David Richards | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Clifford Lindemann | Client: A | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Colette Gaston | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Colleen Camp | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Colleen Evans | Client: my family | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Connie Chiavario | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Corrie Broberg | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Craig Odegaard | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Crystal Trigg | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Cynthia Lasco | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Cynthia Limentato | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Dan Atwood | Client: Na | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Dan Atwood | Client: Na | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Dan Huse | Client: St. Paul's Woodworth | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Daniel Tompkins | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Darren Wiseman | Client: Private Citizen (Conservative) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Dave Heslinga | Client: Myself (Myself) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
David Curtin | Client: Illinois Family Institute (Illinois Family Institute) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
DAVID E NORBECK Jr | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
David Smith | Client: Illinois Family Institute (Illinois Family Institute) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Dean Fletcher | Client: na | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Deanna Moore | Client: None (Deanna Moore) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Deanna Moore | Client: Self (Deanna Moore) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Debora A Boucher | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Deborah Brown | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Deborah Brown | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Deborah Leininger | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Deborah Pasierb | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Deborah Reed | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Debra Malinowski | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Dena R Shull | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Denise and Mark | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Denise cross | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Denise Reed | Client: Individual | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Dennis Thorne | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Diana L Curran | Client: no group or business | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Diana S Richards | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
DIANE M BENJAMIN | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Don Blair | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Don Schwartz | Client: Homeowner | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Donna Gerth | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Donna Juliano | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Donna K Bishop | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Donna Mecklenburg | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Doreen Jenkel | Client: Taxpayer (Family) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Dusty Koepp | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Dyanne Schroeder | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Edward Kight | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Eileen Reilly | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Eileen Weicher | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Elaine Dimoulis | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Eliza Koepp | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Elizabeth Bailey | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Elizabeth Berberich | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Elizabeth Lang | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ellen Dupont | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Elzbieta Wojdyla | Client: SELF | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Emily Clark | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Emily Griffith | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Emmett McGovern | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Eric Bridges | Client: personal | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Eric Gaston | Client: Taxpayer | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Erika Soloj | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Eugene Ylo | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Francis Patrick Norton | Client: Self (Voter) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Frank Davis | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Frank Frantz | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Frank T Voss | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Gail Shannon | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Gary Hollinger | Client: No agency | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Gayle Holste | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Geniece Brandt | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
George Edgar Orebaugh | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
GH Merritt | Client: New Illinois (New Illinois) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Gina Jay | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
ginger rosenquist | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Gordon Taylor | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Grace Cranston | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Grace Preedin | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Grant Richter | Client: Illinois Citizen | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Greg Rosenquist | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Gwynne Worthington | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Gwynne Worthington | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Harold Schilpp | Client: personal card | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Helen Kinser | Client: Helen Kinser | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Helena Janicki | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Hollie Shoup | Client: IL citizen | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ilene Briner | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
J Poore | Client: na | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jack Harper | Client: SELF | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
James Fair | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
James Ozee | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
James Schul | Client: not applicable | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jan Hollinger | Client: No agency | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jan Klaas | Client: Taxpayer | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
jan sosinski | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jane R Carrell | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Janet Hamm | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Janice Aguirre | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Janis Smith | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Janis Smith | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jason Howard | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jean Schiszik | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jeane Whiteside | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jeanette Gulick | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jeanne Lomax | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jeannette A Nedza | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jeff Miller | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Diehl | Client: Self (Individual) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Jun | Client: SELF | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Korte | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Kuzma | Client: NONE | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Muccianti | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Schwartz | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jeremy Ramsey | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jerry R Higginbotham | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jim Lazaro | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jin Sim | Client: Self (Individual) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
joan backhaus | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joanne Dorn | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joanne Gaston | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joanne McCoy | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
JoAnne Neumann | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joanne Torkelson | Client: Self (None) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joe Reinhard | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joe Schulenberg | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
John Berberich | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
John Bogle | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
John C Ackerman | Client: Tazewell County Clerk & Recorder of Deeds (Tazewell County Clerk & Recorder of Deeds) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
John Scanlon | Client: NA (NA) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
JohnReitano | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Jonathan Sebastian | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joseph P Skaff | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joseph Sepsey | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Josetta Burchardt | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joyce Bomer | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joyce Geiler | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Joyce Kaiser | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Judith Berg | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Judith Castricone | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Judy K Tetzlaff | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Julie Cover | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Julie Danielson | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Julie Watts | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Karen Blee Nickels | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Karen DeVries | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Karen Kelleher | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Karen Reed | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Karen Rust | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Karen Walker | Client: citizen (individual) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Karin Richards | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Karma Seymour | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Katalin Dimoulis | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kate Elliott | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Katherine Potter | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kathie O'Brien | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kathryn Wolsing | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kathy Boyles | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kathy Kramer | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kathy Ressler | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kathy Sales | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kathy Valente | Client: Illinois Family Institute (Illinois Family Institute) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Katie Slane | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
keith a dixon | Client: Taxpayer | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Keith Drew | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Keith Eng | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Keith Owano | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kelli Aiardo | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kelli Cameron | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kelly C M Brooks | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kenneth B Cooley Jr | Client: Myself (Myself) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kerrie Klein | Client: taxpayer (NA) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kevin Leman | Client: personal (personal) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kim Berberich | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kim Kettman | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kim Kettman | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kim Kettman | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kimberly of Rapp | Client: self (Tax payer) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kimberly Wright | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kris Mitts | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kristi Rex | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kristin Salzman | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kristin Bratta | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kristin McClenthen | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Kristin Salzman | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Landon Wright | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Larry Wayne Wright | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Laura Aldridge | Client: Calvary Baptist Church | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Laura Giese | Client: Myself | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Laura Morey | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Laura Simpson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Laura Vandercar | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Laurie HANSON | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lawrence Jogerst | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lawrence Servin | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Leah Kelley | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lee Ann Samford | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Leona Kim | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Linda H Carroll | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Linda Heifner | Client: Tax Payer | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Linda Hutcheson | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Linda Johnson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Linda LaZella | Client: Myself | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Linda Oleson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Linda Patarozzi | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Linda Sabo | Client: Resident | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Linda vogelgesang | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lisa Clark | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lisa Thompson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lisa Wells | Client: Self (Mr & Mrs Christopher Wells) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lisa Wells | Client: Self (Mr & Mrs Christopher Wells) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lisa Wells | Client: Self (Mr & Mrs Christopher Wells) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lissette Guzman | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Loraine Henthorn | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lorelei Marvel | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lori White | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lorraine Dundon | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Luke Glendenning | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lynette Hoy | Client: Anger Management Institute | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lynn A Cook | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lynn Ferguson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Lynn Wellman | Client: HOUSEHOLD (HOUSEHOLD) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Magdalen Payne | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Margaret Dougherty | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Margaret Kreier | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
MARGARET MURPHY | Client: SELF | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Maria Slattery | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Marian Cross | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mariann Johnston | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Marietta Lowery | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Marina Stein | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Marjorie McCullough | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mark A Cascia | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mark Johnson | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mark O Stern | Client: SELF | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mark Oliver | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mark Scaggs | Client: Scaggs Construction Inc. | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Marla Brunaugh | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Marsha Elhoffer | Client: taxpayer | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Marsha Jakobi | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Martha Alka | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Arden | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Bridges | Client: Taxpayer | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Carol Powers | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Denys | Client: individual | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary DiCola | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary F Lester | Client: self only | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Lewis | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Lynn Panek | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Neubecker | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Pawlisz | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Serandos | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Soto | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary White | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mary Yolanda Vera | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Maureen Barnes | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Megan Brady | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Megan Cloherty | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Melinda Anderson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Melissa Conner | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Melissa Martin | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Melissa Odegaard | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Melissa Williamson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Merlyn Rauh | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Barngrover | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Brewer | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Carroll | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael H Powers | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Imhof | Client: Not Applicable | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Leininger | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Luebbers | Client: Illinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom Alliance (On behalf of IFCC dba IFA) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Nicoson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Stare | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michele Burrell | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michele Figie | Client: Heaven's Chapel | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michelle Gatses | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michelle Lapeyre | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michelle Lawless | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michelle Mathia | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mike and Pat Hardison | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mike Brewer | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mike Steffen | Client: RICOGOP | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mikhail Stein | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Misty Blomquist | Client: Voter | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mona Williams | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Monica Cassidy | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Monica Kirsch | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Moriah Berberich | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Mycah Amstutz | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Nancy Beckman | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Nancy Hurliman | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Nancy Kelsey | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Nancy Mott | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Nic Conner | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Nick Muccianti | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Niki Conforti | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Nola Krisik | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Norma L Truax | Client: Retired | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pam Ephraim | Client: SELF | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pam Johnson | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pam Jones | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pam Kuchenmeister | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pamela G Fritzenmeier | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pamela Halll | Client: TAXPAYER | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pamela Halll | Client: TAXPAYER | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pamela Harding | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pamela R Cooley | Client: Individual | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pamela Rose | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pamela Rose | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Patricia Collins | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Patricia Ehrhart | Client: Person | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Patricia McCague | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Patsy Favero | Client: Not applicable | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Paul A Kuhns | Client: Central Bible Church | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Paul White | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Pawel Wojdyla | Client: SELF | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Peter Bria | Client: Self (None) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Peter Oakley | Client: same | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Peter Tarcha | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Philip Smith | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Phyllis A Dixon Levine | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rachel Johnson | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rachel Kramer | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ralph E Laufer | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ralph Leavitt | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Randy Johnson | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rebeca Shaw | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rebecca Cheek | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rebecca Darling | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rebecca L Slater | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rebecca S Posluszny | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rebecca Terhark | Client: Taxpayer | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Regina Ng | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Regina Post | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Renata Heinz | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Richard H Moritz | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Richard J Marcantonio | Client: On behalf of self. (On behalf of self.) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Richard King | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Richard Leininger | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Richard Tanner | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rick Laib | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rita Schwind | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Robert Dombrowski | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Robert Dombrowski | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Robert Russell | Client: my family | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Robert Twist | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Roberta Wilson-Dreifke | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Robin Keel | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rosa Hassen | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rose Anna Nelson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rose Koopmann | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rose Wasielewski | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Roxana Thisse | Client: Citizen of Illinois | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Roy Horras | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rudolf Hebling | Client: citizen (taxpayer) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ruth Hahn | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ryan Uecke | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ryan McClenthen | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Ryan Wolland | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Samuel Bergen | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sandra Koch | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sandra L Kascewicz | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
sarah barnes | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Chlada | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Kelbus | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Townsend | Client: Person | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Scott Hendrie | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Scott Shoup | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Shannon Gaston | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sharon Balje | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sharon Leavitt | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sharon Thomas | Client: retired | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Shelly Kostner | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Shelly Allen | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sherri Urban | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sherry Pierce | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sherry Vandergriff | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sheryl Palmateer | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Shiela Underwood | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Silas Griffith | Client: Individual | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Stephanie | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Stephen Cross | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Steve O'Donnell | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Steven DeMent | Client: Voter | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Steven Holub | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sue Johnson | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sue Krippel | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sue MacRoy | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Susan Bedrossian | Client: Bedrossian family | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Susan Brown | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Susan Jo Whitson | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Susan Mills | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Susan Russell | Client: my family | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Susan Schulenberg | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Susan Wilson | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Suzanne H Pavlus | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tammy M Smith | Client: Private Citizen | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
tanya hayes | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tara Marsh | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Teresa Weaver | Client: Taxpayer | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tex Darling | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
THERESA FRONCZAK | Client: SELF | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Theresa Weidler | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tia Mink | Client: Not a Business | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tim Friedrich | Client: none | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tim Stein | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Timothy L Nerud | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Timothy M Zuehl | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tom Krieger | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tom Lahart | Client: citizen (taxpayer) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
tom parkinson jr | Client: na | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tony Savino | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tracy Mayberry | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tricia Fowler | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Tricia Wetherell | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Val Nicoson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Valerie Kemme | Client: NA | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Vickie Hodgdon | Client: Blue Sky Realty Corp. | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Victoria Logan | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Victoria Swanson | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Victoria Vestuto | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Viktoriia Naughton | Client: Self (Family.) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Wayne Howard | Client: On Behalf Of Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Wayne Lela | Client: Taxpayer | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Wendy Bartolini | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Wendy Owano | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Whitney Wiseman | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
William Beckman | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
William Collins | Client: None | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
William F Papp | Client: P & F Business Advisors Inc | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
William Lang | Client: self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
William R Marsh III | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
William Robert Smith | Client: Cornerstone Reformed Church | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
William Schifferer | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Zarah Oliver | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Luebbers | Client: Illinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom Alliance (On behalf of IFCC dba IFA) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/4/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Luebbers | Client: Illinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom Alliance (On behalf of IFCC dba IFA) | Opponent | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)2/25/20252:00PM | End date: |
Deborah Coonley | Client: Self | No Position | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
Terry Coonley | Client: Self | No Position | Start date: Ethics&Elections(H)3/11/20252:00PM | End date: |
- Feb 18, 2025 | House
- Assigned to Ethics & Elections
- Jan 28, 2025 | House
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Jan 24, 2025 | House
- Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Kam Buckner
Bill Texts