IntroducedJan 03, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Last Action See all actions
House • Feb 04, 2025: Assigned to Labor & Commerce Committee
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Mar 12, 2025 02:00pm
Room 114 Capitol Building Springfield, IL
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1090
Whip Lists
Clay Diette | Client: LIUNA Chicago Laborers District Council (LIUNA Chicago Laborers District Council) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/12/20252:00PM | End date: |
John Lowder | Client: Lowder Governmental Solutions (Illinois State Conference of the IBEW) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/12/20252:00PM | End date: |
Justin Mahwikizi | Client: American Institute Of Action | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/12/20252:00PM | End date: |
Marc Poulos | Client: Local 150 Operating Engineers (Local 150 Operating Engineers) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/12/20252:00PM | End date: |
Clay Diette | Client: LIUNA Chicago Laborers' District Council (LIUNA Chicago Laborers' District Council) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/5/20252:00PM | End date: |
John Lowder | Client: Lowder Govermental Solutions (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/5/20252:00PM | End date: |
Larry Gnat | Client: Roofers and Waterproofers Local 11 (Roofers & Waterproofers District Council) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/5/20252:00PM | End date: |
Marc Poulos | Client: Local 150 Operating Engineers (Local 150 Operating Engineers) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/5/20252:00PM | End date: |
Sean Stott | Client: Laborers' International Union - Midwest Region (Laborers' International Union - Midwest Region) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/5/20252:00PM | End date: |
Clay Diette | Client: LIUNA Chicago Laborers' District Council (LIUNA Chicago Laborers' District Council) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/26/20252:00PM | End date: |
John Lowder | Client: Lowder Govermental Solutions (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/26/20252:00PM | End date: |
Larry Gnat | Client: Roofers and Waterproofers Local 11 (Roofers & Waterproofers District Council) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/26/20252:00PM | End date: |
Marc Poulos | Client: Local 150 Operating Engineers (Local 150 Operating Engineers) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/26/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rich Coluzzi | Client: Roofers and Waterproofers local 11 (Roofers Union) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/26/20252:00PM | End date: |
Rick Terven | Client: Illinois Pipe Trades Association (Illinois Pipe Trades Association) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/26/20252:00PM | End date: |
Travis Gorman | Client: United Union of Roofers Waterproofers Local 11 (Roofers Union) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/26/20252:00PM | End date: |
Clay Diette | Client: LIUNA Chicago Laborers' District Council (LIUNA Chicago Laborers' District Council) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/19/20252:30PM | End date: |
John Lowder | Client: Lowder Govermental Solutions (State Conference of the IBEW) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/19/20252:30PM | End date: |
Larry Gnat | Client: Roofers and Waterproofers Local 11 (Roofers & Waterproofers District Council) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/19/20252:30PM | End date: |
Marc Poulos | Client: Local 150 Operating Engineers (Local 150 Operating Engineers) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/19/20252:30PM | End date: |
Noah Finley | Client: NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/12/20252:00PM | End date: |
Michael Sturino | Client: Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association (Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/26/20252:00PM | End date: |
John Nicks | Client: UURWAW 112 (Roofers Local 112) | No Position | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)2/26/20252:00PM | End date: |
- Feb 04, 2025 | House
- Assigned to Labor & Commerce Committee
- Jan 09, 2025 | House
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Jan 03, 2025 | House
- Prefiled with Clerk by Rep. Jay Hoffman
Bill Texts