IntroducedJan 03, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Last Action See all actions
House • Mar 13, 2025: House Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Mar 20, 2025 08:00am
Room C-1 Stratton Building Springfield, IL
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1098
Whip Lists
Brittan Bolin | Client: Brittan Bolin Consulting (Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/13/20258:00AM | End date: |
John Buckley | Client: Illinois Fire Chiefs Assn (Illinois Fire Chiefs) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/13/20258:00AM | End date: |
Margaret Vaughn | Client: Margaret Vaughn Consulting (IL Firefighters Association) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/13/20258:00AM | End date: |
Brittan Bolin | Client: Brittan Bolin Consulting (Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts ois) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/6/20258:00AM | End date: |
John Buckley | Client: Illinois Fire Chiefs Assn (Illinois Fire Chiefs) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/6/20258:00AM | End date: |
Margaret Vaughn | Client: Margaret Vaughn Consulting (IL Firefighters Association) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/6/20258:00AM | End date: |
Michael Graves | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/6/20258:00AM | End date: |
Michael Luebbers | Client: Illinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom Alliance (On behalf of IFCC dba IFA) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/6/20258:00AM | End date: |
Robert Smart | Client: Fire Department | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/6/20258:00AM | End date: |
Robert Smart | Client: Fire Department | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/6/20258:00AM | End date: |
Brittan Bolin | Client: Brittan Bolin Consulting (Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Christopher Jude | Client: Braidwood Fire Protection District (Braidwood Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Joe Falaschetti | Client: Beecher Fire Protection District (Beecher Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
John Buckley | Client: Illinois Fire Chiefs Assn (Illinois Fire Chiefs) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
John OConnor | Client: Lockport Township Fire Protection Distict (Lockport Township Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
John OConnor | Client: Lockport Township Fire Protection Distict (Lockport Township Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
John Petrakis | Client: Channahon Fire Protection District (Channahon Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Joseph Cirelli | Client: Mokena Fire Protection District (Mokena Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Kevin Doyle | Client: Homer Township Fire Protection District (Homer Township Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Kirk Kelly | Client: East Joliet Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Margaret Vaughn | Client: Margaret Vaughn Consulting (IL Firefighters Association) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Matthew Slade | Client: Myself (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Paul Kinsella | Client: Frankfort Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Richard King | Client: Myself (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Rick Campbell | Client: Mokena Fire Protection District (Mokena Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Steve Malone | Client: Manhattan Fire Protection District (Manhattan Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
Andrew Steinbach | Client: Caterpillar Inc. | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Audrey Enlow | Client: Bristol Kendall Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Brad Gilkey | Client: City of Aurora | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Brad Jensen | Client: Kettley insurance agency | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Brandon Seggebruch | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Chris Adrian | Client: Bristol Kendall Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Christopher Kell | Client: On behalf of Self (On behalf of Self) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Christopher Plocher | Client: IVVC | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Craig Anthony Soling | Client: Fox Metro Water Reclamation District and Alderman Ward 2 City of Yorkville | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Dan Gallup | Client: Oswego Fire | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Dan Gallup | Client: Oswego Fire | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Dan Schiradelly | Client: Oswego Fire Protection DIstrict | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Darin Peterson | Client: Retired St.charles Fire Department | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Dave Jordan | Client: Oswego fire protection district | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
David Guss | Client: Person (Person) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
David Hubrick | Client: IAFF 4773 (IAFF 4773) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
David Oliver | Client: Retired Lieutenant from Elburn Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Dennis Ferguson | Client: Kendall County Highway Department | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Derek Forseth | Client: Little Rock-Fox FPD | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Dominique Castillo | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Donald Fruland Jr | Client: St Charles Fire Department | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Emerick Neitzer | Client: Retired career firefighter | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Eric Watkins | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Gail DeGarmo | Client: Retired | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Geo Richter | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Grant Gette | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Jeff Farren | Client: Bristol-Kendall Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Jeffrey S Warren | Client: Oswego Firefighters Local 4773 | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Jeremy gruca | Client: Bristol-Kendall fire | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Jeremy Messersmith | Client: Bristol Kendall Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
John Buckley | Client: Illinois Fire Chiefs Assn (Illinois Fire Chiefs) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
John Cornish | Client: Oswego Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Jon Reavy | Client: Bristol-Kendall Fire Protection District (Jed Davis) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Joseph Johnson | Client: Oswego Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Josh Hamman | Client: Warrenville Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Josh Heiss | Client: Oswego Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Joshua Flanders | Client: Oswego Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Joshua McConnell | Client: Lisbon Seward Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Katy Fruland | Client: Parkview Christian Academy | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Kelly Cave | Client: Oswego Fire Protection District (Oswego Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Kris Kearns | Client: Oswego Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Larry Murison | Client: Oswego Fire (Local 4773) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Lucian Theriault | Client: Redbull Distribution Company | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Lynn Cullick | Client: Oswego Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Margaret Vaughn | Client: Margaret Vaughn Consulting (IL Firefighters Association) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Michael Krempski | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Michael Luebbers | Client: Illinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom Alliance (On behalf of IFCC dba IFA) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Michael Torrence | Client: Bristol Kendall Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Nicholas Mazzocchi | Client: Oswego Fire Protection District | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Nicholas T Schiradelly | Client: Oswego Fire Department | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Nicole Jensen | Client: FNIC | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Paul Gal | Client: IAFF Local 4773 | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
ROBERT MARTIN BANEK | Client: IAFF Local 4773 | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Ryan Cihak | Client: Bristol Kendall Fire Protection District (Bristol Kendall Fire Protection Distirct) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Ryan Dunning | Client: IAFF Local 4773 | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Ryan Marshall | Client: Oswego FPD | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Ryan Stallmann | Client: IAFF local 4773 | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Scott McCarty | Client: Bristol Kendall Fire Protection District (Bristol Kendall Fire Protection District) | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Tina Carlson | Client: Newark Fire Department | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Todd Freiberg | Client: Sauber Manufacturing | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Traci Flanders | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Lourdes Dominguez | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/6/20258:00AM | End date: |
Bruce Guss | Client: Person (Person) | Opponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Lucas Lee | Client: Bristol-Kendall Fire Department | Opponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
Tony LeCuyer | Client: IAFFLocal 4773 | Opponent | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/20/20258:00AM | End date: |
John Coultas | Client: Illinois Municipal League (Illinois Municipal League) | No Position | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)3/6/20258:00AM | End date: |
John Coultas | Client: Illinois Municipal League (Illinois Municipal League) | No Position | Start date: Police&FireCommittee(H)2/27/20258:00AM | End date: |
- Mar 13, 2025 | House
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Jed Davis
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
- Feb 27, 2025 | House
- To Fire Subcommittee
- Feb 04, 2025 | House
- Assigned to Police & Fire Committee
- Jan 30, 2025 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Patrick Sheehan
- Jan 09, 2025 | House
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Jan 03, 2025 | House
- Prefiled with Clerk by Rep. Jed Davis