IntroducedFeb 09, 2024
Passed SenateApr 10, 2024
Passed HouseMay 23, 2024
Signed into LawAug 09, 2024
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Aug 09, 2024: Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-1037
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 3713
Whip Lists
- Lindsey LaPointecosponsor
- Sonya M. Harpercosponsor
- Elizabeth "Lisa" Hernandezcosponsor
- Lilian Jiménezcosponsor
- Jawaharial Williamscosponsor
- Cyril Nicholscosponsor
- La Shawn K. Fordcosponsor
- Marcus C. Evans, Jr.cosponsor
- Kam Bucknercosponsor
- Brandun Schweizercosponsor
- Mary Beth Cantycosponsor
- Laura Faver Diascosponsor
- Kevin John Olickalcosponsor
- Rita Mayfieldcosponsor
Annice Mallory | Client: Quanada | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Alisha Ballinger | Client: Quanada (Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Allison Fradkin | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Amneh Ghanem | Client: Arab American Family Services (Arab American Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Amy Fox | Client: Life Span Inc. (Life Span) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Amy Milligan | Client: Metropolitan Family Services (Metropolitan Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Amy Morales | Client: Anew Building Beyond Violence and Abuse (Anew Building Beyond Violence and Abuse) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Ana Pliego | Client: none (none) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Ann Slusher | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Anne VanderWeele | Client: Metropolitan Family Services (Metropolitan Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Annette L Milleville | Client: Chicago Children's Advocacy Center (Chicago Children's Advocacy Center) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
April Rodriguez | Client: Sarah's Inn | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Arab American Family Services | Client: Arab American Family Services | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Ashley Gallaher | Client: QUANADA (QUANADA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Ashley Olson | Client: na | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Bryan Liberona | Client: Ascend Justice (Not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Carol Gall | Client: Sarah's Inn (Sarah's Inn) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Carolina Sanchez | Client: Resilience | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Christine Alcorn Catena | Client: Crisis Center for South Suburbia (Crisis Center for South Suburbia) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
dania jibreen | Client: Arab American Family Services (Arab American Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
dania jibreen | Client: Arab American Services (Arab American Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
dania jibreen | Client: Arab American Services (Arab American Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Dawn M Albanese | Client: INDIVIDUAL | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Deborah Meeker | Client: Guardian Angel Community Services | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
diana jibreen | Client: Arab American Services (Arab American Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Dina Ramahi | Client: Arab American Family Services (Arab American Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Fabiola Martinez | Client: sarah's inn | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Garrick Balk | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
hanin mustafa | Client: Arab American Family Services | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Ines Zamora | Client: Sarah's Inn (Sarahs Inn) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Jaclyn Rodriguez | Client: ForMed Insight LLC (ForMed Insight LLC) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Biehler | Client: Sarah's Inn | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Delaney Strobel | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Gabrenya | Client: Anew Building Beyond Violence and Abuse (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Vancil | Client: Quanada (Victims of domestic violence) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Jenny Heinecke | Client: Quincy Area Network Against Domestic Abuse | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Joe Lord | Client: Quanada (QUANADA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Kate Teml | Client: Guardian Angel Community Services | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Katherine Gaughan-Palombi | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Kayla Martinez | Client: not applicable (not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Kelly Mitchell | Client: Sarah's Inn (Kelly Mitchell) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Kendall Cottrell | Client: Quanada (Quanada) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Laura Lambert | Client: Self-Employed (Self-Employed) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Lauren Sandherr | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Lauren Schroeder | Client: na (na) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Leticia Guitron | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
LILIA RAHMANI | Client: AAFS | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Lynnette A Miloch | Client: Family Shelter Service of Metropolitan Family Services - DuPage (Family Shelter Service of Metropolitan Family Services - DuPage) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Madeleine Behr | Client: Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Mandy Carpenter | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Maralea Negron | Client: The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence (The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Marcela Navarro | Client: Sarah's Inn (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Margaret Duval | Client: Ascend Justice | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Maria Wilburn | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Marilyn Tamayo | Client: Sarah's Inn (Sarah's Inn) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Martha Armenta-Robles | Client: Enlace Chicago | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
MARY | Client: Quanada (Quanada) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Mary Hobein | Client: none (self only) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Maryam Salameh | Client: ARAB AMERICAN FAMILY SERVICES | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Maysaa abu shahin | Client: Arab American Family services (Arab American Family services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Meg Hefty | Client: Sarah's Inn (Domestic Violence survivors) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Megan Rosado | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Melanie Skach | Client: Guardian Angel Community Services (Melanie Skach) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Michael Melaniphy | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Min A Kim | Client: KAN-WIN | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Neha Gill | Client: Apna Ghar, Inc. (Apna Ghar, Inc.) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Pamela Kostecki | Client: Crisis Center for South Suburbia (Domestic Violence Survivors) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Phil Milsk | Client: Law Offices of Phil Milsk (Ascend Justice) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Rebekah Miller | Client: Sarah's Inn | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Robin Spencer | Client: not applicable (not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Ron Holmes | Client: Ron Holmes Consulting LLC (Alliance for Safety & Justice) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Rose Murphy | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Sabrina Hamm | Client: FreeFrom (FreeFrom) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
saida alakhras | Client: arab american family services (arab american family services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Samantha Bermudez | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Sara Block | Client: Ascend Justice (Ascend Justice) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Sara Gilloon | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Beuning | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Hamilton | Client: Sarah's Inn | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Layden | Client: Resilience, formerly Rape Victim Advocates (Resilience, formerly Rape Victim Advocates) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Steinbach | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Sayeed Sanchez | Client: Mujeres Latinas en Accion (Mujeres Latinas en Accion) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Shantel Franklin | Client: Office of the Illinois Attorney General (Office of the Illinois Attorney General) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Shaunagh McGoldrick | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Shelby Hoffman Binder | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Steve Walsh | Client: Office of the Illinois Attorney General (Office of the Illinois Attorney General) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Client: Illinois National Organization for Women (Illinois NOW) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Tahani Ahmed | Client: Arab American Family Services (Arab American Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Tessa Kuipers | Client: Family Rescue (Family Rescue) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Valerie Coffman | Client: Enlace Chicago | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Vickie M Smith | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Virginia Mueller | Client: Quanada | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
Annice Mallory | Client: Quanada | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Adriane l Phillpott | Client: crosspoint human services | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Aimee Walford | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Alicia Johnson | Client: HOPE of Ogle County | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Alisha Ballinger | Client: Quanada (Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Amanda Davis | Client: Voices of Stephenson County | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Amy Fox | Client: Life Span Inc. (Life Span Inc.) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Amy Milligan | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Amy Morales | Client: Anew Building Beyond Violence and Abuse | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Anna Jaczewski | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Anna Sprague | Client: Crisis Center Foundation | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Anne K Dempsey | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Anne VanderWeele | Client: Metropolitan Family Services (Metropolitan Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Annette L Milleville | Client: Chicago Children's Advocacy Center (Chicago Children's Advocacy Center) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Aristea Geroulis | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Ashley Gallaher | Client: QUANADA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Ashley Miller | Client: Quincy Area Network Against Domestic Abuse (Quincy Area Network Against Domestic Abuse) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Ashley Olson | Client: na | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Astrid Render | Client: Quanada | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Barbara Youngquist | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Beth Maskell | Client: VOICES of Stephenson County (VOICES of Stephenson County -- Domestic & Sexual Violence Service Agency) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Brittany Poe | Client: Self (Women and children) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Bryan Liberona | Client: not applicable (Not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Cairo Women's Shelter | Client: Cairo Women's Shelter, Inc. (Cairo Women's Shelter) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Candace J Gingrich | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Carol Gall | Client: Sarah's Inn (Sarah's Inn) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Carrie Estrada | Client: Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault (Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Catherine A Ratcliffe | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Charles Dahm | Client: Domestic Violence Outreach | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Charlotte Coats | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Christine Alcorn Catena | Client: Crisis Center for South Suburbia (Crisis Center for South Suburbia) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Christyn Schnell | Client: Ascend Justice | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Colleen Norton | Client: none (none) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Connie Chau | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Cori Bills | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Cristina Lopez | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Danielle Del Faro | Client: Crisis Center Foundation (Crisis Center Foundation) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Dawn Baldwin | Client: Kenneth Young Center (Dawn Baldwin) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Dawn Tully | Client: Paying it Forward DBA Selling My Stuff (Women and all people of any color) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Debbie Collins | Client: Western Illinois Regional Council -Community Action Agency Victim Services (Western Illinois Regional Council Community Action Agency) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Debbie Theilig | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Delaney H | Client: Family Rescue | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Diana Hincapie | Client: Enlace Chicago | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Dona Leanard | Client: Crisis Center Foundation | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Donna Johnson | Client: Life Span | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Donna S Schnell | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
DVSA COMMUNITIES | Client: DVSA COMMUNITIES (DVSA COMMUNITIES) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Elena Dennis | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Elizabeth Monkus | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Erica Jimenez | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
GAIL WOODS | Client: CITY OF CHICAGO, DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY & SUPPORT SERVICES-GENDER BASED VIOLENCE | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Georgia Atsaves | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Itedal Shalabi | Client: Arab American Family Services (Arab American Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Itedal Shalabi | Client: Arab American Family Services (Arab American Family Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jacie Wolfe | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jaclyn Rodriguez | Client: ForMed Insight LLC | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jake Wright | Client: GR Consulting (Chicago Survivors) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jamie Johnston | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jana Roon | Client: na | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Janet Sullivan | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Janice E Rodgers | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
jasmine brown | Client: Community Crisis Center | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jayden Anderson-Baker | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jenna Nacht | Client: Mutual Ground | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jennifer Allen | Client: YWCA Evanston North Shore (YWCA Evanston North Shore) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jennifer Gabrenya | Client: Anew Building Beyond Violence and Abuse (Survivors of domestic violence and their children) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jennifer Vancil | Client: Quanada | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Jenny Heinecke | Client: Quincy Area Network Against Domestic Abuse (Quincy Area Network Against Domestic Abuse) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Joe Lord | Client: Quanada (Quanada) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Joyce Kirkland | Client: Dove, Inc. (Dove, Inc.) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Karen Parent | Client: Realtor | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Karli Molignoni | Client: Not Applicable (Not Applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Katherine Gaughan-Palombi | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Katie Brown | Client: The Crisis Center for South Suburbia (Crisis Center for South Suburbia) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Kayla Martinez | Client: not applicable (not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Kelly Rosenberg | Client: Mutual Ground | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Kenzie Citro | Client: Mutual Ground (Mutual Ground) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Kevin Curran | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Kristi Green | Client: Family Rescue (Family Rescue) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Krystina Quattrocchi | Client: Mutual Ground (Mutual Ground) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Laura Davis | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Laurel Kaish | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Lauren Schroeder | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Libby Holt | Client: Quanada (Quanada Domestic Violence Network) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Lisa Casner | Client: Safe Passage Inc | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Madeleine Behr | Client: Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Maralea Negron | Client: The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence (The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Margaret R Duval | Client: Ascend Justice | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Maria Elena calafell | Client: metropolitan Family Services | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Maria Wilburn | Client: Swedish Hospital | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Marianne flanagan | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Marrey Picciotti | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Mary Hobein | Client: none (self only) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Maureen Manning | Client: Community Crisis Center, Inc. (Community Crisis Center) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Meg Hefty | Client: Sarah's Inn (Domestic Violence survivors) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Megan Rosado | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Megan O'Donnell | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Meggan Trevey | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Melissa Rose McGraw | Client: Safe Passage (victims of domestic and sexual violence) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Mercedes Rutledge | Client: Survivor Empowerment Center (Mercedes Rutledge) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Michael Melaniphy | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Michelle Violet Knipmeyer | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Min A Kim | Client: KAN-WIN (KAN-WIN) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Nancy Mott | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Norma Peterson | Client: Document The Abuse | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
P Esquivel | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Pam Munoz | Client: Greentarget (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Pat Davenport | Client: Pat (Lake County Crisis Center) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Phil Milsk | Client: Law Offices of Phil Milsk (Ascend Justice) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Philomena Harbaugh | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Rachel E Migliore | Client: Chicago Advocate Legal | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Rebecca Laudati | Client: Mutual Ground (Rebecca Laudati) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Rhonda C Parsons | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Robert J Anderson | Client: 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT Retired | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Robert J Anderson | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence - Board | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Robin Spencer | Client: not applicable (Not applicable (self only)) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Rose Murphy | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Rowena Reid | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Ruth Carter | Client: HOPE of Ogle County | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Ruth Peterson | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Ryan R Faber | Client: Mid Central Community In Action (Mid Central Community Action) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Sabrina Hampton | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Sabrina Hampton | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Samantha Toledo Adolff | Client: Community Not-for Profit | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Sandra King | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Sara Block | Client: Ascend Justice (Ascend Justice) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Sara Gilloon | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Sarah Beuning | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Sarah Layden | Client: Resilience (Resilience) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Sayeed Sanchez | Client: Mujeres Latinas en Accion (Mujeres Latinas en Accion) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Shannon LaFrance | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Shannon Schmidt | Client: Center for Changing Lives (person) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Shantel Franklin | Client: Office of the Illinois Attorney General (Office of the Illinois Attorney General) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Shaunagh McGoldrick | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Stephanie Adamson | Client: Mutual Ground | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Steve Walsh | Client: Office of the Illinois Attorney General (Office of the Illinois Attorney General) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Sue Meeker | Client: Crosspoint Human Services (Crosspoint Human Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Susan Agate | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Client: Illinois National Organization for Women (Illinois NOW) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Suzanne Theden | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Tawnya Morgan | Client: Crosspoint Human Services DV-TSS Program (Crosspoint Human Services) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Tessa Kuipers | Client: Family Rescue (Family Rescue) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Tessa Kuipers | Client: Family Rescue (Family Rescue) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Timothy Dorr | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Ulises Brito | Client: Not Applicable | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Vickie M Smith | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Vickie M Smith | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Virginia Mueller | Client: Quanada | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Yesenia Maldonado | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/9/202410:00AM | End date: |
Austin James Mink | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/8/20244:00PM | End date: |
Abby Hoffmeyer | Client: Anew Building Beyond Violence & Abuse (not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Alexis Mansfield | Client: Women's Justice Institute (Women's Justice Institute) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Amy C Fox | Client: Life Span Inc. (Life Span) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Andrea Bird | Client: Crisis Center for South Suburbia | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Andrea Carrillo | Client: Not Applicable (Not Applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Andrew Daglas | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Ann Slusher | Client: na (na) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Ashley Hokenson | Client: Office of the Illinois Attorney General (Office of the Illinois Attorney General) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Ashley Olson | Client: na (na) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Bryan Liberona | Client: not applicable (Not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Carol Gall | Client: Sarah's Inn (Sarah's Inn) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Carrie Estrada | Client: Northwest CASA (Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Charlotte Miller | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Chris Nybo | Client: Chris Nybo LLC (Mutual Ground) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Christine Raffaele | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Christine Alcorn Catena | Client: Crisis Center for South Suburbia (Crisis Center for South Suburbia) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Colleen Norton | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Connie Chau | Client: Not applicable (Not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Courtney Woods | Client: Between Friends Chicago (Between Friends Chicago) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Cristina Lopez | Client: Anew Building Beyond Violence and Abuse | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Elena P Dennis | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Erica Hungerford | Client: Resilience | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Jaclyn Rodriguez | Client: ForMed Insight LLC (ForMed Insight LLC) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Greene | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer King | Client: Not applicable (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
John Obeda | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Kayla Martinez | Client: not applicable (not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Keith Summa | Client: Not applicable (Not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Kim Garvey | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Lauren Schroeder | Client: Not applicable (Not applicable) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Leslie Corbett | Client: private citizen (private citizen) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Lisa Marie Sharkey | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Madeleine Behr | Client: Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Maralea Negron | Client: The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence (The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Margaret R Duval | Client: self (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Mary Kate Winn | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Meggan Trevey | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Min A Kim | Client: KAN-WIN (KAN-WIN) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Nicole Suhm | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Patricia Gabris | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Patricia Graham | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Rachel E Migliore | Client: N-A (N-A) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Robert L Gipson II | Client: Giffords Law Center (Giffords Law Center) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Rochelle McCreedy | Client: Ascend justice (Asend justice) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Sara Block | Client: Ascend Justice (Ascend Justice) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Sara Gilloon | Client: Ascend Justice | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Beuning | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Shannon K Quinn | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Susan Pieters | Client: Between Friends Chicago (Between Friends) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Vickie M Smith | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Wayde Grinstead | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)3/5/20243:00PM | End date: |
Batoul Al-lami | Client: Arab American Family Services | Opponent | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
reem hamad | Client: Arab American Services | No Position | Start date: Appropriations-GeneralService(H)5/15/20244:00PM | End date: |
NO: 1
- Tracy, Jil
- Curran, John F
- Hastings, Michael E
- Rose, Chapin
YES: 7
- Gillespie, Ann
- Curran, John F
- Harmon, Don
- Halpin, Michael W
- Martwick, Robert F
- Elgie R. Sims, Jr.
- Tracy, Jil
NO: 0
- Hastings, Michael E
- Rose, Chapin
YES: 57
- Sims
- Lewis
- Feigenholtz
- Anderson
- Stadelman
- Lightford
- Fine
- Aquino
- Stoller
- Loughran Cappel
- Fowler
- Belt
- Syverson
- Martwick
- Gillespie
- Bennett
- Toro
- McClure
- Glowiak Hilton
- Bryant
- McConchie
- Halpin
- Castro
- Turner, D.
- Morrison
- Harris, N.
- Cervantes
- Turner, S.
- Murphy
- Harriss, E.
- Ventura
- Peters
- Hastings
- Collins
- Villa
- Plummer
- Holmes
- Cunningham
- Villanueva
- Porfirio
- Hunter
- Curran
- Villivalam
- Preston
- Johnson
- DeWitte
- Wilcox
- Rezin
- Jones, E.
- Edly-Allen
- Harmon
- Rose
- Joyce
- Ellman
- Simmons
- Koehler
- Faraci
NO: 0
- Tracy
- Chesney
YES: 13
- Buckner, Kam
- Andrade Jr., Jaime M
- Elik, Amy
- Crespo, Fred
- Hanson, Matt
- Halbrook, Brad
- Jiménez, Lilian
- Huynh, Hoan
- Mah, Theresa
- Kelly, Michael J
- Meyers-Martin, Debbie
- McLaughlin, Martin
- Ness, Suzanne M
NO: 0
- Niemerg, Adam M
- Schmidt, Kevin
YES: 108
- Ness
- Guzzardi
- Ammons
- Haas
- Niemerg
- Halbrook
- Avelar
- Olickal
- Hammond
- Benton
- Ortiz
- Hanson
- Blair-Sherlock
- Rashid
- Harper
- Buckner
- Reick
- Hauter
- Bunting
- Rita
- Hernandez, Barbara
- Burke
- Hernandez, Lisa
- Sanalitro
- Hernandez, Norma
- Canty
- Scherer
- Hirschauer
- Cassidy
- Schmidt
- Hoffman
- Caulkins
- Schweizer
- Huynh
- Chung
- Severin
- Jacobs
- Coffey
- Sheehan
- Jiménez
- Costa Howard
- Slaughter
- Johnson
- Crespo
- Smith
- Croke
- Sosnowski
- Tracy Katz Muhl
- Davidsmeyer
- Spain
- Keicher
- Davis, Jed
- Stava-Murray
- Kelly
- William "Will" Davis
- Stephens
- Kifowit
- Delgado
- Stuart
- La Ha
- DeLuca
- Swanson
- Ladisch Douglass
- Didech
- Syed
- LaPointe
- Du Buclet
- Lilly
- Elik
- Tipsword
- Mah
- Evans
- Ugaste
- Manley
- Faver Dias
- Vella
- Mason
- Mayfield
- Ford
- Weaver
- McCombie
- Frese
- Weber
- McLaughlin
- Friess
- West
- Meier
- Fritts
- Wilhour
- Meyers-Martin
- Gabel
- Williams, Ann
- Miller
- Gill
- Williams, Jawaharial
- Moeller
- Gong-Gershowitz
- Windhorst
- Morgan
- Gonzalez
- Janet Yang Rohr
- Morris
- Gordon-Booth
- Moylan
- Grant
- Welch
- Mussman
- Guerrero-Cuellar
NO: 0
- Cabello
- Tarver
- Walsh
- Yednock
- Aug 09, 2024 | Senate
- Governor Approved
- Effective Date August 9, 2024; Some Provisions;
- Effective Date January 1, 2025; Some Provisions
- Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-1037
- Jun 21, 2024 | Senate
- Sent to the Governor
- May 23, 2024 | House
- Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Sonya M. Harper
- Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Elizabeth "Lisa" Hernandez
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Mary Beth Canty
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Laura Faver Dias
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Kevin John Olickal
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Rita Mayfield
- May 23, 2024 | Senate
- Passed Both Houses
- May 23, 2024 | House
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
- Third Reading - Short Debate - Passed 108-000-000
- May 21, 2024 | House
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Brandun Schweizer
- May 16, 2024 | House
- Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
- Second Reading - Short Debate
- Held on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate
- May 15, 2024 | committee
- Do Pass / Short Debate Appropriations-General Services Committee; 013-000-000
- May 08, 2024 | House
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr.
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Kam Buckner
- May 06, 2024 | House
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Lindsey LaPointe
- May 03, 2024 | House
- Committee/Final Action Deadline Extended-9(b) May 24, 2024
- May 02, 2024 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Kimberly A. Lightford
- May 02, 2024 | House
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Jawaharial Williams
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Cyril Nichols
- Apr 24, 2024 | House
- Assigned to Appropriations-General Services Committee
- Apr 11, 2024 | House
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Lilian Jiménez
- Apr 10, 2024 | House
- Arrived in House
- Chief House Sponsor Rep. Maurice A. West, II
- Apr 10, 2024 | Senate
- Third Reading - Passed; 057-000-000
- Mar 21, 2024 | Senate
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Recommend Do Adopt Judiciary; 007-000-000
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Adopted
- Second Reading
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 22, 2024
- Mar 20, 2024 | Senate
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Judiciary
- Mar 18, 2024 | Senate
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Robert Peters
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
- Mar 06, 2024 | Senate
- Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 7, 2024
- Mar 06, 2024 | committee
- Do Pass Judiciary; 005-001-000
- Feb 28, 2024 | Senate
- Assigned to Judiciary
- Feb 09, 2024 | Senate
- Filed with Secretary by Sen. Robert Peters
- First Reading
- Referred to Assignments