IntroducedFeb 09, 2024
Passed HouseApr 19, 2024
Passed SenateMay 16, 2024
Signed into LawJul 19, 2024
Last Action See all actions
House • Jul 19, 2024: Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0713
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 5418
Whip Lists
- Michelle Mussmancosponsor
- Sharon Chungcosponsor
- Norma Hernandezcosponsor
- Ryan Spaincosponsor
- Tom Bennettcosponsor
Alexandra Zimmerman | Client: Regional Office of Education (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Alexis Garcia | Client: West40 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Amber Kidd | Client: ROE 3 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Angie Zarvell | Client: Regional Office of Education 28 (IARSS) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Annette Hartlieb | Client: Regional Office of Education 3 (IARSS) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Anthony Summers | Client: ICEARY (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
April Jordan | Client: North Cook Intermediate Service Center, Regional Office of Education 5 (North Cook Intermediate Service Center, Regional Office of Education 5) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Beth Rister | Client: ROE 20 (Regional Offices IARSS) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Carmen Siragusa | Client: ROE 16 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Caroline J Brockway | Client: Regional Office of Education 4 (Caroline J Brockway, ROE #4, Summit Academy in Loves Park, IL) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Carrie Szambelan | Client: West40 ISC 2 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Chris Coffey | Client: West40 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Christi Tyler | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Christopher Collins | Client: ROE 4 (ROE4) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Christopher Dvorak | Client: ROE 35 (Chris Dvorak) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Christopher Tennyson | Client: Regional Office of Education 47 (Regional Office of Education 47) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Danielle Lewis | Client: Regional Office of Education 26 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
David Corral | Client: WEST40 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
David Lerch | Client: ROE 45 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Deb Kay Opel | Client: ROE 45 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Diane Capriola | Client: ROE 4 (Regional Office of Education) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Dr Anthony Marinello | Client: South Cook Intermediate Service Center (South Cook Intermediate Service Center) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Elizabeth Crider | Client: Peoria ROE (Peoria ROE) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Eustacia Sellers | Client: I-KAN ROE Attendance Assistance Program (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Frank Giosa | Client: West 40 Regional Safe Schools Program (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Gary K Lewis | Client: Champaign-Ford ROE 9 (ROE 9) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Isboset Gonzalez | Client: West40 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Jacob Smithers | Client: Rock Island Regional Office of Education 49 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Jacob Smithers | Client: Rock Island Regional Office of Education 49 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
James Mortillaro | Client: West40 ISC 2 (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Jeff Ekena | Client: Regional Office of Education (Jeff Ekena - Regional Superintendent of Schools) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Mayares-Soberanis | Client: Rock Island County Regional Office of Education (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Jill Reis | Client: ROE 1 (Regional Office of Education 1) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Jodi L Scott | Client: ROE 33 (ROE 33) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
John Lowder | Client: Governmental Consulting Solutions (Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
John Meixner | Client: ROE26 (Regional Office of Education #26 - Fulton, Hancock, McDonough & Schuyler Counties) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
John Milosovic | Client: West40 ISC (Illinois Coalition of At-Risk Students) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Johna Schullian | Client: Regional Office of Education (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Jon Julius | Client: Rosie Jean's Sweet Tea & Jesus (Jon Julius) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Joseph Gage | Client: West40 Intermediate Service Center 2 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Josh Boies | Client: West40 Intermediate Service Center | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Josh Knuth | Client: Regional Office of Education (ROE 47) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Julie Morris | Client: West40 ISC 2 (West40 ISC 2) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Julie Stratman | Client: ROE 1 (Regional Office of Education 1) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Julie Wollerman | Client: Regional Office of Education 33 (ROE 3) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Karen Tiemann | Client: Illinois Coalition for Educating At-Risk Youth (Illinois Coalition for Educating At-Risk Youth (ICEARY)) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Kari Cullen | Client: Summit Academy (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Karla Chavez | Client: West40 Intermediate Service Center No.2 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Kathy Marshall | Client: Regional Office of Education 28 (ROE 28) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Kevin Jauch | Client: North Cook Regional Office of Education 5 and Intermediate Service Center (North Cook County Regional Office of Education and Intermediate Service Center) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Kira Dees | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Kristen Parsell Findley | Client: West40 ISC2 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Kyle Thompson | Client: Regional Office of Education 11 (Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Moultrie, and Shelby Counties) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Laura Lindsey | Client: West 40 ISC 2 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Lea Brushaber | Client: ROE 47 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Leah Blake | Client: Regional Office Of Education (ROE4) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Lezlie Fuhr | Client: West40 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Lizette Chavez | Client: West40 Regional Safe Schools | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Lori Hensley | Client: Boone-Winnebago Regional Office of Education (Boone-Winnebago Regional Office of Education and Summit Academy) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Lorinda Green | Client: regional office of education (regional office of education) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Lottie Jones | Client: Mary Logan High School at John A Logan College (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Luke Saeger | Client: Regional Office of Education Twenty-One (ROE #21) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Lytaka Allen | Client: West40 RSSP (West40 RSSP) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Maria Creevy | Client: West40 Intermediate Service Center (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Maria-Elena Agrela | Client: West40 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Mark Jontry | Client: Regional Office of Education 17 (Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Mary Mangione | Client: School District U46 (U46) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Matt Coe | Client: West 40 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Matt Renaud | Client: ROE 13 (Clinton, Jefferson, Marion and Washington Counties ROE) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Matthew Kane | Client: West40 ISC 2 (West 40 Intermediate Service Center #2) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Meghan Hawkinson | Client: Regional Office of Education 4 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Michael Czerniawski | Client: West40 Intermediate Service Center 2 (Regional Offices of Education and Intermediate Service Centers) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Michael Popp | Client: West40 Intermediate Service Center | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Michelle Conner | Client: ROE 51 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Michelle Hopper | Client: West40 Regional Safe School (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
monee L Haan | Client: ROE 47 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Nancy Debre | Client: West40 (West40 ISC #2) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Nancy Delgado | Client: West 40 Intermediate Service Center | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Natasha Melcher | Client: Sangamon-Menard County ROE 51 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Patricia Dal Santo | Client: Kane County Regional Office of Education (Kane County Regional Office of Education) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Paul Dees | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Renee Makris | Client: West 40 ISC2 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Rhiannon Hunter | Client: ICEARY | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Emery | Client: ROE 20 | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Marie Mortillaro | Client: ASCM (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Scott Sensabaugh | Client: Rock Island County Regional Office of Education (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Shandy Adams | Client: ROE 47 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Sherri Schimpf | Client: ROE 30 (Regional Office of Education 30) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Stacie Moore | Client: Summit Academy (Stacie Moore) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Stuart Schor | Client: Summit Academy (I am not appearing.) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Suzy Dees | Client: home | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Theresa Buckman | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Tiffany Downey | Client: ROE 47 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Vanessa Kinder | Client: South Cook ISC (South Cook Intermediate Service Center) | Proponent | Start date: Education(S)5/7/20242:00PM | End date: |
Alfredo Zamaniego | Client: West40 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Allison Pierson | Client: Regional Office of Education 4 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Allison Slade | Client: North Cook ROE | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Amber Nash | Client: ICEARY | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Andrew True | Client: ROE 19 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Angela Gonzales | Client: WEST40 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Angela M Horton | Client: West40 ISC 2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Anna Greene | Client: West40 ISC2 (West40 Intermediate Service Center #2) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
April Jordan | Client: North Cook Intermediate Service Center, Regional Office of Education 5 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Arianna Canada | Client: West40 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Benjamen Lewis | Client: West40 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Brucal Green | Client: West40 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Bryan Kendall | Client: ROE 17 (in support) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Carrie Szambelan | Client: West40 ISC 2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Chris Coffey | Client: West40 (West40 ISC #2) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Christi Tyler | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
CHRISTINE CRADDOCK | Client: ROE 51 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Christopher Collins | Client: IARSS | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Christopher Collins | Client: ICEARY | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Christopher Raffen | Client: West40 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Christopher Tennyson | Client: Regional Office of Education 47 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Dave Demler | Client: Regional Office of Education26 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Deana Simpson | Client: Meridian 223 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Diane Capriola | Client: ROE 4 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Gary Tipsord | Client: IARSS (Gary Tipsord ED IARSS) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Hannah Bailey | Client: ROE4 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
James Mortillaro | Client: West40 ISC 2 (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
James R Hotchkiss | Client: Everest High SChool (Illinois Coalition of Educators for At Risk Youth) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Jasmin Jannet Rodriguez | Client: West40 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Jayme Tighe | Client: West40 Intermediate Service Center 2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Jeanne Keane | Client: ICEARY (West40 ISC #2) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Jeanne Keane | Client: ICEARY (West40 ISC #2) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Jeff Mitzman | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
JoEllen Pensinger | Client: Regional Office of Education 26 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
John Cox | Client: Regional Office of Education 21 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
John Milosovic | Client: Illinois Coalition of Education At-Risk Youth (Illinois Coalition of Education At-Risk Youth) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Joseph McQueen | Client: ROE 33 RAES | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Josh Boies | Client: West40 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Juan Silva | Client: West 40 ISC 2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Julie Morris | Client: West40 ISC 2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Julie Wollerman | Client: ROE 3 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Karen Tiemann | Client: Illinois Coalition for Educating At-Risk Youth (Illinois Coalition for Educating At-Risk Youth) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Karin | Client: West40 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Karla Chavez | Client: West40 Intermediate Service Center | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Kathleen Ohara | Client: West40 (West40) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Kathryn Elvidge | Client: West40 Intermediate Service Center 2 (ICEARY - Illinois Coalition for Educating At-Risk Youth) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Kathy Ekstrand | Client: DuPage Regional Office of Education (DuPage Regional Office of Education) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Kathy Marshall | Client: Regional Office of Education 28 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Ken Peterson | Client: South Cook Intermediate Service Center | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Kevin Jauch | Client: North Cook Regional Office of Education 5 and Intermediate Service Center (North Cook County Regional Office of Education and Intermediate Service Center) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Laura Benhoff | Client: ROE 3 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Laura Lindsey | Client: West 40 ISC 2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
LeAnne Christoffel | Client: Partners for Success | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Lefvia Marrero | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Lezlie Fuhr | Client: West40 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Lisa Drury | Client: ROE 21 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Lori Bilbrey | Client: Regional Office of Education 26 ROYAL (ROYALS ROE26) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Lori L Beecham | Client: Regional Office of Education 26 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Luke Saeger | Client: Regional Office of Education Twenty-One (ROE #21) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Marjory Dove | Client: West 40 (Facilities Maintenance Specialist. West 40 ISC #2) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Mark Klaisner | Client: West 40 ISC 2 (West 40 ISC 2) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Mary Wilson | Client: Regional Office of Education | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Matthew Hickam | Client: Regional Office of Education 30 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Meghan Hawkinson | Client: Regional Office of Education 4 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Meghan Martin | Client: Premier Academy | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Melinda Dixon | Client: Regional Office of Education 33 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Melissa C Hoskins | Client: West40 ISC2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Michael Popp | Client: West40 Intermediate Service Center | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Michelle Conner | Client: Regional Office of Education 51 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Nancy Debre | Client: West40 (ICEARY) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Nancy Mohlman | Client: West 40 ISC 2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Neil Armstrong | Client: ROE 26 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Nicholas Bertino | Client: Premier Academy | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Nicholas Nitti | Client: ROE 33 RAES | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Patricia Dal Santo | Client: Kane County Regional Office of Education | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Pedro Peralta | Client: West 40 ISC2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Renee Makris | Client: West 40 ISC2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Emery | Client: ROE 20 (None) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Marie Mortillaro | Client: ASCM (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Scott Bloomquist | Client: Boone Winnebago ROE | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Sherri Schimpf | Client: Regional Office of Education 30 (Regional Office of Education #30) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Sonya Spaulding | Client: West40 ISC2 (West40 Intermediate Service Center #2) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Tammy Muerhoff | Client: Rock Island County Regional Office of Education (Rock Island County Regional Office of Education) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Tammy Raffen | Client: West40 ISC 2 | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Theresa Buckman | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
Vanessa Kinder | Client: South Cook ISC (RSSP) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/10/20243:00PM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/2/20242:00PM | End date: |
John Lowder | Client: Governmental Consulting Solutions (Illinois Association of Regional School Superintendents) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)4/2/20242:00PM | End date: |
John Lowder | Client: Governmental Consulting Solutions (Illinois Association of Regional Superintendent of Schools) | Proponent | Start date: Approp-Elementary&SecondaryEduc(H)3/5/20242:00PM | End date: |
YES: 14
- Davis, William "Will"
- Blair-Sherlock, Diane
- Faver Dias, Laura
- Elik, Amy
- Halbrook, Brad
- Guzzardi, Will
- Hirschauer, Maura
- McLaughlin, Martin
- Mah, Theresa
- Scherer, Sue
- Ortiz, Aaron M
- Wilhour, Blaine
- Severin, Dave
- Yang Rohr, Janet
NO: 0
- Hernandez, Elizabeth "Lisa"
YES: 104
- Nichols
- Haas
- Niemerg
- Halbrook
- Andrade
- Olickal
- Hammond
- Avelar
- Ortiz
- Hanson
- Benton
- Rashid
- Harper
- Blair-Sherlock
- Reick
- Hauter
- Rita
- Hernandez, Barbara
- Bunting
- Rosenthal
- Sanalitro
- Hernandez, Norma
- Cabello
- Scherer
- Hirschauer
- Canty
- Schmidt
- Hoffman
- Schweizer
- Huynh
- Caulkins
- Severin
- Jacobs
- Chung
- Sheehan
- Jiménez
- Coffey
- Slaughter
- Johnson
- Costa Howard
- Smith
- Jones
- Crespo
- Tracy Katz Muhl
- Spain
- Keicher
- Davidsmeyer
- Stava-Murray
- Kelly
- Davis, Jed
- Stephens
- Kifowit
- William "Will" Davis
- Stuart
- La Ha
- Delgado
- Swanson
- Ladisch Douglass
- DeLuca
- Syed
- LaPointe
- Didech
- Tarver
- Lilly
- Du Buclet
- Tipsword
- Mah
- Elik
- Ugaste
- Manley
- Evans
- Vella
- Mason
- Faver Dias
- Walker
- Walsh
- McCombie
- Frese
- Weber
- Meier
- West
- Meyers-Martin
- Fritts
- Wilhour
- Miller
- Gabel
- Williams, Ann
- Moeller
- Gill
- Williams, Jawaharial
- Morgan
- Gong-Gershowitz
- Windhorst
- Morris
- Gonzalez
- Janet Yang Rohr
- Moylan
- Gordon-Booth
- Yednock
- Mussman
- Grant
- Welch
- Ness
- Guzzardi
NO: 0
YES: 11
- Bennett, Tom
- Belt, Christopher
- Johnson, Adriane
- Bryant, Terri
- Loughran Cappel, Meg
- McConchie, Dan
- Simmons, Mike
- Turner, Doris
- Toro, Natalie
- Wilcox, Craig
- Villivalam, Ram
NO: 0
- Lightford, Kimberly A
- Preston, Willie
- Rezin, Sue
YES: 59
- Stadelman
- Lightford
- Feigenholtz
- Anderson
- Stoller
- Loughran Cappel
- Fine
- Aquino
- Syverson
- Martwick
- Fowler
- Belt
- Toro
- McClure
- Glowiak Hilton
- Bennett
- Tracy
- McConchie
- Halpin
- Bryant
- Turner, D.
- Morrison
- Harris, N.
- Castro
- Turner, S.
- Murphy
- Harriss, E.
- Cervantes
- Ventura
- Peters
- Hastings
- Chesney
- Villa
- Plummer
- Holmes
- Collins
- Villanueva
- Porfirio
- Hunter
- Cunningham
- Villivalam
- Preston
- Johnson
- Curran
- Walker
- Rezin
- Jones, E.
- DeWitte
- Wilcox
- Rose
- Joyce
- Edly-Allen
- Harmon
- Simmons
- Koehler
- Ellman
- Sims
- Lewis
- Faraci
NO: 0
- Jul 19, 2024 | House
- Governor Approved
- Effective Date July 19, 2024
- Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0713
- Jun 13, 2024 | House
- Sent to the Governor
- May 16, 2024 | House
- Passed Both Houses
- May 16, 2024 | Senate
- Third Reading - Passed; 059-000-000
- May 09, 2024 | Senate
- Second Reading
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading
- May 08, 2024 | Senate
- Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading May 9, 2024
- May 07, 2024 | Senate
- Added as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Tom Bennett
- May 07, 2024 | committee
- Do Pass Education; 011-000-000
- May 01, 2024 | Senate
- Assigned to Education
- Rule 2-10 Committee Deadline Established As May 10, 2024
- Apr 30, 2024 | Senate
- First Reading
- Referred to Assignments
- Chief Senate Sponsor Sen. Michael W. Halpin
- Apr 24, 2024 | Senate
- Arrive in Senate
- Placed on Calendar Order of First Reading April 30, 2024
- Apr 19, 2024 | House
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
- Third Reading - Short Debate - Passed 104-000-000
- Apr 17, 2024 | House
- Second Reading - Short Debate
- Held on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate
- Apr 16, 2024 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Ryan Spain
- Apr 11, 2024 | House
- Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
- Apr 10, 2024 | committee
- Do Pass as Amended / Short Debate Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee; 012-000-000
- Apr 10, 2024 | House
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted in Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee; by Voice Vote
- Apr 05, 2024 | House
- Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Extended-Rule May 24, 2024
- Apr 03, 2024 | House
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee
- Apr 02, 2024 | House
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Barbara Hernández
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
- Mar 22, 2024 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Norma Hernandez
- Mar 14, 2024 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Sharon Chung
- Feb 28, 2024 | House
- Assigned to Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee
- Feb 22, 2024 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Michelle Mussman
- Feb 21, 2024 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Elizabeth "Lisa" Hernandez
- Feb 09, 2024 | House
- Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Barbara Hernández
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee