IntroducedFeb 08, 2024
Passed SenateApr 12, 2024
Passed HouseMay 20, 2024
Signed into LawAug 09, 2024
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Aug 09, 2024: Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0990
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 3407
Whip Lists
- Mary Edly-Allencosponsor
- Jason Plummercosponsor
- Harry Bentoncosponsor
- Wayne A Rosenthalcosponsor
- Charles Meiercosponsor
- Dan Swansoncosponsor
- Lance Yednockcosponsor
- Adam M. Niemergcosponsor
- Jason Buntingcosponsor
- Paul Jacobscosponsor
- Dave Severincosponsor
- Kevin Schmidtcosponsor
- Joyce Masoncosponsor
- Sharon Chungcosponsor
Adin Irving Cohen | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Alice Tell | Client: League of Women Voters Chicago (League of Women Voters Chicago) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Ariel Hampton | Client: Illinois Environmental Council (Illinois Environmental Council) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Bob Matthews | Client: Congressional Sportsmens Foundation (Congressional Sportsmens Foundation) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Charles Stites | Client: River Bend Wild Game & Sausage Co. (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Chris Douglas | Client: Berkel Midwest | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Cynthia Kanner | Client: Prairie State Conservation Coalition (Prairie State Conservation Coalition) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
David Kossina | Client: Schubert's Smokehouse | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
David Reis | Client: David Reis Consulting, LLC (Illinois Association of Meat Processors) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Deborah Halpern | Client: League of Women Voters Chicago (LWV Chicago) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Dianne Handsaker | Client: Illinois Association of Meat Processors (Illinois Association of Meat Processors) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Eliot Clay | Client: Illinois Environmental Council (Illinois Environmental Council) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Jerry M Herst | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Josh Witkowski | Client: XLN Services, LLC (Illinois Federation for Outdoor Resources) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Justin Earlywine | Client: Arrow Farm Meats | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Kevin Miller | Client: Miller Meat Market | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Kim Knowles | Client: A Just Harvest (A Just Harvest) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Mark Hartrich | Client: Hartrich Meats Inc | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Mark Raney | Client: Illinois Farm Bureau (Illinois Farm Bureau) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Nicole Saulsberry | Client: sierra club Illinois (Sierra Club Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Paul Darrow | Client: Country Village Meats | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Rodger Cooley | Client: Chicago Food Policy Action Council (Chicago Food Policy Action Council) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Seth Gallivan | Client: Dutch Valley Meats, Inc. (Dutch Valley Meats, Inc.) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Terry Jones | Client: Jones Meat and Locker Service, Inc. | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Thomas Eickman | Client: Eickman's Processing Co. Inc. | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture&Conservation(H)4/30/20243:00PM | End date: |
Ariel Hampton | Client: Illinois Environmental Council (Illinois Environmental Council) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Charles Stites | Client: River Bend Wild Game & Sausage Co. (River Bend Wild Game & Sausage Co.) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Cynthia Linton | Client: Self (Climate Reality Project Chicago Chapter) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
David Kossina | Client: Schubert's Smokehouse (Schubert's Smokehouse) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
David Reis | Client: David Reis Consulting, LLC (Illinois Association of Meat Processors) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Dianne Handsaker | Client: Illinois Association of Meat Processors (Illinois Association of Meat Processors) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Donja Small | Client: Not applicable (Donja Small) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Jerry M Herst | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Joseph Connor | Client: JF Connor Consulting, LLC (Joseph F. Connor) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Justin Earlywine | Client: Arrow Farm Meats Llc (Illinois meat processors) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Karen Daiter | Client: Cllimate Reality Project- Chicago Metro Chapter | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Kirby Knackstedt | Client: Grantfork Meats (grantfork meats) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Kyle Korte | Client: Korte Meat Processing (Kyle Korte) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Lisa Strickland | Client: Daily Laboratories, Division of Mobilab, Inc. (Illinois Association of Meat Processors) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Mark A Hartrich | Client: Hartrich Meats, Inc. (illinois association of meat processors) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Mark Raney | Client: Illinois Farm Bureau (Illinois Farm Bureau) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
MATTHEW C STONE | Client: Mill Creek Meats and Processing (Mill Creek Meats and Processing) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Matthew G Dickinson | Client: Carthage Quality Meats, LLC (Carthage Quality Meats LLC) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Mike Bush | Client: Bush Brothers, Inc. (Bush Brothers, Inc.) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Mike Love | Client: Morgan's Meat Market (Illinois Association of Meat Processors) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Nicole Saulsberry | Client: Sierra Club Illinois (Sierra Club Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Pamela Tate | Client: The Climate Reality Project Chicago Metro Chapter | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Patricia Iverson | Client: Climate Reality Project Chicago Metro Chapter | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Rachel Fredericks | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Renee Patten | Client: Edgewater Environmental Coalition (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Rick Leiding | Client: Leiding's Meats & Catering (Rick Leiding) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Seth Gallivan | Client: Dutch Valley Meats Inc (Dutch Valley Meats Inc) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Tasha Bunting | Client: Illinois Farm Bureau (Illinois Farm Bureau) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
Thomas Eickman | Client: Eickman's Processing Co. Inc. (Eickman's Processing Co. Inc.) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
William Hollis | Client: Farmhouse Meat Company (IAMP) | Proponent | Start date: Agriculture(S)3/7/20248:00AM | End date: |
YES: 12
- Bryant, Terri
- Anderson, Neil
- Edly-Allen, Mary
- Faraci, Paul
- Ellman, Laura
- Joyce, Patrick J
- Holmes, Linda
- Stoller, Win
- Koehler, David
- Turner, Sally J
- Turner, Doris
- Villa, Karina
NO: 0
- Chesney, Andrew S
YES: 59
- Sims
- Lewis
- Feigenholtz
- Anderson
- Stadelman
- Lightford
- Fine
- Aquino
- Stoller
- Loughran Cappel
- Fowler
- Belt
- Syverson
- Martwick
- Gillespie
- Bennett
- Toro
- McClure
- Glowiak Hilton
- Bryant
- Tracy
- McConchie
- Halpin
- Castro
- Turner, D.
- Morrison
- Harris, N.
- Cervantes
- Turner, S.
- Murphy
- Harriss, E.
- Chesney
- Ventura
- Peters
- Hastings
- Collins
- Villa
- Plummer
- Holmes
- Cunningham
- Villanueva
- Porfirio
- Hunter
- Curran
- Villivalam
- Preston
- Johnson
- DeWitte
- Wilcox
- Rezin
- Jones, E.
- Edly-Allen
- Harmon
- Rose
- Joyce
- Ellman
- Simmons
- Koehler
- Faraci
NO: 0
YES: 8
- Chung, Sharon
- Cassidy, Kelly M
- Katz Muhl, Tracy
- Harper, Sonya M
- Meier, Charles
- Swanson, Dan
- Rosenthal, Wayne A
- Yednock, Lance
NO: 0
YES: 105
- Ness
- Ammons
- Nichols
- Haas
- Andrade
- Niemerg
- Halbrook
- Avelar
- Olickal
- Hammond
- Benton
- Ortiz
- Hanson
- Blair-Sherlock
- Rashid
- Harper
- Buckner
- Reick
- Hauter
- Bunting
- Rita
- Hernandez, Barbara
- Rosenthal
- Hernandez, Lisa
- Cabello
- Sanalitro
- Hernandez, Norma
- Canty
- Scherer
- Hirschauer
- Cassidy
- Schmidt
- Hoffman
- Caulkins
- Schweizer
- Huynh
- Chung
- Severin
- Jacobs
- Coffey
- Sheehan
- Costa Howard
- Slaughter
- Johnson
- Crespo
- Smith
- Jones
- Croke
- Tracy Katz Muhl
- Davidsmeyer
- Spain
- Keicher
- Davis, Jed
- Stava-Murray
- William "Will" Davis
- Stephens
- Kifowit
- Delgado
- Stuart
- La Ha
- DeLuca
- Swanson
- Didech
- Syed
- LaPointe
- Du Buclet
- Tarver
- Lilly
- Elik
- Tipsword
- Mah
- Evans
- Ugaste
- Manley
- Faver Dias
- Vella
- Mason
- Walsh
- Ford
- Weaver
- McCombie
- Frese
- Weber
- Friess
- West
- Meier
- Fritts
- Meyers-Martin
- Gabel
- Williams, Ann
- Gill
- Williams, Jawaharial
- Moeller
- Gong-Gershowitz
- Windhorst
- Morgan
- Gonzalez
- Janet Yang Rohr
- Morris
- Gordon-Booth
- Moylan
- Grant
- Welch
- Mussman
- Guerrero-Cuellar
NO: 0
- Wilhour
- Miller
- Guzzardi
- Burke
- Jiménez
- Sosnowski
- Kelly
- Ladisch Douglass
- Flowers
- Mayfield
- McLaughlin
- Yednock
- Aug 09, 2024 | Senate
- Governor Approved
- Effective Date January 1, 2025
- Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0990
- Jun 18, 2024 | Senate
- Sent to the Governor
- May 20, 2024 | House
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Jason Bunting
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Paul Jacobs
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Dave Severin
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Kevin Schmidt
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Joyce Mason
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Sharon Chung
- May 20, 2024 | Senate
- Passed Both Houses
- May 20, 2024 | House
- Third Reading - Short Debate - Passed 105-000-000
- May 17, 2024 | House
- Third Reading/Final Action Deadline Extended-9(b) May 24, 2024
- May 08, 2024 | House
- Second Reading - Short Debate
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Adam M. Niemerg
- May 07, 2024 | House
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Wayne A Rosenthal
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Charles Meier
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Dan Swanson
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Lance Yednock
- May 01, 2024 | House
- Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
- Apr 30, 2024 | committee
- Do Pass / Short Debate Agriculture & Conservation Committee; 008-000-000
- Apr 24, 2024 | House
- Assigned to Agriculture & Conservation Committee
- Apr 15, 2024 | House
- Chief House Sponsor Rep. Lawrence "Larry" Walsh, Jr.
- Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Harry Benton
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Apr 12, 2024 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Jason Plummer
- Apr 12, 2024 | House
- Arrived in House
- Apr 12, 2024 | Senate
- Third Reading - Passed; 059-000-000
- Apr 11, 2024 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Mary Edly-Allen
- Apr 10, 2024 | Senate
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading **
- Mar 14, 2024 | Senate
- Second Reading
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 20, 2024
- Mar 08, 2024 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Andrew S. Chesney
- Mar 07, 2024 | Senate
- Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 12, 2024
- Mar 07, 2024 | committee
- Do Pass Agriculture; 012-000-000
- Feb 28, 2024 | Senate
- Assigned to Agriculture
- Feb 08, 2024 | Senate
- Filed with Secretary by Sen. Patrick J. Joyce
- First Reading
- Referred to Assignments