IntroducedFeb 08, 2023
Passed SenateMar 30, 2023
Passed HouseNov 09, 2023
Signed into LawDec 08, 2023
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Dec 08, 2023: Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0578
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 1559
Whip Lists
- Christopher Beltcosponsor
- Patrick J. Joycecosponsor
- Omar Aquinocosponsor
- Linda Holmescosponsor
- Suzy Glowiak Hiltoncosponsor
- Robert Peterscosponsor
- Mike Simmonscosponsor
- Michael W. Halpincosponsor
- Willie Prestoncosponsor
- Emil Jones, IIIcosponsor
- Cristina H. Pacione-Zayascosponsor
- Julie A. Morrisoncosponsor
- Michael E. Hastingscosponsor
- Laura Finecosponsor
- Ram Villivalamcosponsor
- Rachel Venturacosponsor
- Laura Ellmancosponsor
- Adriane Johnsoncosponsor
- Mary Edly-Allencosponsor
- Karina Villacosponsor
- Ann Gillespiecosponsor
- Paul Faracicosponsor
- Steve Stadelmancosponsor
- Napoleon Harris, IIIcosponsor
- Robert F. Martwickcosponsor
- Meg Loughran Cappelcosponsor
- Sara Feigenholtzcosponsor
- Celina Villanuevacosponsor
- David Koehlercosponsor
- Elgie R. Sims, Jr.cosponsor
- Doris Turnercosponsor
- Mike Porfiriocosponsor
- Mattie Huntercosponsor
- Lakesia Collinscosponsor
- Cyril Nicholscosponsor
- Debbie Meyers-Martincosponsor
- Suzanne M. Nesscosponsor
Peter Contos | Client: Cannabis Equity IL Coalition (Cannabis Equity Illinois coalition) | Proponent | Start date: Executive(S)11/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Anusha Thotakura | Client: Citizen Action Illinois (Citizen Action Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Anya Hanson | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Debra Hanson | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Garth Reynolds | Client: Illinois Pharmacists Association (Illinois Pharmacists Association) | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Gary Dougherty | Client: American Diabetes Association (American Diabetes Association) | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Zellers | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Lisa Battisfore | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Lori Hendren | Client: AARP IL (AARP IL) | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Michael Hanson | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Rudi Hancock | Client: Shriver Center on Poverty Law (Shriver Center on Poverty Law) | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Simeon Hanson | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Susan Gregor | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Timothy Jackson | Client: AIDS Foundation Chicago (AIDS Foundation Chicago) | Proponent | Start date: HealthCareAvailability&Access(H)4/25/20234:00PM | End date: |
Anusha Thotakura | Client: Citizen Action Illinois (Citizen Action Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
David Ormsby | Client: The Nolan Group, Inc. (Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
Gary Dougherty | Client: American Diabetes Association (American Diabetes Association) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jeanne E Cameron | Client: AFSCME Council 31 (AFSCME Council 31) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
Liz Brown-Reeves | Client: Liz Brown-Reeves Consulting (Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
Lori Hendren | Client: AARP IL (AARP IL) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
Rudi Hancock | Client: Shriver Center on Poverty Law (Shriver Center on Poverty Law) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
Alexandra Friedeman | Client: Edited Consulting LLC | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Allan Lindrup | Client: Self (Self only) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Amber Urich | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Amy Berger | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Andrea Dannenfeldt | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Angie Affolter | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Ann Umland | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Anne Wick | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Annie Williams | Client: NONE (NONE) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Anusha Thotakura | Client: Citizen Action Illinois (Citizen Action Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Barbara Beam | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Becky Marshall | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Bonnie Richardson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Brandon K Miller | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Brent Adams | Client: Woodstock Institute (Woodstock Institute) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Brett O'Brien | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
BRIAN KOLVA | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Brian Love | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Brock Hutchinson | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Candace Sinclair | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Carol Kussart | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Carole Levine | Client: Levine Partners | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Caryn Fliegler | Client: Myself (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Cathy L Christensen | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Celia Kramer | Client: 020679551190 (Celia Kramer) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Charles Grotzke | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Cheryl Jones Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Christian Fernandez | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Daria Wick | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
David Bythewood | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
David Reed | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Dennis Kreiner | Client: self (mr) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Dolores Pino | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Dwain Thomas | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Edwina Kadera | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Ellen Caffrey Garza | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Elliot Zashin | Client: retired (not affiliated) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Emily Stoner | Client: None (Personal) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Emily Wachowiak | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Erica Austin | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Gary Dougherty | Client: American Diabetes Association (American Diabetes Association) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
George Milkowski | Client: Retired | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Gregory Kramer | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Heather Consalvo | Client: Indian Prairie School District (Heather Consalvo) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Holly Fingerle | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
J Beverly | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jacqueline Baker | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jahna Schadt | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
James Stuhlmacher | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jane Yang | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jeanne Adams | Client: None (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jenna Braunstein | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jessica Lim | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jessica Lynn R Gimeno | Client: ACA Consumer Advocacy (ACA Consumer Advocacy) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jessica Maag | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jessie Gotsdiner | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jesus A Palafox | Client: Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans (Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Jillian Grudzinski | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Joanne Davis | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
John Cameron | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
John Zahos | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
JoLynn Doerr | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Judith Aulik | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Judy Schindler | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Julie Stephan | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Justin Gibson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kara Miller | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Karen Gollrad | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
kari sorenson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Karishma Desai | Client: Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Katherine Yoshida | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kathie Cunningham | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kathleen Buckley | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kathleen Docter | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kathleen Rospenda | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kendra Kett | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kenneth Aud | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kenneth Buckley | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kimberly Germain | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kimberly Tarver | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Krissa Hauserman | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kristi A Ciechna | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kristina White | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kristine Morrow | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Kylee Rudd | Client: Na | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Laura Woods | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Leah Goodman | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Linda Bridges | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Lindsay Morrison | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Lisa Khabeer | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
LIsa MG Del Giudice | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Liz Keys | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Lonette Sims | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Lori Hendren | Client: AARP IL (AARP IL) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Lucy Trevino | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Macaire Wingo-Grambauer | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Marcia Smith | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Marian Gamble | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Marian Honel-Wilson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Marj Halperin | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Mark Consalvo | Client: Geotech, Inc (Diabetes patients) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
MARK GROTZKE | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Mark Muehlhausen | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Marshall Sorkin | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Martha Scott | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Mary Kathryn Knecht | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Mary Miller | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Mary Shesgreen | Client: myself (myself) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Mary Tworek-Tupper | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
MaryBeth Napier | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Matthew B Alschuler | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Maureen Keane | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Meghan Kiely | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Michael Reich | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Michelle Fadeley | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Michelle Stephens | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Miranda Wilgus | Client: ACA Consumer Advocacy (ACA Consumer Advocacy) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Miriam B Scott | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Nancy Kelly-Martin | Client: None (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Natalie Goldfein | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
nick scarim | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Nicole Cummins | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Nisan Chavkin | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Patricia Gabris | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Patricia Graham | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Paula Belnap | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Paula Lawson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Rachel Becknell | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Richard | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Robert D'Alonzo | Client: College | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Robert Handelsman | Client: none (None) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Roberto botello | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Robin Finesmith | Client: Self-employed (Robin Finesmith) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Robina King | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
ROGER W GAMBLE | Client: SELF | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Ron Cox | Client: Please Select | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Rosemary Maziarz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Rschel C Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Rudi Hancock | Client: Shriver Center on Poverty Law (Shriver Center on Poverty Law) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Sam Sibley | Client: None (None) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Sara Wohlleb | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Sarah Lane-Hill | Client: Self (individual) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Sarah Lincoln | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Shannon Millikin | Client: Northwestern University | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
SHANNON SMITH | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Sharon Koch | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Sharon Stein | Client: Na | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Sheila Tukes | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Sherri Gail Barber | Client: self (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Stacey Rapp | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Susan Balaban | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Susan Gries | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Susan Steele | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Teresa A Frith | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Teri Watkins | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Terrence Ward | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Terry Kinsey | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Theresa Lyons Flanders | Client: League of Women Voters (League of Women Voters St Clair County) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Timothy Jackson | Client: AIDS Foundation Chicago (AIDS Foundation Chicago) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Tom Hughes | Client: Illinois Public Health Assoc. (Illinois Association of Public Health Administrators) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Vicki Szech | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Victoria Long | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Wendy Ann Edgington | Client: Edgington | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Wendy Posner | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Whitney Schultz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
William K Sellers | Client: Indivisible Lincoln Square (Indivisible Lincoln Square) | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Zach Koutsky | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Ron Holmes | Client: Ron Holmes Consulting LLC (Cannabis Business Association Of IL) | Opponent | Start date: Executive(S)5/19/20235:30PM | End date: |
Brad Tietz | Client: Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce (Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
Clark Kaericher | Client: Illinois Chamber of Commerce (Illinois Chamber of Commerce) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
Donovan Griffith | Client: Illinois Manufacturers' Association (Illinois Manufacturers' Association) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
John Conrad | Client: Illinois Biotechnology Innovation Organization (Illinois Biotechnology Industry) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
Peter Fotos | Client: PhRMA (PhRMA) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)3/7/20235:30PM | End date: |
Brad Tietz | Client: Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce (Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Clark Kaericher | Client: Illinois Chamber of Commerce (Illinois Chamber of Commerce) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Donovan Griffith | Client: Illinois Manufacturers' Association (Illinois Manufacturers' Association) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Esther Midge Allman | Client: Myself (Myself) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
John Conrad | Client: Illinois Biotechnology Innovation Organization (Illinois Life Sciences Industry) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Peter Fotos | Client: Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) | Opponent | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
Garth Reynolds | Client: Illinois Pharmacists Association (Illinois Pharmacists Association) | No Position | Start date: Insurance(S)2/21/20235:30PM | End date: |
YES: 11
- Castro, Cristina
- Belt, Christopher
- Fine, Laura
- Cervantes, Javier L
- Harris III, Napoleon
- Gillespie, Ann
- Preston, Willie
- McConchie, Dan
- Stoller, Win
- Rose, Chapin
- Syverson, Dave
NO: 0
YES: 10
- Castro, Cristina
- Belt, Christopher
- Cervantes, Javier L
- Harris III, Napoleon
- Gillespie, Ann
- Preston, Willie
- McConchie, Dan
- Stoller, Win
- Rose, Chapin
- Syverson, Dave
NO: 0
- Fine, Laura
YES: 57
- Sims
- Lightford
- Fine
- Anderson
- Stadelman
- Loughran Cappel
- Fowler
- Aquino
- Stoller
- Martwick
- Gillespie
- Belt
- Syverson
- McClure
- Glowiak Hilton
- Bennett
- Tracy
- McConchie
- Halpin
- Bryant
- Turner, D.
- Morrison
- Harris, N.
- Castro
- Turner, S.
- Murphy
- Harriss, E.
- Cervantes
- Pacione-Zayas
- Hastings
- Chesney
- Ventura
- Peters
- Holmes
- Cunningham
- Villa
- Plummer
- Hunter
- Curran
- Villanueva
- Porfirio
- Johnson
- DeWitte
- Villivalam
- Preston
- Edly-Allen
- Wilcox
- Rezin
- Joyce
- Ellman
- Harmon
- Rose
- Koehler
- Faraci
- Simmons
- Lewis
- Feigenholtz
NO: 0
- Van Pelt
- Jones, E.
YES: 8
- Costa Howard, Terra
- Collins, Lakesia
- Hauter, William E
- Haas, Jackie
- Jiménez, Lilian
- Huynh, Hoan
- Mah, Theresa
- Schmidt, Kevin
NO: 0
- Manley, Natalie A
YES: 8
- Buckner, Kam
- Evans Jr., Marcus C
- Hernandez, Elizabeth "Lisa"
- Manley, Natalie A
- Mah, Theresa
- Rita, Robert "Bob"
- Ortiz, Aaron M
- Smith, Nicholas K
NO: 4
- Cabello, John M
- Davidsmeyer
- Hammond, Norine K
- Spain, Ryan
YES: 12
- Davidsmeyer
- Buckner, Kam
- Hammond, Norine K
- Evans Jr., Marcus C
- Mah, Theresa
- Hernandez, Elizabeth "Lisa"
- Ortiz, Aaron M
- Manley, Natalie A
- Smith, Nicholas K
- Rita, Robert "Bob"
- Stephens, Brad
- Spain, Ryan
NO: 0
YES: 105
- Ness
- Ammons
- Nichols
- Guzzardi
- Andrade
- Niemerg
- Haas
- Avelar
- Olickal
- Halbrook
- Benton
- Ortiz
- Hammond
- Blair-Sherlock
- Hanson
- Buckner
- Rashid
- Harper
- Bunting
- Hauter
- Burke
- Rita
- Hernandez, Barbara
- Rosenthal
- Hernandez, Lisa
- Canty
- Sanalitro
- Hernandez, Norma
- Hirschauer
- Cassidy
- Schmidt
- Hoffman
- Caulkins
- Severin
- Huynh
- Chung
- Slaughter
- Jacobs
- Smith
- Jiménez
- Costa Howard
- Sosnowski
- Johnson
- Crespo
- Spain
- Croke
- Stava-Murray
- Keicher
- Davidsmeyer
- Stephens
- Kelly
- Davis, Jed
- Stuart
- Kifowit
- William "Will" Davis
- Swanson
- Ladisch Douglass
- Delgado
- Syed
- LaPointe
- DeLuca
- Tarver
- Lilly
- Didech
- Tipsword
- Mah
- Du Buclet, Kimberly
- Ugaste
- Manley
- Marron
- Elik
- Walker
- Mason
- Evans
- Walsh
- Mayfield
- Faver Dias
- Weaver
- McCombie
- Flowers
- Weber
- McLaughlin
- Ford
- Meier
- Frese
- Wilhour
- Meyers-Martin
- Friess
- Williams, Ann
- Miller
- Fritts
- Moeller
- Windhorst
- Morgan
- Gill
- Janet Yang Rohr
- Morris
- Gong-Gershowitz
- Yednock
- Moylan
- Gonzalez
- Welch
- Mussman
- Gordon-Booth
- Grant
NO: 0
- Guerrero-Cuellar
- Reick
- Cabello
- Carroll
- Scherer
- Coffey
- Jones
- Vella
- West
- Williams, Jawaharial
- Gabel
YES: 47
- Sims
- Lewis
- Feigenholtz
- Lightford
- Fine
- Aquino
- Loughran Cappel
- Belt
- Syverson
- Martwick
- Toro
- McClure
- Glowiak Hilton
- Bryant
- Halpin
- Castro
- Turner, D.
- Morrison
- Harris, N.
- Cervantes
- Turner, S.
- Murphy
- Harriss, E.
- Ventura
- Peters
- Hastings
- Collins
- Villa
- Plummer
- Holmes
- Cunningham
- Villanueva
- Porfirio
- Hunter
- Curran
- Villivalam
- Preston
- Johnson
- DeWitte
- Wilcox
- Edly-Allen
- Harmon
- Joyce
- Ellman
- Simmons
- Koehler
- Faraci
NO: 2
- Stoller
- Chesney
- Dec 08, 2023 | Senate
- Governor Approved
- Effective Date December 8, 2023
- Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0578
- Dec 01, 2023 | Senate
- Sent to the Governor
- Nov 16, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Lakesia Collins
- Nov 09, 2023 | Senate
- Secretary's Desk - Concurrence House Amendment(s) 4
- Placed on Calendar Order of Concurrence House Amendment(s) 4 - November 9, 2023
- House Floor Amendment No. 4 Motion to Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. Kimberly A. Lightford
- House Floor Amendment No. 4 Motion to Concur Referred to Assignments
- House Floor Amendment No. 4 Motion to Concur Be Approved for Consideration Assignments
- House Floor Amendment No. 4 3/5 Vote Required
- House Floor Amendment No. 4 Senate Concurs 047-002-000
- Senate Concurs
- Passed Both Houses
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Linda Holmes
- Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Cristina Castro
- Chief Co-Sponsor Changed to Sen. Cristina Castro
- Nov 09, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 4 Adopted
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
- Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Debbie Meyers-Martin
- Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Suzanne M. Ness
- 3/5 Vote Required
- Third Reading - Short Debate - Passed 105-000-000
- Nov 09, 2023 | Senate
- Chief Sponsor Changed to Sen. Kimberly A. Lightford
- Nov 09, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Fiscal Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Balanced Budget Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Correctional Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Housing Affordability Impact Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Judicial Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Land Conveyance Appraisal Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Pension Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Racial Impact Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- Nov 08, 2023 | Senate
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Donald P. DeWitte
- Nov 08, 2023 | House
- Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Cyril Nichols
- Nov 08, 2023 | committee
- House Floor Amendment No. 4 Recommends Be Adopted Executive Committee; 012-000-000
- Nov 08, 2023 | Senate
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Sue Rezin
- Nov 08, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 4 Filed with Clerk by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 4 Referred to Rules Committee
- House Floor Amendment No. 4 Rules Refers to Executive Committee
- Nov 07, 2023 | House
- Approved for Consideration Rules Committee; 004-000-000
- Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
- May 31, 2023 | House
- Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
- May 24, 2023 | Senate
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Dale Fowler
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Tom Bennett
- May 24, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Filed with Clerk by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules Committee
- May 24, 2023 | Senate
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Dave Syverson
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Seth Lewis
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Erica Harriss
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Jil Tracy
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Sally J. Turner
- May 24, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 State Debt Impact Note Filed as Amended
- May 23, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 State Mandates Fiscal Note Filed as Amended
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 State Mandates Fiscal Note Filed as Amended
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Home Rule Note Filed as Amended
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Home Rule Note Filed as Amended
- May 23, 2023 | Senate
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Steve McClure
- May 23, 2023 | House
- Housing Affordability Impact Note Filed
- May 23, 2023 | Senate
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Neil Anderson
- May 23, 2023 | House
- Pension Note Filed
- May 23, 2023 | Senate
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Andrew S. Chesney
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Terri Bryant
- Sponsor Removed Sen. Jason Plummer
- May 23, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Balanced Budget Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Correctional Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Fiscal Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Home Rule Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Housing Affordability Impact Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Judicial Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Land Conveyance Appraisal Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Pension Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Racial Impact Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 State Debt Impact Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 State Mandates Fiscal Note Requested as Amended by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- May 22, 2023 | House
- Judicial Note Filed
- Balanced Budget Note Filed
- May 19, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Balanced Budget Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Correctional Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Fiscal Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Home Rule Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Housing Affordability Impact Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Judicial Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Land Conveyance Appraisal Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Pension Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Racial Impact Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 State Debt Impact Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 State Mandates Fiscal Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- Third Reading/Final Action Deadline Extended-9(b) May 31, 2023
- May 19, 2023 | committee
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Recommends Be Adopted Rules Committee; 003-001-000
- May 19, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Filed with Clerk by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules Committee
- May 19, 2023 | committee
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Recommends Be Adopted Executive Committee; 008-004-000
- May 19, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
- Alternate Chief Sponsor Changed to Rep. La Shawn K. Ford
- House Floor Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Executive Committee
- Alternate Co-Sponsor Removed Rep. Brad Stephens
- Alternate Co-Sponsor Removed Rep. Jennifer Sanalitro
- Alternate Co-Sponsor Removed Rep. Janet Yang Rohr
- May 12, 2023 | House
- Third Reading/Final Action Deadline Extended-9(b) May 19, 2023
- May 10, 2023 | House
- Second Reading - Short Debate
- Held on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate
- Apr 27, 2023 | House
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Janet Yang Rohr
- Apr 26, 2023 | House
- Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
- Apr 25, 2023 | committee
- Do Pass / Short Debate Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee; 008-000-000
- Apr 25, 2023 | House
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Brad Stephens
- Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Jennifer Sanalitro
- Apr 18, 2023 | House
- Assigned to Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee
- Apr 11, 2023 | House
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Mar 31, 2023 | House
- Arrived in House
- Chief House Sponsor Rep. Will Guzzardi
- Mar 30, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Doris Turner
- Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Patrick J. Joyce
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Mike Porfirio
- Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Omar Aquino
- Third Reading - Passed; 057-000-000
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Mattie Hunter
- Mar 28, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Neil Anderson
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Sally J. Turner
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Terri Bryant
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Erica Harriss
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Dale Fowler
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Jason Plummer
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Tom Bennett
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Dave Syverson
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Jil Tracy
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Donald P. DeWitte
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Steve McClure
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Sue Rezin
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Seth Lewis
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Andrew S. Chesney
- Mar 17, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Elgie R. Sims, Jr.
- Mar 16, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. David Koehler
- Mar 10, 2023 | Senate
- Second Reading
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 21, 2023
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Celina Villanueva
- Mar 09, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Napoleon Harris, III
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Robert F. Martwick
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Meg Loughran Cappel
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Sara Feigenholtz
- Mar 08, 2023 | Senate
- Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 9, 2023
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Steve Stadelman
- Mar 08, 2023 | committee
- Do Pass as Amended Insurance; 010-000-000
- Mar 07, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Insurance
- Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted; Insurance
- Mar 03, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Paul Faraci
- Mar 02, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Laura M. Murphy
- Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
- Feb 22, 2023 | Senate
- Postponed - Insurance
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Karina Villa
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Ann Gillespie
- Feb 17, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Mary Edly-Allen
- Feb 16, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Rachel Ventura
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Laura Ellman
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Adriane Johnson
- Feb 15, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Julie A. Morrison
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Michael E. Hastings
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Laura Fine
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Ram Villivalam
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Cristina Castro
- Feb 14, 2023 | Senate
- Assigned to Insurance
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Patrick J. Joyce
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Emil Jones, III
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Cristina H. Pacione-Zayas
- Feb 09, 2023 | Senate
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Suzy Glowiak Hilton
- Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Christopher Belt
- Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Linda Holmes
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Robert Peters
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Mike Simmons
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Michael W. Halpin
- Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Willie Preston
- Feb 08, 2023 | Senate
- Filed with Secretary by Sen. Laura M. Murphy
- First Reading
- Referred to Assignments
- Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Doris Turner
- Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Mike Porfirio
Bill Texts
- IntroducedHTML
- EngrossedHTML
- EnrolledHTML
- House Floor Amendment 1 (Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee) -- Rep. La Shawn K. FordHTML
- House Floor Amendment 1 (Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee) -- Rep. La Shawn K. FordHTML
- House Floor Amendment 2 (Racial Impact Note Requested as Amended - Withdrawn by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford) -- Rep. La Shawn K. FordHTML
- House Floor Amendment 3 (Referred to Rules Committee) -- Rep. La Shawn K. FordHTML
- House Floor Amendment 4 (Senate Concurs 047-002-000) -- Rep. La Shawn K. FordHTML
- Public ActHTML