IntroducedJan 31, 2023
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Last Action See all actions
House • Jan 07, 2025: Session Sine Die
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1608
Whip Lists
- Daniel Didechcosponsor
- Lilian Jiménezcosponsor
- Janet Yang Rohrcosponsor
- Kam Bucknercosponsor
- Nabeela Syedcosponsor
- Laura Faver Diascosponsor
- Kevin John Olickalcosponsor
- Abdelnasser Rashidcosponsor
Andrew Rehn | Client: Prairie Rivers Network (Prairie Rivers Network) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Antonio Dominguez | Client: City of Waukegan (City of Waukegan Water Plant) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Carolyn Bendel | Client: Environmental Defenders of McHenry County (Environmental Defenders of McHenry County) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Celeste Flores | Client: Clean Power Lake County (Clean Power Lake County) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Cynthia | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
David McEllis | Client: Environmental Law and Policy Center (Environmental Law and Policy Center) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Deborah Halpern | Client: League of Women Voters Chicago (LWV Chicago) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Derek Blaida | Client: Blaida and Associates LLC (Lake County) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Jane Goldenberg | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Cassel | Client: Earthjustice (Earthjustice) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Jennifer Walling | Client: Illinois Environmental Council (Illinois Environmental Council) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Jerry M Herst | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
John Coultas | Client: Illinois Municipal League (Illinois Municipal League) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Julia Larkin | Client: Cornerstone Government Affairs (City of Waukegan) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Julia Utset | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Kay Ahaus | Client: Greater Highland Area Concerned Cit | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Laura Davis | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Marc Huber | Client: Village of Beach Park (Village of Beach Park) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Mark Pfister | Client: Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center (Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Mary Grose | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Mayor Ann Taylor | Client: City of Waukegan (City of Waukegan) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Nicole Denise Saulsberry | Client: Sierra Club-IL Chapter (Sierra Club-IL Chapter) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Noelle Kischer-Lepper | Client: City of Waukegan (The City of Waukegan, its nearly 90,000 residents, and all users of Lake Michigan water) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Renee Patten | Client: Self (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Thomas Maillard | Client: City of Waukegan (City of Waukegan) | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
We | Client: non | Proponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Alec Messina | Client: Illinois Chamber of Commerce (Illinois Chamber of Commerce) | Opponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Brad Babcook | Client: Chemicals Industry Council of Illinois (Chemicals Industry Council of Illinois) | Opponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Brianna Lantz | Client: Illinois Energy Association (Illinois Energy Association) | Opponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Curt Fiedler | Client: Morrill & Fiedler, LLC (NRG Energy) | Opponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Donovan Griffith | Client: Illinois Manufacturers' Association (Illinois Manufacturers' Association) | Opponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Kelly Thompson | Client: Illinois Environmental Regulatory Group (Illinois Environmental Regulatory Group) | Opponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Melville Nickerson | Client: NRG (Midwest Generation) | Opponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
Terry McGoldrick | Client: Ibew Local 15 | Opponent | Start date: Energy&Environment(H)2/21/20234:00PM | End date: |
YES: 16
- Blair-Sherlock, Diane
- Didech, Daniel
- Costa Howard, Terra
- Faver Dias, Laura
- Harper, Sonya M
- Hirschauer, Maura
- Hernandez, Norma
- Ladisch Douglass, Jenn
- Mayfield, Rita
- Mason, Joyce
- Mussman, Michelle
- Moeller, Anna
- Ortiz, Aaron M
- Ness, Suzanne M
- Rashid, Abdelnasser
- Williams, Ann M
NO: 10
- Caulkins, Dan
- Elik, Amy
- Guerrero-Cuellar, Angelica
- Marron, Michael T
- Meier, Charles
- Ozinga, Tim
- Severin, Dave
- Rosenthal, Wayne A
- Weaver, Travis
- Williams, Jawaharial
- Miller, Chris
- Walsh Jr., Lawrence "Larry"
- Wilhour, Blaine
- Jan 07, 2025 | House
- Session Sine Die
- May 28, 2024 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid
- Mar 27, 2023 | House
- Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
- Mar 22, 2023 | House
- Second Reading - Short Debate
- Held on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate
- Mar 20, 2023 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Kevin John Olickal
- Mar 16, 2023 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Laura Faver Dias
- Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Carol Ammons
- Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Daniel Didech
- Chief Co-Sponsor Changed to Rep. Carol Ammons
- Chief Co-Sponsor Changed to Rep. Daniel Didech
- Mar 14, 2023 | House
- Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Carol Ammons
- Chief Co-Sponsor Changed to Rep. Carol Ammons
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Daniel Didech
- Remove Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Carol Ammons
- Removed Co-Sponsor Rep. Daniel Didech
- Mar 13, 2023 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Nabeela Syed
- Mar 08, 2023 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Kam Buckner
- Mar 02, 2023 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Janet Yang Rohr
- Feb 28, 2023 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Lilian Jiménez
- Feb 22, 2023 | House
- Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Joyce Mason
- Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
- Feb 21, 2023 | committee
- Do Pass / Short Debate Energy & Environment Committee; 016-010-000
- Feb 15, 2023 | House
- Assigned to Energy & Environment Committee
- Feb 01, 2023 | House
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Jan 31, 2023 | House
- Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Rita Mayfield
Bill Texts