IntroducedJan 23, 2023
Passed HouseMar 23, 2023
Passed SenateMay 17, 2023
Signed into LawJul 28, 2023
Last Action See all actions
House • Jul 28, 2023: Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0282
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1363
Whip Lists
- Carol Ammonscosponsor
- Dagmara Avelarcosponsor
- Daniel Didechcosponsor
- Robyn Gabelcosponsor
- Matt Hansoncosponsor
- Mary Edly-Allencosponsor
Aisha Noble | Client: SELF | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Alia Caravelli | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Annie Williams | Client: NONE (NONE) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Ashley Hokenson | Client: Office of the Illinois Attorney General (Office of the Illinois Attorney General) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
B David Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Barbara Brumfield | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Barbara McKasson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Betsy Wilson | Client: Sentencing Advocacy Group of Evanston (Sentencing Advocacy Group of Evanston) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Blake Martin | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Bonnie Petersen | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Brenna OBrien | Client: NA (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
BRIAN KOLVA | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Camilla Stefl | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Candace P Davis | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Caroline Riordan | Client: SELF | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Carolyn Gillman | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Catherine King | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Cathy L Christensen | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Cheryl Jones Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Cheryl Jones Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Christine Raffaele | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
David Bythewood | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
David Bythewood | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Deborah Fenner | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Debra Smith | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Donna Gutman | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Elizabeth Czechanski | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Elizabeth Ricks | Client: Chicago House and Social Service Agency (Chicago House and Social Service Agency) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Elsa Von Huben | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Emily Wachowiak | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Etta Worthington | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Greg Owen-Boger | Client: Turpin Communication (Indivisible Chicago) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Heidi Karr Sleper | Client: Kurtz, Sleper & Exline, LLC | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Jacquelyn Haynes | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Jacquelyn Haynes | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
James Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Jenna Braunstein | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Jodie Eason | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Joel Feinstein | Client: Na (Na) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
JoLynn Doerr | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
JoLynn Doerr | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Julie Stephan | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Julie Stephan | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Julie Stephan | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Katie Olsson | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Katie Olsson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Khadine Bennett | Client: ACLU of Illinois (ACLU of Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Kim Meneghetti | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Kristen Lyons | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Laura James | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Laura James | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Laura Krain | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Laura Woods | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Laurie Nelson | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Lynne V HOYER | Client: retired | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Macaire Grambauer | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Macaire Grambauer | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Madeleine Behr | Client: Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Maralea Negron | Client: The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence (The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Mari Nakajima | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
mariann stephens | Client: none (none) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Marie Jones | Client: none (none) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Marion Nowak | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Marissa Miller | Client: She Votes Illinois (She Votes Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Mary Miller | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Mary Miller | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Maureen Keane | Client: She Votes Illinois (She Votes Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Max P Barack | Client: Garfinkel Group, LLC (Self and Garfinkel Group, LLC) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Max P Barack | Client: NELA-Illinois (NELA-Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Melissa A Moore | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Merrill Cole | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Monica Courson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
nDwain Thomas | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Nina Corwin | Client: Nina Corwin, MA, LCSW Private Practice (Nina Corwin) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Patricia Graham | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Patricia Graham | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Paul Joseph Schleitwiler FCM | Client: retired | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rachel Becknell | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rachel Becknell | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rachel C Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rebecca Atwood | Client: SELF | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rebecca M Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rebrcca M Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rhoda Reeling | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Robin Dusek | Client: Me | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
RoseMarie Carvallo | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rudi Hancock | Client: Shriver Center on Poverty Law (Shriver Center on Poverty Law) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rwchel C Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Beuning | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Sarah Lincoln | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Shannon Millikin | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Sherri Gail Barber | Client: self (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Steve Hetzel | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Steven Dornbusch | Client: None (Individual) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Steven Dornbusch | Client: None (Individual) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Susan Balaban | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Susan Balaban | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Client: Illinois National Organization for Women (Illinois NOW) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Susan Jaffee | Client: Knit Nirvana llc (Business owner) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Susan Link | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Susan Sidell | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Susie Wiechman | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Teri Gidwitz | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Terri Shih | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Thomasine Rosenthal | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Vicky Kaplan | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Victor Skadauski | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary(S)4/18/20232:00PM | End date: |
Dena G Griswold | Client: na | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Janet Spector Bishop | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Jantrue Ting | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
JoLynn Doerr | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Julie Stephan | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Kaitlyn Murphy | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Laura James | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Lindsay Morrison | Client: self (Indivisible West Suburban Action League (Riverside and North Riverside)) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Mariann Brownson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Mary Joan Cepla | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Mary Miller | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Maureen Keane | Client: She Votes Illinois (She Votes Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Peggy Sloyan | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/9/202312:00PM | End date: |
Caitlin Carr-Smith | Client: Northwestern University (Caitlin Carr-Smith) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Caroline Brody | Client: Student at Northwestern University (I am representing myself.) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Christine Raffaele | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Dena G Griswold | Client: none (Private citizen) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Emily Lichty | Client: Northwestern University Student | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Janet Spector Bishop | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Jantrue Ting | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
JoLynn Doerr | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Julie Stephan | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Kaitlyn Murphy | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Kendall Ogin | Client: Northwestern Student (Kendall Ogin) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Laura James | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Lindsay Morrison | Client: self (Indivisible West Suburban Action League (Riverside and North Riverside)) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Madeleine Behr | Client: Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Maralea Negron | Client: The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence (The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Mariann Brownson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Mary Joan Cepla | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Mary Miller | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Maureen Keane | Client: She Votes Illinois (She Votes Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Molly Adams | Client: Northwestern University (Molly Adams) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Peggy Sloyan | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Pooja Krishnan | Client: Northwestern University (Pooja Krishnan) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Sarah Beuning | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Client: Illinois National Organization for Women (Illinois NOW) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Tali Slutzky | Client: Northwestern University (Tali Slutzky) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/8/20238:00AM | End date: |
Alan Brint | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Amy Louvier | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Anjali Bidani | Client: NA (myself) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Anna Gifford | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Annie Williams | Client: NONE (NONE) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Ardyn Cieslak | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Ashley Hokenson | Client: Office of the Illinois Attorney General (Office of the Illinois Attorney General) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Barbara French | Client: I am retired. | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Barbara McKasson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Bonnie Petersen | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Bonnie Petersen | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Bonnie Petersen | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
BRIAN KOLVA | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Candace P Davis | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Catherine Caporusso | Client: Resistance (Women and children) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Cathy Christensen | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Cheryl Jones Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Christine Raffaele | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
David Bythewood | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Dion McGill | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Donna Gutman | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Ellen Caffrey Garza | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Emily Wachowiak | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Jenna Braunstein | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
JoLynn Doerr | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Julie Stephan | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Kaitlyn Murphy | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Katherine Olsson | Client: NA (NA) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Khadine Bennett | Client: ACLU of Illinois (ACLU of Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Kira Baltazar | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Kristin Jacobson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Kyle Hillman | Client: National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter (National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Lisa Arvanites | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Lori Myers | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Madeleine Behr | Client: Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Margaret Reilly | Client: Margaret Reilly | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Maria Peterson | Client: FitCore, Inc. | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Mariann Brownson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Mary Jo Braun | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Mary Miller | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Matthew Slade | Client: Myself | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Maureen Keane | Client: She Votes Illinois (She Votes Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Monica Courson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Patricia Graham | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Rachel Becknell | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Rachel C Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Rebecca M Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Rudi Hancock | Client: Shriver Center on Poverty Law (Shriver Center on Poverty Law) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Sarah Beuning | Client: Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Shannon Millikin | Client: Northwestern University | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Shannon Millikin | Client: Northwestern University | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Sharon Bearden | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Sherri Gail Barber | Client: self (Myself) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Stephanie Scala | Client: none | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Stuart Greenspan | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Susan Balaban | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Client: Illinois National Organization for Women (Illinois NOW) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Susan Jaffee | Client: Knit Nirvana llc (Business owner) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Susan Wiechman | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Tammy Georgiou | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Victor Skadauski | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Zachary Frye | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
Aimee Neumann | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Alex Stamatoglou | Client: Garfinkel Group, LLC | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Alexandra Eidenberg | Client: Vote Mama (Vote Mama) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Allison Wolcott | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Amit Bindra | Client: The Prinz Law Firm, P.C. (Individual) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Anjali Bidani | Client: NA (myself) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Anna Gifford | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Ashley Hokenson | Client: Office of the Illinois Attorney General (Office of the Illinois Attorney General) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Athena Herman | Client: Athena Herman Law, LLC | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
BARBARA BELL | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Becca Chmielewski | Client: The Prinz Law Firm P.C. | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Becky Marshall | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Bradley Manewith | Client: Lichten & Liss-Riordan, P.C. | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Cheryl Jones Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Chiquita Hall-Jackson | Client: Hall-Jackson & Associates, PC (NELA-Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Christina Mesco | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
David Bythewood | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
David Porter | Client: Law Office of David Porter | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Deborah Muehlbauer | Client: Prinz Law Firm | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Denise M DeBelle | Client: Law Office of Denise M. DeBelle | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Diane Scott | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Elissa Hobfoll | Client: Herschman Levison Hobfoll PLLC | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Elizabeth Ricks | Client: Chicago House and Social Service Agency (Chicago House and Social Service Agency) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Emily Wachowiak | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Erinn Martin | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Ferne Wolf | Client: SilversteinWolf, LLC | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Gail Schnitzer Eisenberg | Client: Loftus & Eisenberg, Ltd. | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Janet Spector Bishop | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Jill Weinstein | Client: Pedersen & Weinstein LLP | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
John P Madden | Client: O'Malley & Madden, P. C. (Self and company) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
JoLynn Doerr | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Julie Stephan | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Justin G Randolph | Client: Randolph & Holloway LLC | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Justin Gibson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Karen J Doran | Client: Karen J. Doran, Attorney at Law | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Katherine Gaughan-Palombi | Client: Ascend Justice | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Kathleen Sedey | Client: Case & Sedey, LLC | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Kristen Prinz | Client: The Prinz Law Firm | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Kyle Hillman | Client: National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter (National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Laura Feldman | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Laura Lefkow | Client: Prinz Law Firm | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Laura Welch | Client: Illinois National Organization for Women (Illinois National Organization for Women) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Lindsay Morrison | Client: self (Indivisible West Suburban Action League (Riverside, North Riverside)) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Lisa Arvanites | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Lisa Clay | Client: Lisa Clay Attorney at Law (Lisa Clay Attorney and NELA Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Lynda Lochner | Client: NA | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Maria Bolanos | Client: Fish Potter Bolanos, P.C. | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Mariann Brownson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Mariann Brownson | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Mary Miller | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Mary Wehking | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Matt Tedeschi | Client: The Prinz Law Firm, P.C. | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Maureen M Keane | Client: She Votes Illinois (She Votes Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Max Barack | Client: NELA-Illinois (NELA-Illinois) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Max Barack | Client: The Garfinkel Group, LLC | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Patrick Dolan | Client: Conti & Dolan LLC | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Rachel Becknell | Client: Constituent | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Rachrl C Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Rebecca M Das | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Rima Kapitan | Client: Kapitan Gomaa Law, P.C. | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Robin Potter | Client: Fish Potter Bolanos, PC | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Rudi Hancock | Client: Shriver Center on Poverty Law (Shriver Center on Poverty Law) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Sara OHare | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Sarah Arendt | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Shannon Millikin | Client: Northwestern University | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Susan Balaban | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Client: Illinois NOW (Illinois NOW) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Susan Wiechman | Client: None | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Terri Blanchard | Client: Blanchard Law Group, P.C. (NELA-IL) | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Victor Skadauski | Client: self | Proponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Jeff Nix | Client: Reel Pro Video (Interested Party) | Opponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)3/1/20238:00AM | End date: |
CHRISTOPHER ROJEK | Client: SELF | Opponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
Jeanne Hochhalter | Client: Self | Opponent | Start date: Judiciary-Civil(H)2/15/20239:00AM | End date: |
YES: 10
- Delgado, Eva-Dina
- Costa Howard, Terra
- Didech, Daniel
- Guzzardi, Will
- Gong-Gershowitz, Jennifer
- Ladisch Douglass, Jenn
- Hoffman, Jay
- Morgan, Bob
- Tarver II, Curtis J
- Williams, Ann M
NO: 4
- Friess, David
- Ugaste, Dan
- Weber, Tom
- Windhorst, Patrick
- McLaughlin, Martin
YES: 9
- Cassidy, Kelly M
- Delgado, Eva-Dina
- Costa Howard, Terra
- Didech, Daniel
- Hernandez, Barbara
- Gong-Gershowitz, Jennifer
- LaPointe, Lindsey
- Hoffman, Jay
- Tarver II, Curtis J
NO: 4
- Friess, David
- McLaughlin, Martin
- Ugaste, Dan
- Weber, Tom
- Buckner, Kam
- Ozinga, Tim
YES: 71
- Nichols
- Guerrero-Cuellar
- Ammons
- Guzzardi
- Andrade
- Avelar
- Ortiz
- Benton
- Blair-Sherlock
- Rashid
- Hanson
- Buckner
- Harper
- Rita
- Burke
- Hernandez, Barbara
- Hernandez, Lisa
- Canty
- Hernandez, Norma
- Carroll
- Scherer
- Hirschauer
- Cassidy
- Hoffman
- Huynh
- Chung
- Slaughter
- Smith
- Jiménez
- Collins
- Johnson
- Costa Howard
- Crespo
- Stava-Murray
- Croke
- Kelly
- Stuart
- Kifowit
- Ladisch Douglass
- William "Will" Davis
- Syed
- LaPointe
- Delgado
- Tarver
- Lilly
- DeLuca
- Mah
- Didech
- Manley
- Vella
- Walker
- Mason
- Mayfield
- Faver Dias
- Flowers
- Ford
- West
- Williams, Ann
- Williams, Jawaharial
- Moeller
- Gabel
- Morgan
- Gong-Gershowitz
- Janet Yang Rohr
- Moylan
- Gonzalez
- Yednock
- Mussman
- Gordon-Booth
- Welch
- Ness
NO: 38
- Walsh
- Grant
- Olickal
- Ozinga
- Jones
- Evans
- Meyers-Martin
YES: 9
- Gillespie, Ann
- Curran, John F
- Harmon, Don
- Halpin, Michael W
- Martwick, Robert F
- Hastings, Michael E
- Elgie R. Sims, Jr.
- Rose, Chapin
- Tracy, Jil
NO: 0
YES: 7
- Gillespie, Ann
- Halpin, Michael W
- Martwick, Robert F
- Hastings, Michael E
- Elgie R. Sims, Jr.
- Rose, Chapin
- Tracy, Jil
NO: 0
- Curran, John F
- Harmon, Don
YES: 50
- Sims
- Lightford
- Fine
- Stadelman
- Loughran Cappel
- Fowler
- Aquino
- Martwick
- Gillespie
- Belt
- Glowiak Hilton
- Bennett
- Tracy
- McConchie
- Halpin
- Bryant
- Turner, D.
- Morrison
- Harris, N.
- Castro
- Turner, S.
- Murphy
- Harriss, E.
- Cervantes
- Hastings
- Chesney
- Ventura
- Peters
- Holmes
- Cunningham
- Villa
- Hunter
- Curran
- Villanueva
- Porfirio
- Johnson
- DeWitte
- Villivalam
- Preston
- Edly-Allen
- Rezin
- Joyce
- Ellman
- Harmon
- Rose
- Koehler
- Faraci
- Simmons
- Lewis
- Feigenholtz
NO: 0
- Anderson
- Stoller
- Syverson
- McClure
- Van Pelt
- Pacione-Zayas
- Plummer
- Jones, E.
- Wilcox
YES: 10
- Costa Howard, Terra
- Buckner, Kam
- Delgado, Eva-Dina
- Croke, Margaret
- Didech, Daniel
- Hoffman, Jay
- Gong-Gershowitz, Jennifer
- Ladisch Douglass, Jenn
- Tarver II, Curtis J
- Williams, Ann M
NO: 4
- Friess, David
- Ozinga, Tim
- Weber, Tom
- Ugaste, Dan
- McLaughlin, Martin
YES: 73
- Ness
- Ammons
- Nichols
- Guerrero-Cuellar
- Andrade
- Guzzardi
- Avelar
- Olickal
- Benton
- Ortiz
- Blair-Sherlock
- Buckner
- Rashid
- Hanson
- Harper
- Rita
- Hernandez, Barbara
- Canty
- Hernandez, Lisa
- Carroll
- Scherer
- Hernandez, Norma
- Cassidy
- Hirschauer
- Hoffman
- Chung
- Slaughter
- Huynh
- Smith
- Collins
- Jiménez
- Costa Howard
- Johnson
- Crespo
- Croke
- Stuart
- Kelly
- Kifowit
- Syed
- Ladisch Douglass
- Delgado
- Tarver
- LaPointe
- DeLuca
- Lilly
- Didech
- Mah
- du Buclet, Kimberly
- Vella
- Manley
- Walker
- Walsh
- Mason
- Evans
- Mayfield
- Faver Dias
- West
- Ford
- Williams, Ann
- Meyers-Martin
- Williams, Jawaharial
- Moeller
- Gabel
- Janet Yang Rohr
- Morgan
- Gill
- Yednock
- Moylan
- Gong-Gershowitz
- Welch
- Mussman
- Gonzalez
- Gordon-Booth
NO: 35
- Reick
- Burke
- Sosnowski
- Stava-Murray
- Jones
- William "Will" Davis
- Frese
- Friess
- Jul 28, 2023 | House
- Governor Approved
- Effective Date January 1, 2024
- Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0282
- Jun 16, 2023 | House
- Sent to the Governor
- May 19, 2023 | House
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Recommends Be Adopted Judiciary - Civil Committee; 010-004-000
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 House Concurs 073-035-000
- House Concurs
- Passed Both Houses
- May 18, 2023 | House
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Judiciary - Civil Committee
- May 17, 2023 | House
- Arrived in House
- Placed on Calendar Order of Concurrence Senate Amendment(s) 1
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Motion Filed Concur Rep. Will Guzzardi
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules Committee
- May 17, 2023 | Senate
- Recalled to Second Reading
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Adopted; Villa
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading
- Third Reading - Passed; 050-000-000
- Added as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Mary Edly-Allen
- May 16, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Judiciary
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Recommend Do Adopt Judiciary; 007-000-000
- May 12, 2023 | Senate
- Rule 2-10 Third Reading Deadline Established As May 19, 2023
- May 11, 2023 | Senate
- Rule 2-10 Third Reading Deadline Established As May 25, 2023
- May 10, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. Karina Villa
- Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments
- Apr 25, 2023 | Senate
- Second Reading
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading April 26, 2023
- Apr 19, 2023 | Senate
- Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading April 20, 2023
- Apr 19, 2023 | committee
- Do Pass Judiciary; 009-000-000
- Apr 12, 2023 | Senate
- Assigned to Judiciary
- Mar 24, 2023 | Senate
- Arrive in Senate
- Placed on Calendar Order of First Reading
- Chief Senate Sponsor Sen. Karina Villa
- First Reading
- Referred to Assignments
- Mar 23, 2023 | House
- Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Lakesia Collins
- Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Carol Ammons
- Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Dagmara Avelar
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Matt Hanson
- Third Reading - Short Debate - Passed 071-038-000
- Mar 22, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Adopted
- Second Reading - Short Debate
- Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
- Mar 22, 2023 | committee
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Recommends Be Adopted Judiciary - Civil Committee; 009-004-000
- Mar 16, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Rules Refers to Judiciary - Civil Committee
- Mar 15, 2023 | House
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Will Guzzardi
- House Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules Committee
- Mar 08, 2023 | House
- Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
- Mar 08, 2023 | committee
- Do Pass as Amended / Short Debate Judiciary - Civil Committee; 010-004-000
- Mar 08, 2023 | House
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted in Judiciary - Civil Committee; by Voice Vote
- Feb 28, 2023 | House
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Judiciary - Civil Committee
- Feb 14, 2023 | House
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Will Guzzardi
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
- Feb 07, 2023 | House
- Assigned to Judiciary - Civil Committee
- Jan 31, 2023 | House
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Jan 30, 2023 | House
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Daniel Didech
- Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Robyn Gabel
- Jan 23, 2023 | House
- Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Will Guzzardi