IntroducedJan 04, 2023
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Last Action See all actions
House • Jan 07, 2025: Session Sine Die
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1102
Whip Lists
David Schwartz | Client: Self | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/8/20232:00PM | End date: |
Liz Leahy | Client: Self Illinois voter resident | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/8/20232:00PM | End date: |
BRYON BETTINARDI | Client: BRYCO MACHINE (BRYCO MACHINE) | Proponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
David Curtin | Client: Technology and Manufacturing Association (Technology and Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/8/20232:00PM | End date: |
Al Panico | Client: The Line Group, Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Anthony Baran | Client: Thunderbird Metals (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Anton Koretskov | Client: Precision Zone (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Ashlyn Deakin | Client: DBP Team- Jack Dorgan (Illinois Construction Industry Committee) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Beth Dancy | Client: Gregor Jonsson Inc. (Gregor Jonsson Inc.) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Bob Ferry | Client: FPM Heat Treating (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Brad Tietz | Client: Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce (Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Brian Ellinor | Client: Ramcel Precision Stamping and Manufacturing LLC (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Casey Kreiger | Client: Ramcel Precision Stamping and Manufacturing, LLC (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Chris W Wellman | Client: Avers Machine and Gear (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Christian Cortez | Client: Waltz Bros. Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Colin Murphy | Client: Simmons Knife & Saw (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Craig Willert | Client: Capitol Consulting Group IL LLC (Chicago Cosmetologists Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Daniel Colbert | Client: APS (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Daniel Moore | Client: TWR Service Corporation (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Daniel Waltz | Client: Waltz Bros. Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Dave Ziegenhorn | Client: Rogan Corp (Technology and Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
David Curtin | Client: Technology and Manufacturing Association (Technology and Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
David Farrar | Client: Babbitting Service, Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Debbie Gradman | Client: Strange Engineering, Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Dennis LaComb | Client: Technology & Manufacturing Association (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Donovan Griffith | Client: Illinois Manufacturers' Association (Illinois Manufacturers' Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Eric Cannon | Client: Babbitting Services Inc (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Erika Meisen | Client: Maxon Plastics, Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Frank Dullnigg | Client: Maxon Plastics, Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
GOPAL RADADIA | Client: CREATIVE HI-TECH LTD. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Gordon Erickson | Client: Kwalyti Tool (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Howard J Renner | Client: TRICOR Systems Inc (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
HS BalanStar Corporation | Client: BalanStar Corporation (BalanStar Corporation) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
IVAN TORRES | Client: AVERS MACHINE & GEAR (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Janette L Burgess | Client: Burgess household (self - citizen) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Jason Palmi | Client: Ramcel Precision Stamping and Manufacturing LLC (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
JERRY CICHON | Client: AVERS MACHINE and GEAR (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Jim Bettinardi | Client: Donson (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
JOSE FLORES | Client: Illinois Pulley & Gear (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
KEITH OEHLSEN | Client: DIRECT AUTOMATION INC. (TECHNOLOGY & MANUFACTURING ASSOCIATION) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Ken Mathas | Client: Cornell Forge Company (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Kenneth Losacco | Client: ASSURANCE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Keri Foster | Client: Laser Technologies, Inc. | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Kevin Graff | Client: NJC MACHINE CO (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Kristoffer Farrar | Client: Babbitting Service, Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Laura Rogers | Client: Kocsis Bros Machine Co (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Laurel Gasser | Client: Brite-O-Matic Manufacturing, Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Lisa Waltz | Client: Waltz Bros. Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Michael Bettinardi | Client: Donson Machine (Technology and Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Michael D Magliano | Client: Cushman & Wakefield (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Michael Dicintio | Client: Ramcel Precision Stamping & Mfg. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Michael Flynn | Client: military veteran self | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Michael Sanchez | Client: ODM Tool and Manufacturing Company (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Nicole Hickcox | Client: Northern Precision Plastics, Inc. (NORTHERN PRECISION PLASTICS, INC) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Raul Flores | Client: Illinois Pulley & Gear Inc (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Ray Wiltgen | Client: Security Locknut LLC (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Richard O Wolter | Client: Illinois Pulley & Gear, Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rob Klancnik | Client: AFCO Products Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Robert A Andre | Client: Van Norman Molding LLC (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Robert Laystrom | Client: Laystrom Manufacturing Co (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Robert Weisheit | Client: Robert C. Weisheit, Co. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Rocco Palmi | Client: Ramcel Precision Stamping and Manufacturing | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Scott Kuhar | Client: Brucher Machining, Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Sonja Kay Meisen | Client: Maxon Plastics, Inc. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Thomas Hacker | Client: C&L Supreme (Technology and Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Thomas Simeone | Client: Manor Tool and Mfg Co (Technology and Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Tim Tremain | Client: MTH Tool Company (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Timothy Stoll | Client: Armin Tool and Manufacturing Co. (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Todd Beauchamp | Client: ASK Power (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Tony Testolin | Client: Schmid Tool & Engineering Corp (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
Zachary MOttl | Client: Atlas Tool Works (Technology & Manufacturing Association) | Opponent | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
John H Winzeler | Client: WINZELER GEAR INC | No Position | Start date: Labor&Commerce(H)3/1/20232:00PM | End date: |
- Jan 07, 2025 | House
- Session Sine Die
- Mar 10, 2023 | House
- Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee
- Mar 08, 2023 | House
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 To Job Growth & Workforce Development Subcommittee
- To Job Growth & Workforce Development Subcommittee
- Feb 28, 2023 | House
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Labor & Commerce Committee
- Feb 21, 2023 | House
- Assigned to Labor & Commerce Committee
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Mary E. Flowers
- House Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
- Jan 12, 2023 | House
- First Reading
- Referred to Rules Committee
- Jan 04, 2023 | House
- Prefiled with Clerk by Rep. Mary E. Flowers