IntroducedJan 30, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
A bill for an act prohibiting open containers of beverages containing tetrahydrocannabinol in the passenger area of motor vehicles on highways, and making penalties applicable.(Formerly HSB 29.)
Last Action See all actions
House • Jan 30, 2025: Introduced, placed on calendar.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HF 181
Whip Lists
Robert Palmer | Client: MedPharm Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 02/10/2025 | End date: |
John Cacciatore | Client: State Police Officers Council | For | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: |
Justin Hupfer | Client: State Police Officers Council | For | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: |
Christopher Rants | Client: State Police Officers Council | For | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: |
Phil Jeneary | Client: Iowa HEMP Coalition | Undecided | Start date: 02/02/2025 | End date: |
Leslie Carpenter | Client: Iowa Mental Health Advocacy | For | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Larry Murphy | Client: Iowa Police Chief Association (FKA Iowa Police Executive Forum) | For | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Lisa Davis-Cook | Client: Iowa Association for Justice | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Andrew Mertens | Client: Iowa Association for Justice | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
David Adelman | Client: Iowa Wholesale Beer Distributors Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Sara Allen | Client: Iowa Wholesale Beer Distributors Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Frank Chiodo | Client: Iowa Wholesale Beer Distributors Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Matt Hinch | Client: Iowa Wholesale Beer Distributors Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Paige Thorson | Client: Iowa Wholesale Beer Distributors Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Marc Beltrame | Client: Iowa Brewers Guild | For | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
David Peck | Client: Iowa Brewers Guild | For | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Kelly Meyers | Client: Iowa Peace Officers Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Kellie Paschke | Client: Iowa Peace Officers Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Dane Schumann | Client: MedPharm Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Carl Olsen | Client: Iowans for Medical Marijuana | Undecided | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: |
Tom Ferguson | Client: Iowa County Attorneys Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Kelly Meyers | Client: Iowa County Attorneys Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Noah Hackbart | Client: Wine Institute | For | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Threase Harms | Client: Wine Institute | For | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Nick Laning | Client: Wine Institute | For | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Josie Wagler | Client: Iowa Dept. of Public Safety | For | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Behavioral Health Association (IBHA) | Undecided | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Chloe Gayer | Client: Iowa Behavioral Health Association (IBHA) | Undecided | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Behavioral Health Association (IBHA) | Undecided | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
- Jan 30, 2025 | House
- Introduced, placed on calendar.
Bill Texts