IntroducedJan 28, 2025
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
A bill for an act relating to defense subpoenas in criminal cases, and providing penalties.
Last Action See all actions
legislature • Jan 29, 2025: Subcommittee recommends passage.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SSB 1055
Whip Lists
Becca Eastwood | Client: American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa (ACLU-IA) | Against | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Pete McRoberts | Client: American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa (ACLU-IA) | Against | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Mark Stringer | Client: American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa (ACLU-IA) | Against | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Mike Heller | Client: Iowa Academy of Trial Lawyers | Undecided | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: |
Mike Heller | Client: Iowa Association of Magistrate Judges | Undecided | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault | For | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: |
Chloe Gayer | Client: Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault | For | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault | For | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: |
Jim Carney | Client: Iowa State Bar Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: |
Jennifer Dorman | Client: Iowa State Bar Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: |
Doug Struyk | Client: Iowa State Bar Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: |
Clara Wulfsen | Client: Iowa State Bar Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: |
Daniel Breitbarth | Client: Iowa Attorney General Dept. of Justice | For | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: |
Lisa Davis-Cook | Client: Iowa Association for Justice | Against | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Andrew Mertens | Client: Iowa Association for Justice | Against | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Tom Ferguson | Client: Iowa County Attorneys Association | For | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Kelly Meyers | Client: Iowa County Attorneys Association | For | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Nick Laning | Client: Innocence Project | Against | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Bob Rafferty | Client: Innocence Project | Against | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
- Jan 29, 2025 | legislature
- Subcommittee recommends passage.
- Jan 28, 2025 | legislature
- Introduced, referred to Judiciary.
- Subcommittee: Taylor, Blake, and Westrich.
- Subcommittee Meeting: 01/29/2025 1:00PM Room 315.
Bill Texts