IntroducedJan 27, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
A bill for an act providing for an individual income tax credit for the purchase of firearm safety devices and including retroactive and other applicability provisions.
Last Action See all actions
House • Jan 27, 2025: Introduced, referred to Ways and Means.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HF 132
Whip Lists
Lon Anderson | Client: National Alliance on Mental Illness - Iowa | For | Start date: 02/03/2025 | End date: |
John Cacciatore | Client: National Alliance on Mental Illness - Iowa | For | Start date: 02/03/2025 | End date: |
Laura Hessburg | Client: Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence | For | Start date: 02/01/2025 | End date: |
Robert Ussery | Client: Iowa Minuteman Civil Defense Corps | For | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Psychological Association | For | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: League of Women Voters of Iowa | For | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Chloe Gayer | Client: Iowa Psychological Association | For | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Chloe Gayer | Client: League of Women Voters of Iowa | For | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Psychological Association | For | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: League of Women Voters of Iowa | For | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Larry Murphy | Client: Iowa Police Chief Association (FKA Iowa Police Executive Forum) | Undecided | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Brad Epperly | Client: Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants | Undecided | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Dustin Miller | Client: Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants | Undecided | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Casey Nickel | Client: Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants | Undecided | Start date: 01/28/2025 | End date: |
Richard Rogers | Client: Iowa Firearms Coalition, Inc. | For | Start date: 01/27/2025 | End date: |
Connie Ryan | Client: Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Action Fund | For | Start date: 01/27/2025 | End date: |
Leslie Carpenter | Client: Iowa Mental Health Advocacy | For | Start date: 01/27/2025 | End date: |
- Jan 27, 2025 | House
- Introduced, referred to Ways and Means.
Bill Texts