IntroducedJan 16, 2025
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
A bill for an act requiring the department of health and human services to reimburse a county for the temporary holding of, or confinement of, a sexually violent predator who commits a public offense while subject to an order of civil commitment.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Feb 11, 2025: Subcommittee: Sires, Costello, and Petersen.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SF 57
Whip Lists
Teresa Bomhoff | Client: Iowa Integrated Health Planning and Advisory Council | For | Start date: 02/10/2025 | End date: |
Lucas Beenken | Client: Iowa State Association of Counties | For | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: |
Lucas Beenken | Client: Iowa State Association of County Supervisors | For | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: |
Jamie Cashman | Client: Iowa State Association of Counties | For | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: |
Jamie Cashman | Client: Iowa State Association of County Supervisors | For | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: |
Andrea Woodard | Client: Iowa State Association of Counties | For | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: |
Andrea Woodard | Client: Iowa State Association of County Supervisors | For | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: |
Jake Highfill | Client: Iowa State Sheriffs' & Deputies' Association | For | Start date: 02/03/2025 | End date: |
Tony Phillips | Client: Iowa State Sheriffs' & Deputies' Association | For | Start date: 02/03/2025 | End date: |
Andy Conlin | Client: Iowa Primary Care Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Dennis Tibben | Client: Iowa Primary Care Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: |
Gary Grant | Client: Linn County Board of Supervisors | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Gary Grant | Client: Urban County Coalition | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Larry Murphy | Client: Iowa Police Chief Association (FKA Iowa Police Executive Forum) | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Larry Murphy | Client: Linn County Board of Supervisors | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Larry Murphy | Client: Urban County Coalition | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Lynh Patterson | Client: Elevance Health, and its Affiliates dba Anthem, Inc. | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Jim Carney | Client: Elevance Health, and its Affiliates dba Anthem, Inc. | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Jennifer Dorman | Client: Elevance Health, and its Affiliates dba Anthem, Inc. | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Doug Struyk | Client: Elevance Health, and its Affiliates dba Anthem, Inc. | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Clara Wulfsen | Client: Elevance Health, and its Affiliates dba Anthem, Inc. | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Nick Crawford | Client: Iowa Department of Health and Human Services | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Carrie Malone | Client: Iowa Department of Health and Human Services | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Sonya Streit | Client: Iowa Department of Health and Human Services | Undecided | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
John Strathman | Client: VALOR Iowa | For | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Polk County - Board of Supervisors | Undecided | Start date: 01/16/2025 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Polk County - Board of Supervisors | Undecided | Start date: 01/16/2025 | End date: |
Tom Ferguson | Client: Iowa County Attorneys Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/16/2025 | End date: |
Kelly Meyers | Client: Iowa County Attorneys Association | Undecided | Start date: 01/16/2025 | End date: |
Kelly Meyers | Client: Marion County Board of Supervisors | Undecided | Start date: 01/16/2025 | End date: |
Kellie Paschke | Client: Marion County Board of Supervisors | Undecided | Start date: 01/16/2025 | End date: |
- Feb 11, 2025 | Senate
- Subcommittee: Sires, Costello, and Petersen.
- Feb 10, 2025 | Senate
- Referred to Appropriations.
- Feb 06, 2025 | Senate
- Placed on calendar.
- Committee report, recommending passage.
- Placed on calendar.
- Feb 04, 2025 | Senate
- Subcommittee recommends passage.
- Feb 03, 2025 | Senate
- Subcommittee Meeting: 02/04/2025 3:30PM Lobbyist Lounge.
- Jan 21, 2025 | Senate
- Subcommittee: Pike, Lofgren, and Petersen.
- Jan 16, 2025 | Senate
- Introduced, referred to Health and Human Services.
Bill Texts