IntroducedJan 14, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
A bill for an act relating to obscenity, including the exposure of a minor to an obscene performance and admittance of a minor to a premises with obscene performances, establishing a private civil cause of action, and providing penalties.
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House • Jan 14, 2025: Introduced, referred to Judiciary.
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Companion Bills
A bill for an act relating to obscenity, including the exposure of a minor to an obscene performance and admittance of a minor to a premises with obscene performances, establishing a private civil cause of action, and providing penalties.
A bill for an act relating to obscenity, including the exposure of a minor to an obscene performance and admittance of a minor to a premises with obscene performances, establishing a private civil cause of action, and providing penalties.(Formerly HSB 158.)
Summary/Bill Text
- Jan 14, 2025 | House
- Introduced, referred to Judiciary.
Bill Texts