IntroducedApr 19, 2024
Passed SenateApr 19, 2024
Passed HouseApr 19, 2024
Signed into LawMay 09, 2024
A bill for an act relating to state government and finances, including by making, modifying, limiting, or reducing appropriations, distributions, or transfers, authorizing expenditure of unappropriated moneys in special funds, providing for properly related matters including the state government efficiency review committee and teacher salary supplement district cost per pupil calculations, making corrections, and including effective date, applicability, and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 3208.) Effective date: 05/09/2024, 07/01/2024, 01/01/2025. Applicability date: Conditional, 04/10/2024, 04/19/2024, 07/01/2024.
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SF 2443
Whip Lists
YES: 37
- Abdul-Samad
- Amos
- Jr.
- Baeth
- Bagniewski
- Brown-Powers
- Buck
- Cahill
- Cooling
- Croken
- Ehlert
- Forbes
- Gjerde
- Isenhart
- Jacoby
- James
- Judge
- Konfrst
- Kressig
- Kurth
- Levin
- Madison
- Matson
- Meyer, B.
- Nielsen
- Olson
- Scheetz
- Scholten
- Sorensen
- Srinivas
- Staed
- Steckman
- Turek
- Wessel-Kroeschell
- Wilburn
- Wilson
- Wilz
- Zabner
NO: 55
- Andrews
- Bergan
- Best
- Bloomingdale
- Boden
- Bossman
- Bradley
- Carlson
- Cisneros
- Collins
- Determann
- Deyoe
- Dunwell
- Fry
- Gehlbach
- Gerhold
- Graber
- Harris
- Hayes
- Henderson
- Holt
- Hora
- Ingels
- Jeneary
- Johnson
- Jones
- Kaufmann
- Kniff
- McCulla
- Latham
- Lohse
- Lundgren
- Meggers
- Meyer, A.
- Mohr
- Mommsen
- Moore
- Nordman
- Osmundson
- Rinker
- Sexton
- Sherman
- Shipley
- Sieck
- Siegrist
- Stone
- Thompson, M.
- Thompson, P.
- Thomson
- Vondran
- Wheeler
- Windschitl
- Wood
- Wulf
- Young
- Speaker
- Grassley
YES: 56
- Andrews
- Bergan
- Best
- Bloomingdale
- Boden
- Bossman
- Bradley
- Carlson
- Cisneros
- Collins
- Determann
- Deyoe
- Dunwell
- Fry
- Gehlbach
- Gerhold
- Graber
- Harris
- Hayes
- Henderson
- Holt
- Hora
- Ingels
- Jeneary
- Johnson
- Jones
- Kaufmann
- Kniff
- McCulla
- Latham
- Lundgren
- Meggers
- Meyer, A.
- Mohr
- Mommsen
- Moore
- Nordman
- Osmundson
- Rinker
- Sexton
- Sherman
- Shipley
- Sieck
- Siegrist
- Sorensen
- Stone
- Thompson, M.
- Thompson, P.
- Thomson
- Vondran
- Wheeler
- Wilz
- Windschitl
- Wood
- Wulf
- Young
- Speaker
- Grassley
NO: 36
YES: 36
- Abdul-Samad
- Amos
- Jr.
- Baeth
- Bagniewski
- Brown-Powers
- Buck
- Cahill
- Cooling
- Croken
- Ehlert
- Forbes
- Gjerde
- Isenhart
- Jacoby
- James
- Judge
- Konfrst
- Kressig
- Kurth
- Levin
- Madison
- Matson
- Meyer, B.
- Nielsen
- Olson
- Scheetz
- Scholten
- Sorensen
- Srinivas
- Staed
- Steckman
- Turek
- Wessel-Kroeschell
- Wilburn
- Wilson
- Zabner
NO: 56
- Andrews
- Bergan
- Best
- Bloomingdale
- Boden
- Bossman
- Bradley
- Carlson
- Cisneros
- Collins
- Determann
- Deyoe
- Dunwell
- Fry
- Gehlbach
- Gerhold
- Graber
- Harris
- Hayes
- Henderson
- Holt
- Hora
- Ingels
- Jeneary
- Johnson
- Jones
- Kaufmann
- Kniff
- McCulla
- Latham
- Lohse
- Lundgren
- Meggers
- Meyer, A.
- Mohr
- Mommsen
- Moore
- Nordman
- Osmundson
- Rinker
- Sexton
- Sherman
- Shipley
- Sieck
- Siegrist
- Stone
- Thompson, M.
- Thompson, P.
- Thomson
- Vondran
- Wheeler
- Wilz
- Windschitl
- Wood
- Wulf
- Young
- Speaker
- Grassley
- May 20, 2024 | Senate
- NOBA: Final
- May 09, 2024 | Senate
- Signed by Governor.
- Apr 29, 2024 | Senate
- Reported correctly enrolled, signed by President and Speaker, and sent to Governor.
- Apr 19, 2024 | Senate
- Message from House.
- Apr 19, 2024 | House
- Message from Senate.
- Read first time, passed on file.
- Substituted for HF 2712.
- Amendment H-8395, yeas 37, nays 55, filed, lost.
- Amendment H-8396 filed.
- Point of order raised on amendment H-8396, ruled not germane.
- Motion to suspend rules for immediate consideration of amendment H-8396, yeas 36, nays 56.
- Motion to suspend rules failed.
- Passed House, yeas 56, nays 36.
- Immediate message.
- Apr 19, 2024 | Senate
- Introduced, placed on Appropriations calendar.
- Committee report, approving bill.
- Passed Senate, yeas 31, nays 14.
- Immediate message.
Bill Texts
- IntroducedHTML
- IntroducedPDF
- EnrolledHTML
- EnrolledPDF
- House Amendment H-8395 (, yeas 37, nays 55, filed, lost) -- BUCK of Polk, 2024-04-19PDF
- House Amendment H-8395 (, yeas 37, nays 55, filed, lost) -- BUCK of Polk, 2024-04-19HTML
- House Amendment H-8396 (, yeas 36, nays 56) -- ISENHART of Dubuque, 2024-04-19PDF
- House Amendment H-8396 (, yeas 36, nays 56) -- ISENHART of Dubuque, 2024-04-19HTML