IntroducedApr 18, 2024
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
A bill for an act relating to the judicial retirement fund.(Formerly HF 2619, HSB 529.)
Last Action See all actions
House • Apr 18, 2024: NOBA: House Full Approps
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HF 2702
Whip Lists
Brad Epperly | Client: Iowa Defense Counsel Association | Undecided | Start date: 04/19/2024 | End date: |
Dustin Miller | Client: Iowa Defense Counsel Association | Undecided | Start date: 04/19/2024 | End date: |
Casey Nickel | Client: Iowa Defense Counsel Association | Undecided | Start date: 04/19/2024 | End date: |
Jim Carney | Client: Iowa State Bar Association | For | Start date: 04/19/2024 | End date: |
Jennifer Dorman | Client: Iowa State Bar Association | For | Start date: 04/19/2024 | End date: |
Doug Struyk | Client: Iowa State Bar Association | For | Start date: 04/19/2024 | End date: |
Kellie Paschke | Client: Iowa Association for Justice | For | Start date: 04/19/2024 | End date: |
Tim Coonan | Client: Iowa Court Reporters Association | For | Start date: 04/19/2024 | End date: |
Sydney Gangestad | Client: Iowa Court Reporters Association | For | Start date: 04/19/2024 | End date: |
- Apr 18, 2024 | House
- Introduced, placed on Appropriations calendar.
- NOBA: House Full Approps
Bill Texts