IntroducedMar 21, 2024
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
A bill for an act relating to the organization, structure, and functions of state and local governments, providing for salaries of certain state officers, making statutory corrections, resolving inconsistencies, removing ambiguities, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SF 2377, SSB 3144.)
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SF 2416
Whip Lists
- Apr 10, 2024 | Senate
- Amendment S-5147 filed, adopted.
- Amendments S-5127, S-5134, S-5135, and S-5136 out of order.
- HF 2686 substituted.
- Withdrawn.
- Apr 09, 2024 | Senate
- Attached to HF 2686.
- Amendments S-5127, S-5134, S-5135, and S-5136 filed.
- Mar 27, 2024 | Senate
- Fiscal note.
- Mar 21, 2024 | Senate
- Introduced, placed on Ways and Means calendar.
- Committee report, approving bill.
Bill Texts
- IntroducedHTML
- IntroducedPDF
- Senate Amendment S-5127 (, S-5134, S-5135, and S-5136 out of order) -- JASON SCHULTZ, 2024-04-10PDF
- Senate Amendment S-5127 (, S-5134, S-5135, and S-5136 out of order) -- JASON SCHULTZ, 2024-04-10HTML
- Senate Amendment S-5134 -- TODD TAYLORPDF
- Senate Amendment S-5134 -- TODD TAYLORHTML
- Senate Amendment S-5135 -- CLAIRE CELSIPDF
- Senate Amendment S-5135 -- CLAIRE CELSIHTML
- Senate Amendment S-5136 -- CINDY WINCKLERPDF
- Senate Amendment S-5136 -- CINDY WINCKLERHTML
- Senate Amendment S-5147 (filed, adopted) -- JASON SCHULTZ, 2024-04-10PDF
- Senate Amendment S-5147 (filed, adopted) -- JASON SCHULTZ, 2024-04-10HTML