IntroducedFeb 28, 2024
Passed HouseMar 06, 2024
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
A bill for an act relating to vehicle registration plates, including registration plate frames and Gadsden flag special registration plates.(Formerly HF 2424, HSB 615.)
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Apr 16, 2024: Amendment S-5168 filed.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HF 2639
Whip Lists
Josie Wagler | Client: Iowa Dept. of Public Safety | Undecided | Start date: 03/26/2024 | End date: |
Trey Jackson | Client: Brady United Against Gun Violence | Against | Start date: 03/22/2024 | End date: |
Joe Gorton | Client: Brady United Against Gun Violence | Against | Start date: 03/21/2024 | End date: |
Susan Fenton | Client: Iowa Dept. of Transportation | Undecided | Start date: 02/29/2024 | End date: |
Richard Rogers | Client: Iowa Firearms Coalition, Inc. | For | Start date: 02/28/2024 | End date: |
YES: 60
- Andrews
- Bergan
- Best
- Bloomingdale
- Boden
- Bossman
- Bradley
- Carlson
- Cisneros
- Collins
- Determann
- Deyoe
- Dieken
- Dunwell
- Fry
- Gehlbach
- Golding
- Graber
- Gustafson
- Gustoff
- Harris
- Hayes
- Henderson
- Holt
- Hora
- Ingels
- Jeneary
- Jones
- Kaufmann
- Kniff
- McCulla
- Latham
- Lohse
- Lundgren
- Meggers
- Meyer, A.
- Mohr
- Mommsen
- Moore
- Nordman
- Olson
- Rinker
- Sexton
- Sherman
- Shipley
- Sieck
- Siegrist
- Sorensen
- Stoltenberg
- Stone
- Thompson, P.
- Thomson
- Vondran
- Wheeler
- Wills
- Wilz
- Windschitl
- Wood
- Wulf
- Young
- Speaker
- Grassley
NO: 34
- Apr 16, 2024 | Senate
- Amendment S-5164 filed.
- Amendment S-5168 filed.
- Apr 04, 2024 | Senate
- Committee report, recommending amendment and passage.
- Amendment S-5121 filed.
- Placed on Ways and Means calendar.
- Mar 27, 2024 | Senate
- Subcommittee recommends amendment and passage. [].
- Mar 26, 2024 | Senate
- Subcommittee Meeting: 03/27/2024 12:30PM Senate Lounge.
- Mar 18, 2024 | Senate
- Subcommittee: Cournoyer, Dotzler, and Schultz.
- Mar 11, 2024 | Senate
- Referred to Ways and Means.
- Mar 07, 2024 | Senate
- Message from House.
- Read first time, referred to Transportation.
- Mar 06, 2024 | House
- Immediate message.
- Mar 07, 2024 | House
- Explanation of vote.
- Mar 06, 2024 | House
- Amendments H-8123, H-8124, H-8125, H-8129, H-8130, H-8131, H-8132, H-8138, H-8139, H-8140, H-8142, H-8143, H-8144, H-8145, H-8146, H-8147, H-8148, H-8149, H-8150, H-8152, H-8154, H-8155, H-8156, H-8158, and H-8160 withdrawn.
- Amendments H-8153, H-8157, H-8159, and H-8161 withdrawn.
- Passed House, yeas 60, nays 34.
- Mar 05, 2024 | House
- Amendments H-8123, H-8124, H-8125, H-8129, H-8130, H-8131, and H-8132 filed.
- Amendments H-8138, H-8139, H-8140, H-8142, H-8143, H-8144, H-8145, H-8146, H-8147, H-8148, H-8149, H-8150, H-8152, H-8153, H-8154, H-8155, H-8156, H-8157, H-8158, H-8159, H-8160, and H-8161 filed.
- Fiscal note.
- Feb 28, 2024 | House
- Introduced, placed on Ways and Means calendar.
Bill Texts
- IntroducedHTML
- IntroducedPDF
- House Amendment H-8123 (, H-8124, H-8125, H-8129, H-8130, H-8131, H-8132, H-8138, H-8139, H-8140, H-8142, H-8143, H-8144, H-8145, H-8146, H-8147, H-8148, H-8149, H-8150, H-8152, H-8154, H-8155, H-8156, H-8158, and H-8160 withdrawn) -- JACOBY of Johnson, 2024-03-06PDF
- House Amendment H-8123 (, H-8124, H-8125, H-8129, H-8130, H-8131, H-8132, H-8138, H-8139, H-8140, H-8142, H-8143, H-8144, H-8145, H-8146, H-8147, H-8148, H-8149, H-8150, H-8152, H-8154, H-8155, H-8156, H-8158, and H-8160 withdrawn) -- JACOBY of Johnson, 2024-03-06HTML
- House Amendment H-8124 -- B. MEYER of PolkPDF
- House Amendment H-8124 -- B. MEYER of PolkHTML
- House Amendment H-8125 -- B. MEYER of PolkPDF
- House Amendment H-8125 -- B. MEYER of PolkHTML
- House Amendment H-8129 -- BAGNIEWSKI of PolkPDF
- House Amendment H-8129 -- BAGNIEWSKI of PolkHTML
- House Amendment H-8130 -- EHLERT of LinnPDF
- House Amendment H-8130 -- EHLERT of LinnHTML
- House Amendment H-8131 -- COOLING of LinnPDF
- House Amendment H-8131 -- COOLING of LinnHTML
- House Amendment H-8132 -- GAINES of PolkPDF
- House Amendment H-8132 -- GAINES of PolkHTML
- House Amendment H-8138 (, H-8139, H-8140, H-8142, H-8143, H-8144, H-8145, H-8146, H-8147, H-8148, H-8149, H-8150, H-8152, H-8153, H-8154, H-8155, H-8156, H-8157, H-8158, H-8159, H-8160, and H-8161 filed) -- JACOBY of Johnson, 2024-03-05PDF
- House Amendment H-8138 (, H-8139, H-8140, H-8142, H-8143, H-8144, H-8145, H-8146, H-8147, H-8148, H-8149, H-8150, H-8152, H-8153, H-8154, H-8155, H-8156, H-8157, H-8158, H-8159, H-8160, and H-8161 filed) -- JACOBY of Johnson, 2024-03-05HTML
- House Amendment H-8139 -- JAMES of DubuquePDF
- House Amendment H-8139 -- JAMES of DubuqueHTML
- House Amendment H-8140 -- KRESSIG of Black HawkPDF
- House Amendment H-8140 -- KRESSIG of Black HawkHTML
- House Amendment H-8142 -- KONFRST of PolkPDF
- House Amendment H-8142 -- KONFRST of PolkHTML
- House Amendment H-8143 -- MADISON of PolkPDF
- House Amendment H-8143 -- MADISON of PolkHTML
- House Amendment H-8144 -- BAETH of PolkPDF
- House Amendment H-8144 -- BAETH of PolkHTML
- House Amendment H-8145 -- KURTH of ScottPDF
- House Amendment H-8145 -- KURTH of ScottHTML
- House Amendment H-8146 -- ISENHART of DubuquePDF
- House Amendment H-8146 -- ISENHART of DubuqueHTML
- House Amendment H-8147 -- AMOS JR. of Black HawkPDF
- House Amendment H-8147 -- AMOS JR. of Black HawkHTML
- House Amendment H-8148 -- LEVIN of JohnsonPDF
- House Amendment H-8148 -- LEVIN of JohnsonHTML
- House Amendment H-8149 -- SCHOLTEN of WoodburyPDF
- House Amendment H-8149 -- SCHOLTEN of WoodburyHTML
- House Amendment H-8150 -- STECKMAN of Cerro GordoPDF
- House Amendment H-8150 -- STECKMAN of Cerro GordoHTML
- House Amendment H-8152 -- SRINIVAS of PolkPDF
- House Amendment H-8152 -- SRINIVAS of PolkHTML
- House Amendment H-8153 (, H-8157, H-8159, and H-8161 withdrawn) -- ABDUL-SAMAD of Polk, 2024-03-06PDF
- House Amendment H-8153 (, H-8157, H-8159, and H-8161 withdrawn) -- ABDUL-SAMAD of Polk, 2024-03-06HTML
- House Amendment H-8154 -- NIELSEN of JohnsonPDF
- House Amendment H-8154 -- NIELSEN of JohnsonHTML
- House Amendment H-8155 -- STAED of LinnPDF
- House Amendment H-8155 -- STAED of LinnHTML
- House Amendment H-8156 -- MATSON of PolkPDF
- House Amendment H-8156 -- MATSON of PolkHTML
- House Amendment H-8157 -- ZABNER of JohnsonPDF
- House Amendment H-8157 -- ZABNER of JohnsonHTML
- House Amendment H-8158 -- WESSEL-KROESCHELL of StoryPDF
- House Amendment H-8158 -- WESSEL-KROESCHELL of StoryHTML
- House Amendment H-8159 -- CAHILL of MarshallPDF
- House Amendment H-8159 -- CAHILL of MarshallHTML
- House Amendment H-8160 -- WILBURN of StoryPDF
- House Amendment H-8160 -- WILBURN of StoryHTML
- House Amendment H-8161 -- BUCK of PolkPDF
- House Amendment H-8161 -- BUCK of PolkHTML
- Senate Amendment S-5121 (filed) -- COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, 2024-04-04PDF
- Senate Amendment S-5121 (filed) -- COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, 2024-04-04HTML
- Senate Amendment S-5164 (filed) -- CHRIS COURNOYER, 2024-04-16PDF
- Senate Amendment S-5164 (filed) -- CHRIS COURNOYER, 2024-04-16HTML
- Senate Amendment S-5168 (filed) -- (2nd) WILLIAM A. DOTZLER, JR., 2024-04-16PDF
- Senate Amendment S-5168 (filed) -- (2nd) WILLIAM A. DOTZLER, JR., 2024-04-16HTML