IntroducedFeb 15, 2024
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
A bill for an act relating to education, including modifying provisions related to education data collection and the determination of enrollment, and including effective date and applicability provisions.(Formerly HSB 672.)
Last Action See all actions
House • Mar 14, 2024: Placed on calendar under unfinished business.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HF 2542
Whip Lists
Susan Gentz | Client: Alma | Against | Start date: 03/25/2024 | End date: |
Susan Gentz | Client: Choice Charter School | Against | Start date: 03/25/2024 | End date: |
Tom Cope | Client: JMC | Against | Start date: 03/12/2024 | End date: |
David Adelman | Client: Infinite Campus | For | Start date: 02/26/2024 | End date: |
Sara Allen | Client: Infinite Campus | For | Start date: 02/26/2024 | End date: |
Frank Chiodo | Client: Infinite Campus | For | Start date: 02/26/2024 | End date: |
Matt Hinch | Client: Infinite Campus | For | Start date: 02/26/2024 | End date: |
Paige Thorson | Client: Infinite Campus | For | Start date: 02/26/2024 | End date: |
Tom Chapman | Client: Iowa Catholic Conference | Against | Start date: 02/21/2024 | End date: |
Dave Daughton | Client: Rural School Advocates of Iowa | Against | Start date: 02/20/2024 | End date: |
Dave Daughton | Client: School Administrators of Iowa | Against | Start date: 02/20/2024 | End date: |
Michelle Johnson | Client: Iowa Association of School Boards | Against | Start date: 02/20/2024 | End date: |
Emily Piper | Client: Iowa Association of School Boards | Against | Start date: 02/20/2024 | End date: |
Margaret Buckton | Client: Rural School Advocates of Iowa | Against | Start date: 02/19/2024 | End date: |
Margaret Buckton | Client: Urban Education Network of Iowa | Against | Start date: 02/19/2024 | End date: |
Madeleine Bradley | Client: Area Education Agencies of Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 02/19/2024 | End date: |
Matt Eide | Client: Area Education Agencies of Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 02/19/2024 | End date: |
Kate Walton | Client: Area Education Agencies of Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 02/19/2024 | End date: |
Eric Goranson | Client: Iowa Association of Christian Schools | Against | Start date: 02/19/2024 | End date: |
Morgan Miller | Client: Iowa State Education Association | Undecided | Start date: 02/16/2024 | End date: |
Melissa Peterson | Client: Iowa State Education Association | Undecided | Start date: 02/16/2024 | End date: |
Nathaniel Arnold | Client: Professional Educators of Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 02/16/2024 | End date: |
Michelle Johnson | Client: Iowa Association of School Boards | Undecided | Start date: 02/16/2024 | End date: |
Emily Piper | Client: Iowa Association of School Boards | Undecided | Start date: 02/16/2024 | End date: |
Molly Severn | Client: Governor's Office | For | Start date: 02/16/2024 | End date: |
- Mar 14, 2024 | House
- Placed on calendar under unfinished business.
- Mar 04, 2024 | House
- Amendment H-8120 filed.
- Feb 15, 2024 | House
- Introduced, placed on calendar.