IntroducedFeb 23, 2023
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
A bill for an act relating to entities supported in whole or in part by public moneys, including the sale of public bonds, the duties and responsibilities of the directors and officers of school boards, school districts, the department of education, the department of health and human services, accredited nonpublic schools, charter schools, community colleges, institutions under the control of the state board of regents, area education agencies, election commissioners and children’s residential facilities, and the membership and voting units of county and city conference boards.(Formerly SSB 1111.)
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Mar 14, 2023: Subcommittee recommends amendment and passage. [].
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SF 390
Whip Lists
Dave Daughton | Client: Rural School Advocates of Iowa | For | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: |
Dave Daughton | Client: School Administrators of Iowa | For | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: |
Madeleine Bradley | Client: Iowa Medical Society | Undecided | Start date: 03/17/2023 | End date: |
Matt Eide | Client: Iowa Medical Society | Undecided | Start date: 03/17/2023 | End date: |
Kate Walton | Client: Iowa Medical Society | Undecided | Start date: 03/17/2023 | End date: |
Casey Ficek | Client: Delta Dental of Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 03/15/2023 | End date: |
Margaret Buckton | Client: Rural School Advocates of Iowa | For | Start date: 03/13/2023 | End date: |
Margaret Buckton | Client: Urban Education Network of Iowa | For | Start date: 03/13/2023 | End date: |
Eric St Clair | Client: Iowa Department of Education | Undecided | Start date: 03/13/2023 | End date: |
Threase Harms | Client: Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa | Against | Start date: 03/13/2023 | End date: |
Chelsea Hoye | Client: Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa | Against | Start date: 03/13/2023 | End date: |
Nick Laning | Client: Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa | Against | Start date: 03/13/2023 | End date: |
Threase Harms | Client: Prevent Blindness Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 03/13/2023 | End date: |
Chelsea Hoye | Client: Prevent Blindness Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 03/13/2023 | End date: |
Nick Laning | Client: Prevent Blindness Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 03/13/2023 | End date: |
Eric Goranson | Client: Iowa Association of Christian Schools | Undecided | Start date: 03/03/2023 | End date: |
Michelle Johnson | Client: Iowa Association of School Boards | For | Start date: 02/27/2023 | End date: |
Emily Piper | Client: Iowa Association of School Boards | For | Start date: 02/27/2023 | End date: |
Larry Murphy | Client: Iowa Catholic Conference | Undecided | Start date: 02/27/2023 | End date: |
Brad Epperly | Client: Iowa Newspaper Association | Against | Start date: 02/27/2023 | End date: |
Dustin Miller | Client: Iowa Newspaper Association | Against | Start date: 02/27/2023 | End date: |
Jefferson Fink | Client: Iowa School Nurses Organization | Against | Start date: 02/26/2023 | End date: |
James Obradovich | Client: Iowa School Nurses Organization | Against | Start date: 02/26/2023 | End date: |
Tom Chapman | Client: Iowa Catholic Conference | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Affiliate of the American College of Nurse-Midwives | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Association of Rural Health Clinics | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Behavioral Health Association (IBHA) | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Nurse Practitioners Society | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Nurses Association | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Primary Care Association | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Psychological Association | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Association of Rural Health Clinics | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Behavioral Health Association (IBHA) | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Nurse Practitioners Society | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Nurses Association | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Primary Care Association | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Psychological Association | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Amy Campbell | Client: Iowa Library Association (ILA) | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Craig Patterson | Client: Iowa Library Association (ILA) | Undecided | Start date: 02/25/2023 | End date: |
Phil Jeneary | Client: Iowa Medical Society | Undecided | Start date: 02/24/2023 | End date: |
Morgan Miller | Client: Iowa State Education Association | Undecided | Start date: 02/24/2023 | End date: |
Melissa Peterson | Client: Iowa State Education Association | Undecided | Start date: 02/24/2023 | End date: |
Nathaniel Arnold | Client: Professional Educators of Iowa | Undecided | Start date: 02/24/2023 | End date: |
Mary Braun | Client: Iowa Board of Regents | Undecided | Start date: 02/24/2023 | End date: |
Jennifer Harbison | Client: Iowa Board of Regents | Undecided | Start date: 02/24/2023 | End date: |
Carolann Jensen | Client: Iowa Board of Regents | Undecided | Start date: 02/24/2023 | End date: |
Keith Saunders | Client: Iowa Board of Regents | Undecided | Start date: 02/24/2023 | End date: |
Mike Heller | Client: Father Flanagans Boys Home | Undecided | Start date: 02/24/2023 | End date: |
- Mar 14, 2023 | Senate
- Subcommittee recommends amendment and passage. [].
- Mar 09, 2023 | Senate
- Subcommittee Meeting: 03/13/2023 4:00PM Room 217 Conference Room.
- Mar 01, 2023 | Senate
- Subcommittee: Cournoyer, Quirmbach, and Rowley.
- Feb 28, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Ways and Means.
- Feb 23, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced, placed on calendar.
- Committee report, approving bill.
Bill Texts