IntroducedFeb 28, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Criminal Justice; prohibits landlord from asking prospective tenant about criminal record prior to making conditional offer; limits offenses that may be considered after such an offer is made; removes full payment of financial obligations from voting rights restoration requirements; provides for retroactive applicability of sentencing & resentencing of certain persons who committed certain violations before specified date which involved trafficking in certain controlled substances; revises definitions of term "juvenile offender" for purposes of review of sentences of review of juvenile sentences; provides for treatment of concurrent & consecutive sentences; provides for retroactive effect; requires DOC to provide specified data concerning inmates to Legislature for redistricting purposes; specifies how such data shall be used in redistricting; provides that only persons convicted of capital or life felonies are liable for correctional costs in specified liquidated damage amount for incarceration; removes provisions specifying fixed daily amount for an offender's liability for incarceration costs; revises offenses for which juvenile may be direct filed in adult court; requires judicial finding for discretionary direct file of juveniles; provides requirements for judicial findings; provides for return of juveniles to juvenile division at any point during circuit court proceedings.
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Whip Lists
- Feb 28, 2025 | House
- Filed
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