IntroducedFeb 28, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Rural Communities; Creates Office of Rural Prosperity and provides duties; revises distributions from the documentary stamp tax revenues; revises criteria for determining which counties qualify as fiscally constrained counties for funding purposes; revises uses of additional funds provided to such counties; requiring the EDR and OPPAGA to provide report on rural communities to Legislature; requires certain state funds to develop specified activity plans; requires certain local counties to issue reports; creates Renaissance Grants Program and Public Infrastructure Smart Technology Grant Program; waiving certain financial match requirements for projects for certain rural communities; revising provisions addressing REDI; revising provisions concerning deployment of broadband in rural, unserved, or underserved counties; revising distributions of funds from State Transportation Trust Fund; creating the Florida Arterial Road Modernization Program to improve 2-lane arterial roads in rural communities; requiring the DOT to allocate additional funds to the Small County Road Assistance Program; creating multiple programs designed to assist rural communities, including telehealth. APPROPRIATION: $197,343,293
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Whip Lists
- Feb 28, 2025 | House
- Filed
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