IntroducedFeb 27, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Elections Impacted by Emergencies; Requires counties & municipalities affected by emergency to provide specified information on their websites & through all means possible; provides that emergency contingency plan is public record & must be presented to Legislature in certain years; requires Secretary of State to consult with specified entities; provides voter rights with respect to participating in election in county that has been designated as being in state of emergency or eligible for individual or public assistance from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); requires Division of Elections to take certain actions if election is scheduled within certain timeframe after emergency; requires division to maintain certain number of strategic elections equipment reserves in certain areas of this state; authorizes division to contract with certain vendors for provision of reserve equipment; specifies certain equipment be included in reserve equipment; requires election officials to take certain actions if county has been designated as being in state of emergency or eligible for individual or public assistance; specifies that certain criminal penalties do not apply if county has been designated as being in state of emergency or eligible for individual or public assistance; prohibits supervisor from requiring certain voters to use certain uniform statewide application.
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 1317
Whip Lists
- Feb 27, 2025 | House
- Filed
Bill Texts