IntroducedJan 30, 2023
Passed HouseMar 24, 2023
Passed SenateMar 30, 2023
Signed into LawApr 03, 2023
Public Safety; Authorizes person to carry concealed weapon or firearm if he or she is licensed to do so or meets specified requirements; requires person who is carrying concealed weapon or firearm without license to carry identification & display upon demand by law enforcement; prohibits person who is carrying concealed weapon or firearm without license from carrying such weapon or firearm in specified locations; authorizes nonresident to carry concealed weapon or firearm in this state if he or she meets same requirements as resident; requires Office of Safe Schools to develop behavioral threat management operational process. APPROPRIATION: $60,177,846
Last Action See all actions
legislature • Apr 03, 2023: Chapter No. 2023-18; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 7025 (Ch. 2023-19)
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 543
Whip Lists
- Judiciary Committeeprimary
- Andersoncosponsor
- Andradecosponsor
- Banksoncosponsor
- Barnabycosponsor
- Blackcosponsor
- Botanacosponsor
- Brackettcosponsor
- Buchanancosponsor
- Duggancosponsor
- Finecosponsor
- Giallombardocosponsor
- Gregorycosponsor
- Holcombcosponsor
- Leekcosponsor
- Maggardcosponsor
- Massullocosponsor
- McClaincosponsor
- Melocosponsor
- Overdorfcosponsor
- Plakoncosponsor
- Rommelcosponsor
- Rothcosponsor
- Salzmancosponsor
- Siroiscosponsor
- Templecosponsor
- Tramontcosponsor
- Tuckcosponsor
- Yeagercosponsor
YES: 32
- Eskamani
- Franklin
- Antone
- Gantt
- Rayner-Goolsby
- Bartleman
- Robinson, F.
- Benjamin
- Harris
- Hart
- Hinson
- Skidmore
- Bracy Davis
- Hunschofsky
- Joseph
- Stark
- Campbell
- Tant
- Casello
- López, J.
- Cassel
- Cross
- Valdés
- Daley
- Waldron
- Daniels
- Williams
- Driskell
- Woodson
- Dunkley
- Edmonds
- Nixon
NO: 77
- Abbott
- Overdorf
- Altman
- Esposito
- Payne
- Alvarez
- Fabricio
- Perez
- Fernandez-Barquin
- Anderson
- Fine
- Plakon
- Andrade
- Plasencia
- Porras
- Garcia
- Baker
- Garrison
- Renner
- Bankson
- Giallombardo
- Rizo
- Barnaby
- Gonzalez Pittman
- Roach
- Gossett-Seidman
- Basabe
- Robinson, W.
- Bell
- Grant
- Rommel
- Beltran
- Gregory
- Griffitts
- Rudman
- Berfield
- Salzman
- Black
- Shoaf
- Borrero
- Hawkins
- Botana
- Sirois
- Brackett
- Holcomb
- Smith
- Brannan
- Jacques
- Snyder
- Buchanan
- Busatta Cabrera
- Killebrew
- Steele
- Koster
- Canady
- LaMarca
- Caruso
- Leek
- Temple
- Tomkow
- Lopez, V.
- Trabulsy
- Maggard
- Tramont
- Maney
- Truenow
- Clemons
- Massullo
- Tuck
- McClain
- McClure
- McFarland
- Duggan
- Michael
- Yarkosky
- Mooney
- Yeager
YES: 76
- Abbott
- Overdorf
- Altman
- Esposito
- Payne
- Alvarez
- Fabricio
- Perez
- Amesty
- Fernandez-Barquin
- Anderson
- Fine
- Plakon
- Andrade
- Plasencia
- Porras
- Garcia
- Baker
- Garrison
- Renner
- Bankson
- Giallombardo
- Rizo
- Barnaby
- Gonzalez Pittman
- Roach
- Gossett-Seidman
- Basabe
- Robinson, W.
- Bell
- Grant
- Rommel
- Beltran
- Gregory
- Griffitts
- Rudman
- Berfield
- Black
- Shoaf
- Borrero
- Hawkins
- Botana
- Brackett
- Holcomb
- Smith
- Brannan
- Jacques
- Snyder
- Buchanan
- Stark
- Busatta Cabrera
- Killebrew
- Steele
- Koster
- Stevenson
- Canady
- LaMarca
- Caruso
- Leek
- Temple
- Tomkow
- Trabulsy
- Maggard
- Tramont
- Maney
- Truenow
- Clemons
- Tuck
- McClain
- McClure
- McFarland
- Duggan
- Michael
- Yarkosky
- Mooney
- Yeager
NO: 32
NO: 27
NO: 27
- Apr 03, 2023 | legislature
- Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
- Approved by Governor
- Chapter No. 2023-18; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 7025 (Ch. 2023-19)
- Mar 31, 2023 | House
- In Messages
- Ordered enrolled
- Mar 30, 2023 | Senate
- Read 3rd time
- CS passed; YEAS 27 NAYS 13
- Immediately certified
- Mar 29, 2023 | Senate
- Withdrawn from Fiscal Policy
- Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
- Substituted for CS/SB 150
- Read 2nd time
- Amendment(s) failed (212780, 244120, 447572, 494682, 611140, 617732, 641176, 846968)
- Placed on 3rd reading
- Mar 28, 2023 | Senate
- Received
- Mar 27, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Fiscal Policy
- Mar 24, 2023 | Senate
- In Messages
- Mar 24, 2023 | House
- Read 3rd time
- CS passed as amended; YEAS 76, NAYS 32
- Mar 23, 2023 | House
- Read 2nd time
- Amendment 932977 adopted
- Amendment 389729 superseded by substitute
- Amendment 622081 Failed
- Amendment 618839 Failed
- Amendment 780607 Failed
- Amendment 423327 Failed
- Amendment 769093 Failed
- Amendment 642477 Failed
- Amendment 496193 Failed
- Amendment 488229 Failed
- Amendment 319647 adopted
- Amendment 591775 superseded by substitute
- Amendment 355135 adopted
- Amendment 988641 superseded by substitute
- Amendment 954681 adopted
- Amendment 419187 adopted
- Amendment 880029 Failed
- Amendment 089381 Failed
- Placed on 3rd reading
- Added to Third Reading Calendar
- Mar 20, 2023 | House
- Bill added to Special Order Calendar (3/23/2023)
- Mar 07, 2023 | House
- 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
- 1st Reading (Committee Substitute 1)
- Added to Second Reading Calendar
- Feb 28, 2023 | House
- Bill referred to House Calendar
- Feb 24, 2023 | House
- Reported out of Judiciary Committee
- Laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a)
- CS Filed
- Feb 21, 2023 | House
- Favorable with CS by Judiciary Committee
- Feb 14, 2023 | House
- PCS added to Judiciary Committee agenda
- Feb 07, 2023 | House
- Favorable by Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee
- Reported out of Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee
- Now in Judiciary Committee
- Jan 31, 2023 | House
- Referred to Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee
- Referred to Judiciary Committee
- Now in Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee
- Added to Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law & Government Operations Subcommittee agenda
- Jan 30, 2023 | House
- Filed
Bill Texts
- H 543 FiledPDF
- H 543 c1PDF
- H 543 e1PDF
- H 543 erPDF
- Committee Amendment 583143 (Failed to Adopt 2/7/2023) -- JosephPDF
- Committee Amendment 243875 (Failed to Adopt 2/7/2023) -- CrossPDF
- Committee Amendment 115055 (Failed to Adopt 2/7/2023) -- EdmondsPDF
- Committee Amendment 965537 (Failed to Adopt 2/7/2023) -- JosephPDF
- Committee Amendment 190383 (Failed to Adopt 2/7/2023) -- JosephPDF
- Committee Amendment 431135 (Failed to Adopt 2/7/2023) -- WaldronPDF
- Committee Amendment 398711 (Failed to Adopt 2/7/2023) -- JosephPDF
- Floor Amendment 389729 (House: Superseded by Substitute 3/23/2023) -- HunschofskyPDF
- Floor Substitute Amendment 932977 (House: Adopted 3/23/2023) -- HunschofskyPDF
- Floor Amendment 622081 (House: Failed 3/23/2023) -- HinsonPDF
- Floor Amendment 618839 (House: Failed 3/23/2023) -- DaleyPDF
- Floor Amendment 780607 (House: Failed 3/23/2023) -- HunschofskyPDF
- Floor Amendment 423327 (House: Failed 3/23/2023) -- NixonPDF
- Floor Amendment 769093 (House: Failed 3/23/2023) -- López, J.PDF
- Floor Amendment 574013 (House: Withdrawn 3/21/2023) -- RaynerPDF
- Floor Amendment 891201 (House: Withdrawn 3/22/2023) -- BeltranPDF
- Floor Amendment 642477 (House: Failed 3/23/2023) -- EskamaniPDF
- Floor Amendment 496193 (House: Failed 3/23/2023) -- DaleyPDF
- Floor Amendment 488229 (House: Failed 3/23/2023) -- EskamaniPDF
- Floor Amendment 591775 (House: Superseded by Substitute 3/23/2023) -- HunschofskyPDF
- Floor Substitute Amendment 319647 (House: Adopted 3/23/2023) -- HunschofskyPDF
- Floor Amendment 988641 (House: Superseded by Substitute 3/23/2023) -- HunschofskyPDF
- Floor Substitute Amendment 355135 (House: Adopted 3/23/2023) -- HunschofskyPDF
- Floor Amendment 954681 (House: Adopted 3/23/2023) -- BrannanPDF
- Floor Amendment 419187 (House: Adopted 3/23/2023) -- HunschofskyPDF
- Floor Amendment 880029 (House: Failed 3/23/2023) -- EskamaniPDF
- Floor Amendment 089381 (House: Failed 3/23/2023) -- HunschofskyPDF
- Floor Amendment 598667 (House: Withdrawn 3/23/2023) -- HunschofskyPDF
- Floor Amendment 617732 (Senate: Failed 3/29/2023) -- BookPDF
- Floor Amendment 611140 (Senate: Failed 3/29/2023) -- BermanPDF
- Floor Amendment 494682 (Senate: Failed 3/29/2023) -- PolskyPDF
- Floor Amendment 212780 (Senate: Failed 3/29/2023) -- BookPDF
- Floor Amendment 641176 (Senate: Failed 3/29/2023) -- PizzoPDF
- Floor Amendment 244120 (Senate: Failed 3/29/2023) -- BermanPDF
- Floor Amendment 447572 (Senate: Failed 3/29/2023) -- StewartPDF
- Floor Amendment 846968 (Senate: Failed 3/29/2023) -- JonesPDF