IntroducedJan 04, 2023
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
AN ACT CONCERNING CONNECTICUT'S PRESENT AND FUTURE HOUSING NEEDS. To promote fair and equitable housing opportunities in every community in the state.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • May 09, 2023: Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 4
Whip Lists
- Housing Committeeprimary
- Sen. Saud Anwarcosponsor
- Sen. Jorge Cabreracosponsor
- Sen. Christine Cohencosponsor
- Sen. Mae Flexercosponsor
- Sen. John W. Fonfaracosponsor
- Sen. Herron Gastoncosponsor
- Sen. Jan Hochadelcosponsor
- Sen. Julie Kushnercosponsor
- Sen. Matthew L. Lessercosponsor
- Sen. Rick Lopescosponsor
- Sen. Ceci Mahercosponsor
- Sen. Martha Marxcosponsor
- Sen. Douglas McCrorycosponsor
- Sen. Patricia Billie Millercosponsor
- Sen. Marilyn V. Moorecosponsor
- Sen. MD Rahmancosponsor
- Sen. Derek Slapcosponsor
- Sen. Gary A. Winfieldcosponsor
- Rep. Anthony L. Nolancosponsor
- Rep. Maryam Khancosponsor
- Rep. David Michelcosponsor
- Rep. Josh Elliottcosponsor
- Rep. Anne M. Hughescosponsor
- Rep. Travis Simmscosponsor
- Rep. Jillian Gilchrestcosponsor
- Rep. Juan R. Candelariacosponsor
- Rep. Hubert D. Delanycosponsor
- Rep. Bobby G. Gibsoncosponsor
- Rep. Joseph P. Greskocosponsor
- Rep. Julio A. Concepcioncosponsor
- Rep. Keith Denningcosponsor
- Rep. Aundre Bumgardnercosponsor
- Rep. Jane M. Garibaycosponsor
NO: 5
- Sampson R
- Scott T
- Polletta J
- Weir S
- Zullo J
YES: 37
- Osten C
- Walker T
- Johnson S
- Hartley J
- Khanna R
- Exum T
- Paris C
- Kushner J
- Lesser M
- Marx M
- Anwar S
- Baker A
- McCrory D
- Nolan A
- Porter R
- Candelaria J
- Osborne M
- Reyes G
- Currey J
- Rosario C
- Dathan L
- Ryan K
- Delany H
- Sanchez E
- Slap D
- Dillon P
- Simms T
- Felipe A
- Flexer M
- Tercyak P
- Winfield G
- Garibay J
- Gibson B
- Gilchrest J
- Gonzalez M
- Haddad G
- Hall J
NO: 16
- Hoxha J
- Kennedy K
- Berthel E
- Nuccio T
- McCarty K
- Bolinsky M
- Callahan P
- Chaleski R
- Rutigliano D
- DeCaprio M
- Delnicki T
- Somers H
- Foncello M
- Zawistowski T
- Gordon J
- Harrison C
- May 09, 2023 | Senate
- Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- No New File by Committee on Appropriations
- Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
- May 08, 2023 | Senate
- Joint Favorable (APP)
- Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- May 03, 2023 | Senate
- Referred by Senate to Committee on Appropriations
- Mar 23, 2023 | Senate
- Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
- Senate Calendar Number 130
- File Number 203 (LCO)
- Mar 17, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 03/22/23 5:00 PM (LCO)
- Mar 07, 2023 | Senate
- Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- Mar 02, 2023 | Senate
- Joint Favorable Substitute (HSG)
- Feb 24, 2023 | Senate
- Public Hearing 02/28
- Feb 23, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Joint Committee on Housing
- Feb 22, 2023 | Senate
- Drafted by Committee
- Jan 24, 2023 | Senate
- Vote to Draft (HSG)
- Jan 04, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Joint Committee on Housing
Bill Texts
- Proposed BillPDF
- Committee BillPDF
- HSG Joint Favorable SubstitutePDF
- File No. 203PDF
- APP Joint FavorablePDF
- Committee Amendment LCO 5297 -- Housing CommitteePDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6745 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6746 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6747 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6742 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6732 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6733 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6740 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6729 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6731 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6673 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6674 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6666 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6672 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6671 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6665 (R)PDF
- Uncalled Senate LCO Amendment #6909 (R)PDF
- Bill Analysis For File Copy 203
- Fiscal Note For File Copy 203
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6746 (See Fiscal Note Details)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6673 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6733 (See Fiscal Note Details)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6745 (See Fiscal Note Details)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6747 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6666 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6674 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6729 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6731 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6732 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6665 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6671 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6672 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6740 (No Fiscal Impact)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6909 (See Fiscal Note Details)
- Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 6742 (Cost)
- Committee Report HSG Joint Fav. Rpt
- Public Hearing Testimony