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  • Introduced
  • Passed Senate
  • Passed House
  • Signed into Law
SB 488
Connecticut Senate Bill
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AN ACT CONCERNING THE STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION AND CERTAIN CAMPAIGN FINANCE STATUTES. To (1) modify attribution requirements for certain political communications, (2) require certain campaign finance filings to be made with the State Elections Enforcement Commission instead of the town clerk, (3) exempt certain uses of funds for political purposes from the definitions of "contribution" and "exemption", (4) make several adjustments to such program's application submission and application review procedures, (5) prohibit the commission from imposing a penalty for a first-time failure to meet a certain deadline, (6) permit candidates participating in such program to make certain de minimis expenditures, (7) adjust certain procedures regarding complaints filed with the commission, (8) limit the scope of the commission's post-election audits, (9) require the commission to adopt, as a regulation, any declaratory ruling it issues before such ruling takes effect, (10) provide that contributor certifications are prima facie evidence that the person certified thereon is not prohibited from making the contribution, (11) modify the manner in which the commission's executive director is employed, and (12) provide an exception for the requirement that candidates or committees share expenses for certain communications.
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