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SB 485
Connecticut Senate Bill
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AN ACT CONCERNING VARIOUS PROCEDURES SURROUNDING ABSENTEE VOTING. To (1) require supervised absentee voting at any public housing complex on the application of thirty or more tenants at such complex, (2) permit registrars of voters to designate members of the League of Women Voters to assist in supervised absentee voting, (3) provide that any state or municipal employee who handles an absentee ballot without authorization to do so under the general statutes shall be guilty of a class D felony, (4) afford electors standing to challenge election results where violations of absentee voting laws are alleged, (5) permit a judge of the Superior Court to order a new primary if it is found substantial violations of the law cast doubt over the results of such primary, (6) restrict the handling of absentee ballot applications to certain individuals and in certain quantities, (7) subject to a civil penalty by the State Elections Enforcement Commission any person found to have improperly possessed an absentee ballot application or misrepresented the eligibility requirements for absentee voting, (8) require the destruction of all unused absentee ballot applications after each election, primary or referendum, (9) require the Secretary of the State to identify computer applications, software or programs to assist town clerks in the performance of their duties with regard to absentee voting, and (10) require the Secretary of the State to develop an absentee voting law and training program for town clerks.
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