IntroducedFeb 12, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Government Transparency Laws
Last Action See all actions
House • Feb 12, 2025: Introduced In House - Assigned to State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Mar 06, 2025
LSB AUpon Adjournment
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 25-1242
Whip Lists
SIEGEL, CAROLYN | Client: AMERICA VOTES | Monitoring | Start date: 02/14/2025 | End date: Current |
Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC | Client: America Votes | Monitoring | Start date: 02/14/2025 | End date: Current |
Kyle, MPA, CAE, Henry C | Client: CAPS | Monitoring | Start date: 02/17/2025 | End date: Current |
Kyle, MPA, CAE, Henry C | Client: COALITION FOR MEDICAL REFORM | Monitoring | Start date: 02/17/2025 | End date: Current |
Kyle, MPA, CAE, Henry C | Client: COLO CHARITABLE BINGO ASSN | Monitoring | Start date: 02/17/2025 | End date: Current |
Enos, Colleen | Client: Christian Home Educators of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/15/2025 | End date: Current |
Mutch Government Relations | Client: City of Fountain | Monitoring | Start date: 02/13/2025 | End date: Current |
Mutch Government Relations | Client: City of Woodland Park | Monitoring | Start date: 02/13/2025 | End date: Current |
Belknap, Alainna | Client: Colorado Common Cause | Monitoring | Start date: 02/18/2025 | End date: Current |
Kyle, MPA, CAE, Henry C | Client: Colorado Placement & Referral Alliance | Monitoring | Start date: 02/17/2025 | End date: Current |
Clark, Jacob Andrew | Client: Colorado Springs Utilities | Monitoring | Start date: 02/19/2025 | End date: Current |
Means, Nicole | Client: Colorado Springs Utilities | Monitoring | Start date: 02/19/2025 | End date: Current |
Barkis, Anne Katherine | Client: Denver Public Schools | Monitoring | Start date: 02/12/2025 | End date: Current |
Mendez, Barkis and Associates | Client: Denver Public Schools | Monitoring | Start date: 02/12/2025 | End date: Current |
InterMountain Corporate Affairs | Client: E-470 PUBLIC HIGHWAY AUTHORITY | Monitoring | Start date: 02/18/2025 | End date: Current |
Kyle, MPA, CAE, Henry C | Client: Golden Gate Manor Transportation | Monitoring | Start date: 02/17/2025 | End date: Current |
Mendez, Barkis and Associates | Client: Greeley-Evans Weld County School District 6 | Monitoring | Start date: 02/12/2025 | End date: Current |
Barkis, Anne Katherine | Client: Greeley-Evans Weld School District 6 | Monitoring | Start date: 02/12/2025 | End date: Current |
Barkis, Anne Katherine | Client: Poudre School District | Monitoring | Start date: 02/12/2025 | End date: Current |
Mendez, Barkis and Associates | Client: Poudre School District R-1 | Monitoring | Start date: 02/12/2025 | End date: Current |
Reed, Gabby | Client: RELX Inc. | Monitoring | Start date: 02/14/2025 | End date: Current |
Mendez, Barkis and Associates | Client: Scientific and Cultural Facilities District | Monitoring | Start date: 02/12/2025 | End date: Current |
Mendez, Florangel M | Client: Scientific and Cultural Facilities District | Monitoring | Start date: 02/12/2025 | End date: Current |
BALCEROVICH, STEVE | Client: South Metro Water Supply Authority | Monitoring | Start date: 02/19/2025 | End date: Current |
Coleman Legislative Advocacy LLC | Client: South Metro Water Supply Authority | Monitoring | Start date: 02/20/2025 | End date: Current |
Sandoval, Anthoney J. | Client: Special District Association of Colorado | Amending | Start date: 02/17/2025 | End date: Current |
VALDEZ, MICHAEL A | Client: Special District Association of Colorado | Amending | Start date: 02/17/2025 | End date: Current |
Barkis, Anne Katherine | Client: The Arc of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/12/2025 | End date: Current |
Mendez, Barkis and Associates | Client: The Arc of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/12/2025 | End date: Current |
Mutch Government Relations | Client: Town of Monument | Monitoring | Start date: 02/13/2025 | End date: Current |
Capitol Solutions/Sandra Hagen Solin | Client: Weld County | Supporting | Start date: 02/18/2025 | End date: Current |
Goddard, Alexander | Client: Colorado Department of State | n/a | Start date: 01/01/2025 | End date: 01/31/2025 |
- Feb 12, 2025 | House
- Introduced In House - Assigned to State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs
Bill Texts