IntroducedJan 22, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Confidentiality Requirements Mental Health Support
Last Action See all actions
House • Jan 22, 2025: Introduced In House - Assigned to Health & Human Services
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Feb 11, 2025 01:30pm
HCR 0112
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 25-1087
Whip Lists
Capitol Success Group | Client: COLO BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE COUNCIL | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: Current |
Enos, Colleen | Client: Christian Home Educators of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: Current |
Hogan, Mary K | Client: Citizens Advocating for Our State | Monitoring | Start date: 01/23/2025 | End date: Current |
Bell, Veronica Lee | Client: Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council | Monitoring | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: Current |
Sonn, Edie | Client: Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council | Monitoring | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: Current |
Weaver-Hayes, Anna | Client: Colorado Psychiatric Society | Monitoring | Start date: 01/27/2025 | End date: Current |
GOFF, ERIN E | Client: County Sheriffs of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: Current |
HACKENBERGER, MICKI M | Client: County Sheriffs of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: Current |
Hackenberger, Carrie | Client: County Sheriffs of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: Current |
Husch Blackwell Strategies | Client: County Sheriffs of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: Current |
J. Andrew Green & Assoc., Inc. | Client: County Sheriffs of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: Current |
LaBriola, Lisa | Client: County Sheriffs of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: Current |
Lo, Elizabeth | Client: County Sheriffs of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: Current |
Neimond, Kevin | Client: County Sheriffs of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 02/04/2025 | End date: Current |
G BERRY CORP | Client: HILLTOP COMMUNITY RESOURCES | Monitoring | Start date: 01/22/2025 | End date: Current |
Hogan, Mary K | Client: HealthOne-HCA Hospital System | Monitoring | Start date: 01/23/2025 | End date: Current |
- Jan 22, 2025 | House
- Introduced In House - Assigned to Health & Human Services
Bill Texts