IntroducedJan 08, 2025
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
Postsecondary Credit Transfer Website
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House • Jan 08, 2025: Introduced In House - Assigned to Education
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Feb 06, 2025 01:30pm
HCR 0107
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 25-1038
Whip Lists
Leyba, Kallie | Client: AFT Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/10/2025 | End date: Current |
Davis, Sami Jo | Client: Adams State University | Opposing | Start date: 01/23/2025 | End date: Current |
Sewald Hanfling Public Affairs | Client: Adams State University | Opposing | Start date: 01/23/2025 | End date: Current |
Sewald, R.D. | Client: Adams State University | Opposing | Start date: 01/27/2025 | End date: Current |
Bowditch & Cassell Public Affairs | Client: Associated Students of Colorado State University | Supporting | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: Current |
Bowditch, Edward R | Client: Associated Students of Colorado State University | Supporting | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: Current |
Cassell, Jennifer M | Client: Associated Students of Colorado State University | Supporting | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: Current |
Johnson, Hannah L | Client: Bowditch & Cassell Public Affairs | Supporting | Start date: 01/21/2025 | End date: Current |
Cullen, Moira | Client: Brighter Future for Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/21/2025 | End date: Current |
The Capstone Group, LLC | Client: Brighter Future for Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/21/2025 | End date: Current |
Political Advocacy, Inc | Client: COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL EXECUTIVES | Supporting | Start date: 01/13/2025 | End date: Current |
Cullen, Moira | Client: COLORADO COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM | Monitoring | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: Current |
The Capstone Group, LLC | Client: COLORADO COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM | Monitoring | Start date: 01/17/2025 | End date: Current |
Bowditch & Cassell Public Affairs | Client: Colorado Area Technical Colleges | Supporting | Start date: 01/21/2025 | End date: Current |
Bowditch, Edward R | Client: Colorado Area Technical Colleges | Supporting | Start date: 01/21/2025 | End date: Current |
Cook, Matthew L | Client: Colorado Association of School Boards | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2025 | End date: Current |
Hogan, Mary K | Client: Colorado Mountain College | Monitoring | Start date: 01/23/2025 | End date: Current |
Gold Leaf Strategies, LLC | Client: Colorado Rural Schools Alliance | Supporting | Start date: 02/03/2025 | End date: Current |
Dieng, Amadou | Client: Colorado Succeeds | Supporting | Start date: 01/27/2025 | End date: Current |
Furman, Daniel | Client: Colorado Succeeds | Supporting | Start date: 01/23/2025 | End date: Current |
Hall & Evans, LLC | Client: Colorado Succeeds | Supporting | Start date: 01/23/2025 | End date: Current |
Snow, Erin E | Client: Colorado Succeeds | Supporting | Start date: 01/23/2025 | End date: Current |
Hodge, Adeline Elisabeth | Client: Colorado Women's Bar Association | Supporting | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: Current |
Badhesha, Perdeep Singh | Client: Denver Public Schools | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2025 | End date: Current |
Barkis, Anne Katherine | Client: Denver Public Schools | Supporting | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: Current |
Mendez, Barkis and Associates | Client: Denver Public Schools | Supporting | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: Current |
Weaver Strategies, LLC | Client: Independent Higher Education of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/29/2025 | End date: Current |
The Capstone Group, LLC | Client: METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF DENVER | Opposing | Start date: 01/14/2025 | End date: Current |
Vanderburg, Jeannie | Client: Metropolitan State University of Denver | Opposing | Start date: 01/14/2025 | End date: Current |
Berwick, Natasha | Client: New Era Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/22/2025 | End date: Current |
Newell, Kiyana Michelle | Client: New Era Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/22/2025 | End date: Current |
Finch, Kara | Client: Statewide Internet Portal Authority | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2025 | End date: Current |
Nexus Policy Group, Inc. | Client: UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN COLORADO | Opposing | Start date: 01/14/2025 | End date: Current |
Burg, Adam Joseph | Client: University of Colorado | Opposing | Start date: 01/30/2025 | End date: Current |
MacKillop, Meghan | Client: University of Northern Colorado | Opposing | Start date: 01/14/2025 | End date: Current |
TIBBALS, KAYLA | Client: University of Northern Colorado | Opposing | Start date: 01/14/2025 | End date: Current |
Politicalworks | Client: WESTERN COLORADO UNIVERSITY | Opposing | Start date: 01/22/2025 | End date: Current |
5280 Strategies | Client: WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY | Monitoring | Start date: 01/12/2025 | End date: Current |
Kelty, Kelli G | Client: Western Colorado University | Opposing | Start date: 01/22/2025 | End date: Current |
Kesner, Melanie | Client: Young Invincibles | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2025 | End date: Current |
Gold Leaf Strategies, LLC | Client: Colorado Rural Schools Alliance | Monitoring | Start date: 01/20/2025 | End date: 02/03/2025 |
Hickerson, Taylor | Client: Colorado State University System | n/a | Start date: 01/01/2025 | End date: 01/31/2025 |
Massey, Rebecca Sarah Eugenia | Client: University of Colorado | n/a | Start date: 01/01/2025 | End date: 01/31/2025 |
- Jan 08, 2025 | House
- Introduced In House - Assigned to Education
Bill Texts