IntroducedJan 12, 2024
Passed Senate
Passed House
Signed into Law
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Last Action See all actions
Senate • Feb 28, 2024: Senate Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely
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Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 24-049
Whip Lists
- Eliza Hamrickprimary
Robinson, Anaya D | Client: ACLU of Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/29/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
HINGA, SEAN | Client: AFSCME | Supporting | Start date: 01/12/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Leyba, Kallie | Client: AFT Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Retzko, Heather | Client: Adams 12 Five Star Schools | Amending | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
The Policy Matters | Client: Adams 12 Five Star Schools | Amending | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Retzko, Heather | Client: Boulder Valley School District | Opposing | Start date: 03/06/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Jerry R Braden Inc. | Client: CAL- CO ASSN OF LIBARIES | Amending | Start date: 01/27/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
VALDEZ, AMBER N | Client: COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF LIBRARIES | Amending | Start date: 01/26/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Political Advocacy, Inc | Client: COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL EXECUTIVES | Amending | Start date: 01/27/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
J. Andrew Green & Assoc., Inc. | Client: COLORADO HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION | Monitoring | Start date: 01/16/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Cook, Matthew L | Client: Colorado Association of School Boards | Opposing | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Server, Matthew Kenneth | Client: Colorado Catholic Conference | Amending | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Vessely, Brittany Lena | Client: Colorado Catholic Conference | Amending | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Furman, Daniel | Client: Colorado Charter School Institute | Opposing | Start date: 02/07/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Hall & Evans, LLC | Client: Colorado Charter School Institute | Opposing | Start date: 02/07/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Snow, Erin E | Client: Colorado Charter School Institute | Opposing | Start date: 02/07/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Belknap, Alainna | Client: Colorado Common Cause | Supporting | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Bennett, Erin | Client: Colorado Education Association | Supporting | Start date: 01/12/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Hecker, Ian | Client: Colorado Education Association | Supporting | Start date: 01/12/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Raynes, Meghan | Client: Colorado Education Association | Supporting | Start date: 01/12/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Gold Leaf Strategies, LLC | Client: Colorado Rural Schools Alliance | Amending | Start date: 01/15/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Badhesha, Perdeep Singh | Client: Denver Public Schools | Amending | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Barkis, Anne Katherine | Client: Denver Public Schools | Amending | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Mendez, Barkis and Associates | Client: Denver Public Schools | Amending | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Davis, Sami Jo | Client: Education Alliance of Colorado | Amending | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Sewald Hanfling Public Affairs | Client: Education Alliance of Colorado | Amending | Start date: 01/29/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Xiphos Strategies, LLC | Client: Education Alliance of Colorado | Amending | Start date: 01/12/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Gregorio, Jared Stephen | Client: Education Reform Now Advocacy | Monitoring | Start date: 02/01/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Emma Hudson Consulting LLC | Client: Interfaith Alliance | Supporting | Start date: 02/02/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Schultz Public Affairs, LLC | Client: JLH Consulting & Public Affairs, LLC - Pikes Peak School District Alliance | Opposing | Start date: 02/08/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Sanchez Policy Works LLC | Client: JLH Consulting and Public Affairs LLC (Douglas County School District) | Amending | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
JLH Consulting & Public Affairs, LLC | Client: Jefferson County | Monitoring | Start date: 02/11/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Swift Strategies LLC | Client: Jefferson County | Monitoring | Start date: 02/06/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Wilkins, Andrea Kay | Client: League of Women Voters of Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/17/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Attwood Public Affairs | Client: Lewis Palmer School District 38 | Monitoring | Start date: 01/26/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Angie Binder | Client: McGraw Hill | Monitoring | Start date: 02/09/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
JLH Consulting & Public Affairs, LLC | Client: Pikes Peak Area School District Alliance | Amending | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
HUDSON, LARRY G. | Client: RELX Inc. | Monitoring | Start date: 01/21/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Reed, Gabby | Client: RELX Inc. | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Finer, Jonathan Kent | Client: Ready Colorado | Opposing | Start date: 02/01/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Criswell, Dianne M. | Client: Special District Association of Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
HUDSON, LARRY G. | Client: Special District Association of Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 02/16/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
VALDEZ, MICHAEL A | Client: Special District Association of Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
JLH Consulting & Public Affairs, LLC | Client: St. Vrain Valley School District | Monitoring | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Buentello, Bri | Client: Stand for Children, Inc. | Monitoring | Start date: 02/10/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Cavan Consulting | Client: Stand for Children, Inc. | Monitoring | Start date: 02/08/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Singer, Jonathan | Client: The Boulder Chamber | Monitoring | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Dickhoner, Brenda Bautsch | Client: Ready Colorado | Opposing | Start date: 02/01/2024 | End date: 06/10/2024 |
Riester, Jefferey | Client: Colorado Department of Law | n/a | Start date: 01/01/2024 | End date: 05/31/2024 |
Kitts, Riley Jess | Client: Education Reform Now Advocacy | Monitoring | Start date: 02/01/2024 | End date: 05/17/2024 |
Allen, JoVanni Mytchl | Client: Colorado Catholic Conference | Amending | Start date: 01/19/2024 | End date: 05/09/2024 |
Raemdonck, Dieter | Client: Colorado Catholic Conference | Amending | Start date: 01/19/2024 | End date: 05/09/2024 |
Recht Kornfeld, P.C. | Client: Colorado Catholic Conference | Amending | Start date: 01/19/2024 | End date: 05/09/2024 |
Rogers, Thomas M | Client: Colorado Catholic Conference | Amending | Start date: 01/19/2024 | End date: 05/09/2024 |
Colorado Municipal League | Client: COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE | Amending | Start date: 01/26/2024 | End date: 05/08/2024 |
Schupbach, Jeremy | Client: Colorado Municipal League | Amending | Start date: 01/26/2024 | End date: 05/08/2024 |
Barton, Andrew | Client: Colorado Common Cause | Supporting | Start date: 02/01/2024 | End date: 04/01/2024 |
Konkel, Shelbie Alexandra | Client: Colorado Department of Education | n/a | Start date: 04/01/2024 | End date: 03/31/2024 |
Hickerson, Taylor | Client: Adams 12 Five Star Schools | Amending | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 03/29/2024 |
Cullen, Moira | Client: EDUCATION REFORM NOW ADVOCACY | Monitoring | Start date: 02/23/2024 | End date: 03/01/2024 |
The Capstone Group, LLC | Client: EDUCATION REFORM NOW ADVOCACY | Monitoring | Start date: 02/23/2024 | End date: 03/01/2024 |
Konkel, Shelbie Alexandra | Client: Colorado Department of Education | n/a | Start date: 01/01/2024 | End date: 02/29/2024 |
MacKillop, Meghan | Client: CLCS Action, Inc. | Opposing | Start date: 02/07/2024 | End date: 02/28/2024 |
Nexus Policy Group, Inc. | Client: CLCS Action, Inc. | Opposing | Start date: 02/07/2024 | End date: 02/28/2024 |
TIBBALS, KAYLA | Client: CLCS Action, Inc. | Opposing | Start date: 02/07/2024 | End date: 02/28/2024 |
Martin, Carolyn | Client: Christian Home Educators of Colorado | Opposing | Start date: 01/16/2024 | End date: 02/28/2024 |
BOYLE, PATRICK C | Client: READY COLORADO | Opposing | Start date: 02/05/2024 | End date: 02/28/2024 |
Nexus Policy Group, Inc. | Client: READY COLORADO | Opposing | Start date: 02/05/2024 | End date: 02/28/2024 |
Buentello, Bri | Client: Stand for Children, Inc. | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 02/10/2024 |
Cavan Consulting | Client: Stand for Children, Inc. | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 02/08/2024 |
MacKillop, Meghan | Client: CLCS Action, Inc. | Amending | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 02/07/2024 |
Nexus Policy Group, Inc. | Client: CLCS Action, Inc. | Amending | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 02/07/2024 |
TIBBALS, KAYLA | Client: CLCS Action, Inc. | Amending | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 02/07/2024 |
Gleitz, Meredith Paige | Client: One Colorado Education Fund | Supporting | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 02/01/2024 |
Virtual Operations, LLC | Client: The Boulder Chamber | Monitoring | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 01/31/2024 |
Buentello, Bri | Client: Stand for Children, Inc. | Monitoring | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 01/24/2024 |
- Feb 28, 2024 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely
- Feb 26, 2024 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Education Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed
- Jan 12, 2024 | Senate
- Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Education