IntroducedJan 10, 2024
Passed SenateFeb 05, 2024
Passed HouseFeb 26, 2024
Signed into LawMar 15, 2024
Local Government Property Tax Credits Rebates
Last Action See all actions
executive • Mar 15, 2024: Governor Signed
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 24-002
Whip Lists
Moldovan, Karen | Client: AARP | Supporting | Start date: 02/02/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
HINGA, SEAN | Client: AFSCME | Monitoring | Start date: 01/10/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Leyba, Kallie | Client: AFT Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Morse Public Affairs, LLC | Client: Adams County Board of County Commissioners | Monitoring | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Schultz Public Affairs, LLC | Client: Adams County Board of County Commissioners | Monitoring | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Political Advocacy, Inc | Client: Adams County Commissoners | Monitoring | Start date: 02/01/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Political Advocacy, Inc | Client: Adams County Commissoners | Monitoring | Start date: 02/01/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Cook, Mariah Catherine | Client: Adams County Regional Economic Partnership | Monitoring | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Hanfling, Josh | Client: Adams County Regional Economic Partnership | Monitoring | Start date: 01/29/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Sewald Hanfling Public Affairs | Client: Adams County Regional Economic Partnership | Monitoring | Start date: 01/29/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Sewald, R.D. | Client: Adams County Regional Economic Partnership | Monitoring | Start date: 02/15/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Copeland, Cindy | Client: Boulder County | Monitoring | Start date: 02/13/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Johnson, Hannah L | Client: Bowditch & Cassell Public Affairs | Monitoring | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
HACKENBERGER, MICKI M | Client: COLORADFO SKI COUNTRY USA | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Kunkle Consulting LLC | Client: COLORADO HEALTH CARE ASSOCIATION | Monitoring | Start date: 02/05/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
GOFF, ERIN E | Client: COLORADO SKI COUNTRY USA | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
JLH Consulting & Public Affairs, LLC | Client: Colorado Association of Realtors | Supporting | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Swift Strategies LLC | Client: Colorado Association of Realtors | Supporting | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Peper, Dylan | Client: Colorado Counties, Inc. | Supporting | Start date: 01/29/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Raynes, Meghan | Client: Colorado Education Association | Monitoring | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Farmer, Edwin "Doug" | Client: Colorado Health Care Association | Monitoring | Start date: 02/05/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
TRIMPA, TED J. | Client: Colorado Hotel & Lodging Association | Monitoring | Start date: 01/16/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Trimpa Group | Client: Colorado Hotel & Lodging Association | Monitoring | Start date: 01/16/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Hanfling, Josh | Client: Colorado Hotel & Lodging Association (CHLA) | Monitoring | Start date: 01/16/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Hackenberger, Carrie | Client: Colorado SKI Country USA | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
LaBriola, Lisa | Client: Colorado Ski Country | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Husch Blackwell Strategies | Client: Colorado Ski Country USA | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Lo, Elizabeth | Client: Colorado Ski Country USA | Supporting | Start date: 02/29/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Neimond, Kevin | Client: Colorado Ski Country USA | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
BRANDEBERRY MCKENNA PUBLIC AFFAIRS | Client: Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
BRANDEBERRY, JENIFER | Client: Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
MCKENNA, JULIE | Client: Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce | Supporting | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP | Client: Early Care and Education Consortium | Supporting | Start date: 02/15/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Jones, Abby M | Client: Early Care and Education Consortium | Supporting | Start date: 02/15/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Mercer, Sarah | Client: Early Care and Education Consortium | Supporting | Start date: 02/15/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Whelan, Sloane | Client: Early Care and Education Consortium | Supporting | Start date: 02/15/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Capitol Solutions | Client: Early Childhood Educators Association of Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/10/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Bowditch & Cassell Public Affairs | Client: Economic Development Council of Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Cassell, Jennifer M | Client: Economic Development Council of Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Hasstedt, Kinsey Lynn | Client: Enterprise Community Partners | Monitoring | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Mendez, Barkis and Associates | Client: Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Pitlik, Amy | Client: Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Mutch Government Relations | Client: Executives Partnering to Invest in Children (EPIC) | Supporting | Start date: 02/06/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Engle, Jennifer A. | Client: FMR LLC | Monitoring | Start date: 01/10/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
OATIS, KATHLEEN ANN | Client: Firestone | Supporting | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Bowditch & Cassell Public Affairs | Client: Gilpin County | Monitoring | Start date: 01/29/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Bowditch, Edward R | Client: Gilpin County | Monitoring | Start date: 01/29/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Cassell, Jennifer M | Client: Gilpin County | Monitoring | Start date: 01/29/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Attwood Public Affairs | Client: Housing Colorado | Amending | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
August Policy Strategies | Client: Housing Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 02/20/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
GOFF, ERIN E | Client: ICSC | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
HACKENBERGER, MICKI M | Client: ICSC | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Hackenberger, Carrie | Client: ICSC | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Husch Blackwell Strategies | Client: ICSC | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
LaBriola, Lisa | Client: ICSC | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Lo, Elizabeth | Client: ICSC | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Neimond, Kevin | Client: ICSC | Supporting | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Capitol Focus, LLC | Client: Lake County Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 02/06/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Gates, Landon | Client: Lake County Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 02/06/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
HACKETT, ERIN | Client: Lake County Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/20/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Herzberg, Brock | Client: Lake County Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 02/06/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Orrange Political Strategies, LLC | Client: Lake County Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 02/07/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
The Kenney Group | Client: Lake County Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 01/20/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Wilkins, Andrea Kay | Client: League of Women Voters of Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 02/27/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Hackenberger, Carrie | Client: NAIOP (National Association Industrial Office Properties) | Supporting | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Husch Blackwell Strategies | Client: NAIOP (National Association Industrial Office Properties) | Supporting | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Lo, Elizabeth | Client: NAIOP (National Association Industrial Office Properties) | Supporting | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Neimond, Kevin | Client: NAIOP (National Association Industrial Office Properties) | Supporting | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
GOFF, ERIN E | Client: NATIONAL ASSOC OF INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PROPERTIES - NAIOP | Supporting | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
HACKENBERGER, MICKI M | Client: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PROPERTIES | Supporting | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
GAGLIARDI, A. F. (TONY) | Client: NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS | Monitoring | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
LaBriola, Lisa | Client: National Association of Industrial Office Properties - NAIOP | Supporting | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Cornerstone | Client: Neighborhood Development Collaborative | Monitoring | Start date: 01/28/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Cornerstone Government Affairs, Inc. | Client: Neighborhood Development Collaborative | Monitoring | Start date: 01/28/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Davisson, Megan Elizabeth | Client: Neighborhood Development Collaborative | Monitoring | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Lasseur, Lucy | Client: Neighborhood Development Collaborative | Monitoring | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Criswell, Dianne M. | Client: Special District Association of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/12/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
HUDSON, LARRY G. | Client: Special District Association of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/22/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
VALDEZ, MICHAEL A | Client: Special District Association of Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/12/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Amn, Khatira | Client: Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning | Supporting | Start date: 02/15/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Singer, Jonathan | Client: The Boulder Chamber | Monitoring | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Virtual Operations, LLC | Client: The Boulder Chamber | Monitoring | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Hays, Lacey A | Client: Trimpa Group | Monitoring | Start date: 03/04/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Kramer, Bailey | Client: Trimpa Group | Monitoring | Start date: 03/04/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Legacy Consulting Colorado, LLC | Client: Trimpa Group | Monitoring | Start date: 03/03/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Sloan & Associates Public Affairs | Client: Westminster Chamber of Commerce | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Jansen Thompson, Lisa | Client: the Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County | Supporting | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 06/30/2024 |
Van Stralen, Kara | Client: Neighborhood Development Collaborative | Monitoring | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 06/08/2024 |
White, Kathy A. | Client: Colorado Fiscal Institute | Monitoring | Start date: 01/10/2024 | End date: 06/01/2024 |
EISENHAUER, BRUCE A. | Client: Colorado Department of Local Affairs | n/a | Start date: 01/01/2024 | End date: 05/31/2024 |
PENN, JENNIFER L. | Client: Denver Metro BOMA (Building Owners & Managers Association) | Monitoring | Start date: 02/21/2024 | End date: 05/20/2024 |
Vigoda, Lindsey | Client: Colorado Association of Family Child Care | Monitoring | Start date: 02/21/2024 | End date: 05/10/2024 |
Vigoda, Lindsey | Client: Small Business Majority | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 05/10/2024 |
Allen, JoVanni Mytchl | Client: Colorado Mortgage Lenders Association | Supporting | Start date: 01/19/2024 | End date: 05/09/2024 |
Raemdonck, Dieter | Client: Colorado Mortgage Lenders Association | Supporting | Start date: 01/19/2024 | End date: 05/09/2024 |
Recht Kornfeld, P.C. | Client: Colorado Mortgage Lenders Association | Supporting | Start date: 01/19/2024 | End date: 05/09/2024 |
Rogers, Thomas M | Client: Colorado Mortgage Lenders Association | Supporting | Start date: 01/19/2024 | End date: 05/09/2024 |
Colorado Municipal League | Client: COLORADO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE | Supporting | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 05/08/2024 |
Haskell, Elizabeth F | Client: Colorado Municipal League | Supporting | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 05/08/2024 |
Weaver Strategies, LLC | Client: Colorado Solar & Storage Association | Monitoring | Start date: 01/28/2024 | End date: 05/08/2024 |
Stillwell-Parvensky, Michele | Client: Colorado Department of Early Childhood | n/a | Start date: 04/01/2024 | End date: 03/31/2024 |
van Heuven, Piep | Client: Colorado Ski Country USA | Supporting | Start date: 02/02/2024 | End date: 03/31/2024 |
ORF, Dianna | Client: ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS OF NORTHWEST COLORADO (AGNC) | Monitoring | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
Orf & Orf PC | Client: Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
Orf, Richard Benedict | Client: Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
Colorado Legislative Strategies | Client: COUNTY OF WELD, COLORADO | Monitoring | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
LAYTON, MELANIE M. | Client: COUNTY OF WELD, COLORADO | Monitoring | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
VORTHMANN, GARIN | Client: COUNTY OF WELD, COLORADO | Monitoring | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
Wood, Andrew T. | Client: County of Weld, Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
Woodhouse, Caroline | Client: County of Weld, Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/23/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
Colorado Legislative Strategies | Client: TechNet | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
LAYTON, MELANIE M. | Client: TechNet | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
VORTHMANN, GARIN | Client: TechNet | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
Wood, Andrew T. | Client: TechNet | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
Woodhouse, Caroline | Client: TechNet | Monitoring | Start date: 01/31/2024 | End date: 03/15/2024 |
Stillwell-Parvensky, Michele | Client: Colorado Department of Early Childhood | n/a | Start date: 01/01/2024 | End date: 02/29/2024 |
Lo, Elizabeth | Client: Colorado Ski Country USA | Monitoring | Start date: 01/18/2024 | End date: 02/29/2024 |
Davidson, Thomas | Client: Counties & Commissioners Acting Together (CCAT) | Supporting | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 02/29/2024 |
Scanlan, Julia Therese | Client: Counties and Commissioners Acting Together (CCAT) | Supporting | Start date: 01/25/2024 | End date: 02/29/2024 |
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP | Client: Early Care and Education Consortium | Amending | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 02/15/2024 |
Jones, Abby M | Client: Early Care and Education Consortium | Amending | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 02/15/2024 |
Mercer, Sarah | Client: Early Care and Education Consortium | Amending | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 02/15/2024 |
Whelan, Sloane | Client: Early Care and Education Consortium | Amending | Start date: 01/30/2024 | End date: 02/15/2024 |
Orrange Political Strategies, LLC | Client: Lake County Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 02/07/2024 |
Capitol Focus, LLC | Client: Lake County Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 02/06/2024 |
Gates, Landon | Client: Lake County Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 02/06/2024 |
Herzberg, Brock | Client: Lake County Colorado | Monitoring | Start date: 01/24/2024 | End date: 02/06/2024 |
YES: 35
- Baisley
- Bridges
- Buckner
- Coleman
- Cutter
- Danielson
- Exum
- Fields
- Gardner
- Ginal
- Gonzales
- Hansen
- Hinrichsen
- Sonya Jaquez Lewis
- Kirkmeyer
- Kolker
- Liston
- Lundeen
- Marchman
- Dafna Michaelson Jenet
- Mullica
- Byron Pelton
- Rod Pelton
- Priola
- Rich
- Roberts
- Rodriguez
- Simpson
- Smallwood
- Sullivan
- Van Winkle
- Will
- Winter F.
- Zenzinger
- Fenberg
NO: 0
YES: 57
- Amabile
- Armagost
- Bacon
- Bird
- Boesenecker
- Bradfield
- Brown
- Catlin
- Clifford
- Daugherty
- deGruy Kennedy
- Duran
- English
- Epps
- Evans
- Frizell
- Froelich
- Garcia
- Hamrick
- Hartsook
- Herod
- Holtorf
- Jodeh
- Joseph
- Kipp
- Lieder
- Lindsay
- Lindstedt
- Lukens
- Lynch
- Mabrey
- Marshall
- Martinez
- Marvin
- Mauro
- McCormick
- McLachlan
- Ortiz
- Parenti
- Pugliese
- Ricks
- Rutinel
- Sirota
- Snyder
- Soper
- Story
- Taggart
- Titone
- Valdez
- Velasco
- Vigil
- Weissman
- Wilson
- Winter T.
- Woodrow
- Young
- McCluskie
- Mar 15, 2024 | executive
- Governor Signed
- Mar 12, 2024 | executive
- Sent to the Governor
- Mar 11, 2024 | House
- Signed by the Speaker of the House
- Mar 11, 2024 | Senate
- Signed by the President of the Senate
- Feb 27, 2024 | Senate
- Senate Considered House Amendments - Result was to Concur - Repass
- Feb 26, 2024 | House
- House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments
- Feb 23, 2024 | House
- House Second Reading Special Order - Passed with Amendments - Floor
- Feb 16, 2024 | House
- House Second Reading Laid Over Daily - No Amendments
- Feb 13, 2024 | House
- House Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government Refer Unamended to House Committee of the Whole
- Feb 06, 2024 | House
- Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government
- Feb 05, 2024 | Senate
- Senate Third Reading Passed - No Amendments
- Feb 02, 2024 | Senate
- Senate Second Reading Passed with Amendments - Committee
- Jan 30, 2024 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Local Government & Housing Refer Amended - Consent Calendar to Senate Committee of the Whole
- Jan 10, 2024 | Senate
- Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government & Housing
Bill Texts
- Preamended PA1 (01/31/2024)PDF
- Introduced (01/10/2024)PDF
- Engrossed (02/02/2024)PDF
- Reengrossed (02/05/2024)PDF
- Revised (02/23/2024)PDF
- Rerevised (02/26/2024)PDF
- Final Act (03/11/2024)PDF
- Signed Act (03/15/2024)PDF
- Amendment L.001 (Passed, 01/30/2024) -- SEN Local Government & HousingPDF
- Amendment L.004 (Passed, 01/30/2024) -- SEN Local Government & HousingPDF
- Amendment L.008 (Passed, 02/23/2024) -- Second ReadingPDF
- Fiscal Note FN1 (01/25/2024)PDF
- Fiscal Note FN2 (07/17/2024)PDF
- 01/30/2024 - Senate Local Government & Housing Committee Report
- 01/30/2024 - Senate Local Government & Housing Hearing Summary
- 02/13/2024 - House Transportation, Housing & Local Government Committee Report
- 02/13/2024 - House Transportation, Housing & Local Government Hearing Summary