IntroducedMar 27, 2023
Passed SenateApr 17, 2023
Passed HouseMay 03, 2023
Signed into Law
Management Of Gray Wolves Reintroduction
Last Action See all actions
executive • May 16, 2023: Governor Vetoed
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 23-256
Whip Lists
- Matt Soperprimary
Colorado Advocates, Inc. | Client: Aurora Water Department | Monitoring | Start date: 03/27/2023 | End date: 07/17/2023 |
ORF, Dianna | Client: ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS OF NORTHWEST COLORADO (AGNC) | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Orf & Orf PC | Client: Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Orf, Richard Benedict | Client: Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
HACKENBERGER, MICKI M | Client: COLORADFO SKI COUNTRY USA | Monitoring | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
GOFF, ERIN E | Client: COLORADO SKI COUNTRY USA | Monitoring | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
West Slope Strategies LLC | Client: Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management | Supporting | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
HOLDREN, STEVEN D | Client: Colorado Advocates | Monitoring | Start date: 03/27/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Capitol Focus, LLC | Client: Colorado Cattlemen's Association | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Dollar, Meghan | Client: Colorado Chamber of Commerce | Supporting | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
FURMAN, LOREN RACHEL | Client: Colorado Chamber of Commerce | Supporting | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Husch Blackwell Strategies | Client: Colorado Fruit & Vegatable Growers Association | Monitoring | Start date: 04/19/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Hackenberger, Carrie | Client: Colorado Fruit & Vegatable Growers Assocition | Monitoring | Start date: 04/19/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
GOFF, ERIN E | Client: Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association | Monitoring | Start date: 04/19/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
HACKENBERGER, MICKI M | Client: Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association | Monitoring | Start date: 04/19/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
LaBriola, Lisa | Client: Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association | Monitoring | Start date: 04/19/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Lo, Elizabeth | Client: Colorado Fruit and Vegatable Growers | Monitoring | Start date: 04/19/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Michael Best Strategies | Client: Colorado Livestock Association | Supporting | Start date: 04/01/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Skiles, Wesley | Client: Colorado Livestock Association | Supporting | Start date: 04/01/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Griffith, Leah J | Client: Colorado Outfitters Association | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Hackenberger, Carrie | Client: Colorado SKI Country USA | Monitoring | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
McCarthy, Danny | Client: Colorado Sierra Club | Opposing | Start date: 03/27/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Mendez, Barkis and Associates | Client: Colorado Sierra Club | Opposing | Start date: 03/27/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
LaBriola, Lisa | Client: Colorado Ski Country | Monitoring | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Husch Blackwell Strategies | Client: Colorado Ski Country USA | Monitoring | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Lo, Elizabeth | Client: Colorado Ski Country USA | Monitoring | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Peak Government Affairs LTD. | Client: Colorado Voters for Animals | Amending | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Perricone, Gaspar F | Client: Colorado Wildlife Conservation Project | Supporting | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Capitol Focus, LLC | Client: Colorado Wool Growers Association | Supporting | Start date: 03/31/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
West Slope Strategies LLC | Client: Gunnison County Stockgrowers Association | Supporting | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Bronson, Ryan S | Client: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation | Supporting | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Bowditch & Cassell Public Affairs | Client: Rocky Mountain Farmers Union | Supporting | Start date: 03/29/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Bowditch, Edward R | Client: Rocky Mountain Farmers Union | Supporting | Start date: 03/29/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Peak Government Affairs LTD. | Client: San Juan Citizen Alliance | Amending | Start date: 03/29/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Royall, Aubyn St James | Client: The Humane Society of the United States | Opposing | Start date: 03/01/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Adkins, Todd | Client: The United States Sportsmen's Alliance | Supporting | Start date: 04/24/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
ORF, Dianna | Client: West Slope Strategies | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Orf, Richard Benedict | Client: West Slope Strategies | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Orf & Orf PC | Client: Weste Slope Strategies | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
Larris, Lindsay | Client: WildEarth Guardians | Opposing | Start date: 04/03/2023 | End date: 06/30/2023 |
White, Misha Alexsandra | Client: Conservation Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 03/29/2023 | End date: 06/14/2023 |
ABBOUD, GERALD P | Client: POWERSPORTS DEALERS ASSN. OF CO | Monitoring | Start date: 06/01/2023 | End date: 06/08/2023 |
GATES, LANDON | Client: Colorado Cattlemen's Association | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/07/2023 |
HERZBERG, BROCK | Client: Colorado Cattlemen's Association | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/07/2023 |
GATES, LANDON | Client: Colorado Wool Growers Association | Supporting | Start date: 03/31/2023 | End date: 06/07/2023 |
HERZBERG, BROCK | Client: Colorado Wool Growers Association | Supporting | Start date: 03/30/2023 | End date: 06/07/2023 |
Beezley, Jordan | Client: Colorado Department of Agriculture | n/a | Start date: 04/01/2023 | End date: 05/31/2023 |
Gervais, Daphne S | Client: Colorado Department of Natural Resources | n/a | Start date: 04/01/2023 | End date: 05/31/2023 |
Long, Rebecca | Client: Conservation Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 03/29/2023 | End date: 05/16/2023 |
Siegel Long Public Affairs, LLC | Client: Conservation Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 03/29/2023 | End date: 05/16/2023 |
Curry, Rebecca Lynn | Client: Earthjustice | Opposing | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 05/16/2023 |
Nordini, Kelly | Client: Conservation Colorado | Supporting | Start date: 03/29/2023 | End date: 05/08/2023 |
Garrett, Tyler Patrick | Client: Rocky Mountain Farmers Union | Supporting | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 05/08/2023 |
Vincent, Austin | Client: Colorado Farm Bureau | Supporting | Start date: 03/28/2023 | End date: 05/05/2023 |
Riester, Jefferey | Client: Colorado Department of Law | n/a | Start date: 03/01/2023 | End date: 04/30/2023 |
YES: 41
- Armagost
- Bird
- Bockenfeld
- Boesenecker
- Bottoms
- Bradfield
- Bradley
- Catlin
- Daugherty
- DeGraaf
- deGruy Kennedy
- Dickson
- Duran
- English
- Evans
- Frizell
- Hartsook
- Holtorf
- Lieder
- Lindsay
- Luck
- Lukens
- Lynch
- Marshall
- Martinez
- Mauro
- McCormick
- McLachlan
- Pugliese
- Sharbini
- Snyder
- Soper
- Taggart
- Titone
- Velasco
- Weinberg
- Weissman
- Wilson
- Winter T.
- Young
- McCluskie
NO: 22
- Michaelson Jenet
- Ortiz
- May 16, 2023 | executive
- Governor Vetoed
- May 10, 2023 | executive
- Sent to the Governor
- May 10, 2023 | Senate
- Signed by the President of the Senate
- May 09, 2023 | House
- Signed by the Speaker of the House
- May 04, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Considered House Amendments - Result was to Concur - Repass
- May 03, 2023 | House
- House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments
- May 02, 2023 | House
- House Second Reading Special Order - Passed with Amendments - Floor
- Apr 29, 2023 | House
- House Second Reading Special Order - Laid Over Daily - No Amendments
- Apr 27, 2023 | House
- House Second Reading Laid Over Daily - No Amendments
- Apr 24, 2023 | House
- House Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Refer Unamended to House Committee of the Whole
- Apr 17, 2023 | House
- Introduced In House - Assigned to Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources
- Apr 17, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Third Reading Passed - No Amendments
- Apr 14, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Appropriations Refer Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole
- Senate Second Reading Special Order - Passed with Amendments - Committee
- Mar 30, 2023 | Senate
- Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Refer Unamended to Appropriations
- Mar 27, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture & Natural Resources
Bill Texts
- Preamended PA1 (04/14/2023)PDF
- Introduced (03/27/2023)PDF
- Engrossed (04/14/2023)PDF
- Reengrossed (04/17/2023)PDF
- Revised (05/02/2023)PDF
- Rerevised (05/03/2023)PDF
- Final Act (05/10/2023)PDF
- Signed Act (05/16/2023)PDF
- Amendment L.003 (Passed, 04/14/2023) -- SEN AppropriationsPDF
- Amendment L.004 (Passed, 04/14/2023) -- SEN AppropriationsPDF
- Amendment L.005 (Passed, 04/14/2023) -- SEN AppropriationsPDF
- Amendment L.010 (Lost, 04/24/2023) -- HOU Agriculture, Water & Natural ResourcesPDF
- Amendment L.007 (Lost, 04/24/2023) -- HOU Agriculture, Water & Natural ResourcesPDF
- Amendment L.024 (Passed, 05/02/2023) -- Second ReadingPDF
- Amendment L.028 (Lost, 05/02/2023) -- Second ReadingPDF
- Amendment L.021 (Passed, 05/02/2023) -- Second ReadingPDF
- Amendment L.019 (Passed, 05/02/2023) -- Second ReadingPDF
- Amendment L.011 (Lost, 05/02/2023) -- Second ReadingPDF
- Amendment L.026 (Lost, 05/02/2023) -- Second ReadingPDF
- Amendment L.025 (Lost, 05/02/2023) -- Second ReadingPDF
- Amendment L.029 (Lost, 05/02/2023) -- Second ReadingPDF
- Budget Staff Analysis SA1 (04/13/2023)PDF
- Fiscal Note FN1 (03/29/2023)PDF
- Fiscal Note FN2 (04/20/2023)PDF
- Fiscal Note FN3 (07/05/2023)PDF
- 03/30/2023 - Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee Report
- 03/30/2023 - Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources Hearing Summary
- 04/14/2023 - Senate Appropriations Committee Report
- 04/14/2023 - Senate Appropriations Hearing Summary
- 04/24/2023 - House Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Committee Report
- 04/24/2023 - House Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Hearing Summary