IntroducedJan 19, 2023
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
An Act relating to the Alaska performance scholarship program.
Last Action See all actions
House • Mar 08, 2023: (H) Minutes (HEDC)
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 31
Whip Lists
- Mar 08, 2023 | House
- (H) EDUCATION at 08:00 AM DAVIS 106
- (H) Scheduled but Not Heard
- (H) Minutes (HEDC)
- Feb 20, 2023 | House
- (H) EDUCATION at 08:00 AM DAVIS 106
- (H) Heard & Held -- Testimony
-- - (H) Minutes (HEDC)
- Feb 07, 2023 | House
- Jan 19, 2023 | House
- (H) Prefile released 1/9/23
- (H) Read the first time - REFERRALS
- (H) EDC, FIN
- (H) Referred to EDUCATION
Bill Texts
- Sponsor Statement
- HOUSE EDUCATION 2/20/2023 (Minutes/Audio/Video)
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB0031A.PDF
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 support.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 Sponsor Statement 02.08.23.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 Sectional Analysis 02.08.23.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 Presentation 02.17.23.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 NCSL_State Scholarship Programs_2_23_22.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 Letter of Support-UA-CHutchison 02.13.23.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 Letter of Support-JBicchinella-CharterCollege.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 Fiscal Note-Student Financial Aid Programs_AK Performance Scholarship Awards.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 Fiscal Note-Education Support & Admin Services_Student & School Achievement.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 Fiscal Note-AK Commission on Postsecondary Education_ Program Administration & Operations.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 CTE-Additions-to-APS-Award-Checklist 02.17.23.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 APS Approved-Institutions-and-Programs_08-27-20 (002).pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 Alaska-CTE-Fact-Sheet-2021.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 Alaska_Institution_Cost_of_Attendance_Table 02.17.23.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 - Report-McDowellGroup-ACPE APS Program Review & Recs 2021.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 230220_HSE_Educations_AASB Testimony.pdf
- HEDC 3/8/2023 -- HB 31 02.23.23 House Education Committee Follow-up Responses.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 02.23.23 House Education Committee Follow-up Responses.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 support.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Fiscal Note-Student Financial Aid Programs_AK Performance Scholarship Awards.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Fiscal Note-AK Commission on Postsecondary Education_ Program Administration & Operations.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Finscal Note-Education Support & Admin Services_Student & School Achievement.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Presentation 02.17.23.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Letter of Support-UA-CHutchison 02.13.23.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Letter of Support-UA-CHutchison 02.13.23.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 CTE-Additions-to-APS-Award-Checklist 02.17.23.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 CTE-Additions-to-APS-Award-Checklist 02.17.23.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Alaska_Institution_Cost_of_Attendance_Table 02.17.23.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Alaska_Institution_Cost_of_Attendance_Table 02.17.23.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB0031A.PDF
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Sponsor Statement 02.08.23.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Sectional Analysis 02.08.23.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 NCSL_State Scholarship Programs_2_23_22.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Letter of Support-JBicchinella-CharterCollege.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 - Report-McDowellGroup-ACPE APS Program Review Recs 2021.pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 APS Approved-Institutions-and-Programs_08-27-20 (002).pdf
- HEDC 2/20/2023 -- HB 31 Alaska-CTE-Fact-Sheet-2021.pdf