Bill Search × Did you know we offer free bill tracking in Congress and 50 states, and a great mobile app? Sign up here Mitch McConnell Senator - Republican - Senator for KY Sponsored Bills Voting History Mitch McConnell in the News Tweets FireBenefitsBudgetBusinessChildrenMedicareCrimeDrugsEducationEnvironmentInfrastructureHealth and HealthcareHousingImmigrationLaborMilitary and VeteransPolicePrivacyArtificial IntelligenceScience and TechnologyWelfareMedicaidPrison, JailsZoningCryptocurrency Type in some keywords and press enter: Contact Website: https://www.mcconnell.senate.govCapitol Office:317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510202-224-2541 CommitteesMember of Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and ForestryMember of Senate Committee on AppropriationsChairman of Senate Committee on Rules and Administration