Bill Search × Did you know we offer free bill tracking in Congress and 50 states, and a great mobile app? Sign up here Mayes Middleton Senator - Republican - District 11 Sponsored Bills Voting History Mayes Middleton in the News Tweets AbortionBenefitsBudgetBusinessChildrenBirth Control, ContraceptivesCrimeDrugsEducationEnvironmentGuns, Gun Violence PreventionGender and Gender IdentityHealth and HealthcareHousingImmigrationLaborMarriage, Marriage EqualityMilitary and VeteransPolicePrivacyReligion, Religious Freedom, Church And StateScience and TechnologyWelfareCOVID-19 Type in some keywords and press enter: Contact E-Mail: Mayes.Middleton@senate.texas.govWebsite: Office:Mayes.Middleton@senate.texas.govCapitol Address:P.O. Box 12068 Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711District Address:825 Rollingbrook Drive Suite B Baytown, TX 77521281-485-9800 CommitteesMember of Business & CommerceMember of JurisprudenceMember of State AffairsVice-chair of Local GovernmentMember of AdministrationMember of Committee of the Whole SenateMember of Education K-16