Bill Search × Did you know we offer free bill tracking in Congress and 50 states, and a great mobile app? Sign up here Prince Chestnut Representative - Democratic - District 67 Sponsored Bills Voting History Prince Chestnut in the News Tweets FireBenefitsBudgetBusinessChildrenMedicareCrimeDrugsEducationEnvironmentInfrastructureHealth and HealthcareHousingImmigrationLaborMilitary and VeteransPolicePrivacyArtificial IntelligenceScience and TechnologyWelfareMedicaidPrison, JailsZoningCryptocurrency Type in some keywords and press enter: Contact E-Mail: chestnut4house@gmail.comWebsite: Office:11 South Union Street Suite 438 Montgomery, AL 36130-2950334-261-0598chestnut4house@gmail.comDistrict Office:Post Office Box 628 Selma, AL CommitteesRanking Minority Member of Urban and Rural DevelopmentMember of Ways and Means EducationMember of State GovernmentMember of Permanent Joint Legislative Committee on Finances and BudgetMember of Joint Legislative Committee On State ParksMember of Judiciary