Bill Search × Did you know we offer free bill tracking in Congress and 50 states, and a great mobile app? Sign up here Rolanda Hollis Representative - Democratic - District 58 Sponsored Bills Voting History Rolanda Hollis in the News Tweets FireBenefitsBudgetBusinessChildrenMedicareCrimeDrugsEducationEnvironmentInfrastructureHealth and HealthcareHousingImmigrationLaborMilitary and VeteransPolicePrivacyArtificial IntelligenceScience and TechnologyWelfareMedicaidPrison, JailsZoningCryptocurrency Type in some keywords and press enter: Contact E-Mail: rolanda.hollis@alhouse.govWebsite: Office:11 South Union Street Suite 536-D Montgomery, AL 36130-2950334-261-9520rolanda.hollis@alhouse.govDistrict Office:524 Red Lane Road Birmingham, AL CommitteesMember of Transportation, Utilities and InfrastructureVice Chairperson of Jefferson County LegislationRanking Minority Member of Economic Development and TourismMember of Joint Transportation CommitteeMember of Ports, Waterways & Intermodal Transit