SB 944 - Energy Choice for Infrastructure Strength!

SB 944 establishes and protect consumer choice in accessing natural gas, propane, and related services while preventing local governments or public entities in Virginia from imposing restrictions that could limit access. It also directs the Virginia Department of Energy to evaluate fuel usage in critical infrastructure sectors. 

Bill Overview: 
  • Consumer Choice: The bill ensures that Virginians retain the right to choose the fuels/feedstock that meet their needs. 
  • Industry Support: By preventing bans or restrictions on natural gas or propane services, the bill protects existing infrastructure investments and commercial/industrial uses of natural gas and propane as a fuel or feedstock. 
  • Fair Access to Permits: The bill ensures that businesses face no state or local building code or permit restrictions when selecting natural gas or propane as a fuel or feedstock. 
  • Statewide Evaluation: The Virginia Department of Energy will convene a work group to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of fuel choices on critical infrastructure sectors, potentially informing future policy decisions.
Natural gas utilities; retail supply choice, work group; report.
Last Action
Referred to Committee on Rules
Senate • Jan 06, 2025
Latest Version
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