Call to Action: Support a Certified Midwife Pathway in Minnesota!

Dear Supporter of Midwifery and Maternal Health Care –
 Lawmakers will decide early this week whether to support a key provision to expand the midwifery workforce in MN. Please take a moment today to contact your legislator in support of the Certified Midwife bill!
The Certified Midwife bill, which is included in the Senate Scope and Licensing omnibus bill, would create a pathway to become a Certified Midwife in MN. This licensure is already in place in 12 other states (and Washington DC) with outstanding outcomes. The Certified Midwife bill has bipartisan authorship and broad support in the MN House and Senate. It is a top priority for the MN APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse) Coalition, the MN ACNM (the American College of Nurse Midwives) Chapter, and MN ACOG (the MN Section of the American College of OB/GYNs), among many other strong supporters. This bill also fulfills a key objective of the Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act, which called for the removal of barriers to midwifery care in MN.
About 20% of MN is a maternity care desert, and over 1/3 of MN Nurse Midwives are over 55 years in age. Certified Midwife licensure will remove a key barrier to growing and diversifying our maternal care workforce in Minnesota. 
Please contact your legislator to ask for their support in the final days of the legislative session. Here's what to do: Type in your first and last name as well as your email address. Then click "Next" and continue from there to send an email to your legislator. 
Thank you for taking action to support maternal health care in Minnesota!
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