Protect the Freedom to Read

SB 33 is the latest attempt at creating a tool for banning certain books. Many school districts already have a policy established to allow for the reconsideration of school materials, so this bill is completely unnecessary. Like other bills before it, SB 33 is highly subjective with undefined terms. Without any protections in the bill, our concern is that this will be used as a tool to threaten schools to remove books for reasons that are discriminatory rather than for an objectively reasonable concern. Contact members of the Senate Education Committee and urge them to reject SB 33, which would require school districts to infringe on students’ freedom to read.
Title: relative to the regulation of public school materials.
Last Action
Hearing: 02/18/2025, Room 101, LOB, 10:30 am; SC 10
Senate • Feb 18, 2025
Latest Version
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